Saturday, June 27, 2009


Just had an chat with Alvina, she was outreaching LOL. Then she invited my to her church, which is, HOGC.. Not to be confuse with Hope Of God Church.. Its Heart Of God Church !

But seeing the way they outreaching, it makes me feel that yhope outreach is really desperate in a way, they REALLY WANT. LOL. Its not forceful or anything but.. Aiya, dunno how to explain :)


Next, I dye my hair black ! LOL. So now, no more Ichigo hair :P. I am sure its gonna be coming at 09 end ! haha ! then no need to dye black again, but also, I think black also looks pretty good =o


Tomorrow, going Pulau Ubin ! YES ! First time sitting a boat.. I wonder if I have those seasick ? Probably not bah, Im too fit to have one ;)

Yes, I can't sleep right now and yes, I have never sleep before 12am since holiday started.. HA ! I just gotta eat that pink pill and make myself drowsy.. zz

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Just "walked" through an memory lane of the bands I've been in.. Lets review

December Roses
-Hamid (drummer)
-Syafiq (Rhy guitarist & vocalist)
-Me (lead guitarist)

restructure (wow, y-hope style!)

Black & White
-Baoshuang (Drummer)
-Syafiq (rhy guitarist & Vocalist)
-Me (lead guitarist)
-Marvin (acoustic guitarist)
-Shak (back-up drummer and mentor)
-Radi (screamo ? crap.)

and yes, we got racist.

-Baoshuang (drummer)
-Me (lead guitarist & vocal)
-Marvin (acoustic guitarist)
-Leon (Pianoist)

alright. Messy ? no ? crazy ? Yes.

No words can describe this.. Its crazy la.. Undercover is so dead now.. I don't even know whats going on. So, i've TAKE THE FUCKING LEAD.

Don't understand whats Bao doing.. Want organize jamming suddenly on the day then annouce, damn la. I hope to see an fucking improvement in her drumming so that she can freaking stop relying on me.

I also don't get why Marvin hasn't been improving in his guitar skill, which is not normal. I don't believe in talents, it is only a bonus. It is what hardworks brings you to success. Gambatteh and don't be lazy to practice.

Gotta love leon man, heard he just borrowed an electric piano (budget problem) from meijun and alr can start playing ! LOL.

And me, I don't wanna boast but I'm improving, seriously ! :D

Really hope this band have an revival or else I'll be killing people. We really need an definite goal eh ?

Goal : I'll be waiting - Lenny Kravitz (Intro to outro, altogether)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

How strict is my parent ?

I can bet you that its gonna be very low, and no, I'm not a spoilt brat :)
Oh, this is ripped from JC's blog ! :D

My parents are 8% strict.

[ ] You have to make your bed every day.
[ ] You have to do chores.
[ ] You have a time that you have to get off the phone and computer.
[ ] You have a bedtime.
[ ] You have to earn your money.
[ ] You can't have friends over unless your room is clean.
[ ] You can't have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
[ ] You can't be friends with someone unless your parents know them.


[ ] You can't go shopping by yourself.
[ ] Your dad tells you what to wear.
[x] You have to look for "good deals" on clothes, otherwise you can't buy it.


[ ] You get grounded for stupid things.
[ ] You have a time limit for the computer/video games/tv.
[ ] You have to get along with your sibling(s) otherwise you get grounded.
[ ] You have to share your room.


[ ] You have to ask to go to a party/friends house a few days in advance.
[ ] You can't go anywhere without a parent/adult.
[ ] You can't stay home alone.
[ ] You have a babysitter.


[ ] You're not allowed to have a tv/gaming system in your room.
[ ] You can't be on the computer without someone watching your every move.
[ ] You can't have a door in your bedroom.


[x] Your parents get mad if you don't want to do something simple that they ask.
[ ] You can't swim without an adult watching you.
[ ] You can't have a friend of the opposite sex over, unless they are family.


Multiply by 4
and title it: My Parents are ___% strict

You see ? Well, I love my carefree live :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Omg ! Nostalgic ! Nothing more to say !

Miss those time when I was playing O2jam ! Its really bored since MY O2jam closed down.. love Drive is my favourite song lol ! So retro la..

O2mania is so lag.. :(.. Please tell me if you guys have any o2jam server ! :D

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rant and rants

Seriously, its justs rant. It is so funny how people can be so, never mind. And then people are gonna say "Human are imperfect". What else ?

Can't people just be more initiative ? Damn. Why am I always the one teaching and searching the tabs ?! Its not like we're in the 90's where not everyone have internet ! Just open google and fucking search it. Wa laos.

Can't you just be more independent and learn yourself ? Why always am I the one teaching ? Fuck. In the beginning, no one teach me too what. Darn.


Sometimes it just doesn't pay to be kind. Seriously. Sometimes you give your help and your full power and people in the end just treat it as another 'tom dick hairy' thing. Sometimes they even criticize you. It just doesn't pay. They don't remember it.

But seriously, I am not just the only smart one around what. (Ya, so what, im proud.) Google is always there, Youtube is always there. Damn.

My last assignment :

-Format and installation for Beverley
-Crack games for xpang.

It doesn't pay to do so much.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Anime Marathon ?

Just finish watching bleach movie.. Which is..

