Dear blog, Its been 1month+ since I left Y-hope.. Its really a nostalgia thing for me to say now, when I think back..
Spending 2 year inside Y-hope, came across all kind of people (they really rocks my sock man!) and learn lotsa things..
Hmm.. The most memorable time is where North B was formed newly under DK (He rocks too!). Thinking back, it gotta be the time of my life..LOL
I really missed the time when Joshua was still my 1st shepherd.. HAHA ! He's really a people-person and is the person I missed most man..
I also really missed my best buddy, yep, thats Sentosa ! No, its not a island, its a person :) He's really someone who I really click well with..Lead CG together with him, do silly stuff .. LOL.. Now, a congratulation to David Sentosa for becoming a CL ! :D (cause i know its hard).
I really miss Sherms too ! He's my 2nd shepherd.. though we didn't really mix much cause we're definitely two different creature, but if he is still my shepherd now, we definitely will, cause we're both guitar freak xD! (He crazy ya know, if you happen to be in North B last time)
I missed Donal too ! I guess he is the person who influence me to stay and abit hot-tempered at times, he rocks ! Apart from being losing to him in Dota, I guess its really memorable, running over to his house everyday even though im uber tired XD
There're lotsa people I miss, but its too long to list.. Its not a favourtism thing, but these are the people who are very memorable to me.. :D
I don't know what's up with North, now that everyone's splitted and its a new stage.. though its all for the cause of His Kingdom, haiz... Everyone is so CG08 centered that everythings changed.. The warmness and fun is no longer there.. It all seems to be fake.. (my point of view yeah)..
ON a side note to someone or some people : WAM and MinOps people they're not serving on a slackier or a more comfort-zone-isd way..No. In fact they are also serving outside their comfort zone, its just in another way. Go try it and you'll know its not.
Who say you can't love God and experience His love if you serve in WAM and MinOps ? No. You're serving God in ANOTHER WAY... Its not about Godly expectation or what, but the whole thing is, if they're not there, where do you get your background ops going and all the music by WAM ?
Don't put them down like they're people who are serving on a lower level.