From my free time, scrolling back to First Frontier camp and X29 camp..

Ever wondered, why are you on my blog ? I mean, why the f*ck are you on my blog ? LOL, cause I treasure our Godly relationship. Simple as that. You may think there is a problem with me or just because I serve your what you think as called "bloody ass Joshua", I don't give a damn. Either being a bridesmaid or dog to Joshua, not gonna care about what you say. I'm just gonna say I ain't looking at the dark side but the bright side. I treasure what we do and share during first frontier camp, X29 camp, and when I was still a new believer..You open me up to the church, but now your the one ending this ? How dissapointing. How I wish I can beg you to finish this all instead of leaving it un-finish. Can you ? Your a Good Brother, From the bottom of my heart.
Still remember during X29 camp you wrote me a card ? How about Hebrew 11 ? I really affirm you for what I've come to today. Your a part of growing Evergreen !
Forget all I said. I just wanna say I miss you. I really really really Miss you alot. I'm not afraid to say I love you, though I'm not a gay..Can you come back and serve God with me ?
Friction and quarrel bounds to happen. But isn't thats all about being together and living live ?
Anyone who read this post may feel its just an foolish writing or whatever shit, But this is just what I want to express..
Last but not least, I love to spend time having fun with you and disturbing you, making you unable to sleep at peace and burning your ass with lighter.
I miss you brother
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