-Bleach Movie: Memories of nobodies
-Bleach Movie: The Diamond Dust Rebellion

and I am waiting for the sub version of "Bleach Movie: Fade to black, I call your name".. !! As always, bleach movie are awesome !!! Including the songs :)

I introduce you, Sen no yoru wa Koete by Aqua timez ! It rocks ! Really a nice pop song.. The movie itself also rocks.. Comparable to FMA too ! Gotta say the anime of bleach isn't as impressive.. But definitely, the movie version storyline is very good too :D


I'm indulging into japanese language lol. I found my true japanese name ! Its...

Watanabe [Chia](near a crossing) Shinichi [Benjamin](one truth). - ワタナベシンイチ

Okay I know its not very impressive, but well, I like it. So people ! You guys can call me Shinichi-kun ! :D

Alright, off to bed. JustAcia tomorrow !! Yummy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

FMA !!

Hello guys ! Really want to introduce this great anime to you guys. Its called "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood".

Actually its not new, but Brotherhood is a new series from the original anime "Fullmetal Alchemist".. Its super good. One of the best anime I've ever watched. The script and storyline is so well-written that you think its real !!


Just finish watching the Movie version of FMA which is "Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa".. It basically concludes the whole original FMA.. Its very touching ! I can't held but to say, it is not enough time to explain how great is it.. haha ! Especially when the opening and closing is by L'arc~En~Ciel.. Damn cool. Must watch guys !


I'm onto episode 10 of Brotherhood, and its getting better and better ! Its very sad that Colonal Hughes died, he is such a comedy ! But well, its anime.. I have to say, the writer of FMA is very creative.. Not only that, the writing is totally so amazing.. I'm mesmerize by it LOL - Wiki on FMA

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Skills Difference

Hello. Happen to hear "Today is the day" by Lincoln Brewster (yes its a christian song) by random on my WMP.. And I was thinking, Wasn't this one of the audition song for the Music ministry ?

HAHA ! I was thinking how lousy I was then.. Back then, I couldn't even play Power Chords..

With the searing lead by Lincoln declares, I couldn't feel the toughness I felt back then.. And I realize, I got better at guitar ! :D (Yes, every guitarist were thinking the ministry choose the wrong song and nobody wanted to practice that song)

And to say, I could do the solo ! Except for the speed part, which I can't really keep up.. And to say, Lincoln is godly in guitar ! :D

I'm quite sure that if I were to go for the audition again, at that time with my current skill.. I'm quite sure it is no problem for me to pass it.. Besides the fact that my spiritual life is dead. LOL

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Rock Expressed

Omg. Just came across Sambomaster after so long of not hearing their songs.. And they are really fucking good !!

No, the singer is not a fat ass but a good singer ! And most of all, they all expresses so clearly !! Its like you know..rocking out like nobody business ! So cool.. Especially when the song is so damn good, who cares ?

Haha ! Seriously, I think music got nothing to do with looks.. And yes, people nowadays go for the musician's look and not so about music..

Can't wait to rock out to this song's power chords.. damn. Jamming anyone ?

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

When ?

Really. When are things going to change ?

Every single time, when I think of how fortunate my friends are, I just wanna cry. Why am I not just another one of them ?

I see how my friend created their ATM Card with over $100 for them to press it out but I started out with $2 and I freaking only had a daily allowence of $4.

I see how my friend gets laptops and stuff like that and I'm stuck with this fucking 1.67 ghz AMD athlon processor. And yes, I am fucking stuck with a handphone which I exchange for my beautiful W760 that brokedown. Fuck.

I see how my electricity at home is so unpredictable and how my friends live in comfort.

I see how my friends always have no problem and no worries in dialing no. with their handphone yet I have to use my phone carefully.

I can go on saying.

I see how my friends have over $10 (thats very lil for going to town) going on town yet sometimes I go town with $2.

I see how I'm always the one borrowing and my friends the one always lending.

I see how my friends gets/buy a bicycle so easily yet I have to PICK UP A BODY FRAME.

I am so fucking poor that I only have my ear clear by KK hospital which appointment is 1 month plus from the day my ear stucked and my friends gets it clear out immediatly.

And yes, I can freaking go on.

I freaking see how my friend gets a guitar so expensive that its twice of mine guitar and his skills is no better than mine. (Yes I am proud, so what ?)

I always see how my friends go out with fancy clothes yet I have to save and get clothes that are at low price and make the best out of them and look good.

I can go on and on and on. Tons of 'em.

Yes, I am pathetic. I Don't need you to say anything. But also, I don't need you to fucking sympatise me.

I sit in one corner wondering, when is God (which god ?) going to get off his majestic seat and help me and my family out ? I live my life in fears and jealousy.

I see how my friends parent are so loving but my parent is just totally fuck up relationship.

I see how my friends daddy are so good yet I can't speak much good of my daddy. (Even thou the bible ask us to speak good of our parent, but seriously.)

Its always about you guys. ALWAYS. Will you guys problem be as big as mine ? When will you people ever care a fucking hoot bout me ?

I see how my friends go into relationship, being financially able to pay for their girls. I have already created a line "Will you be with me, a guy who couldn't pay for your lunch or even just a drink?".

No really, I have a tons.

Maybe I should just stop. I'll just accept how fuck up my life is and thats it. I'll just accept that I have a failure dad and thats all. I'll just accept that I'm the lower section of the society and cliques.