as unexpected guest come..dylan younger brother, Kenji. i dunno why but dylan didn't say his brother coming..but never mind lah..just hope later no quarrel or anything...
so we cycle all the way to 883 then later lock our bike by a corner or something..after that we went up but surprisingly we have to wait for one hour lor! diaooo...already quite early come le..but still have to wait..dunno why...too bad dylan cant go sommerset..
after one hour later we went back to lan shop to check then the aunty say that have to wait another 20++ mins..then i was like.."wtf? u said one hour then later say extra more time to wait? i might aswell go home to play liao!"..then dylan say might as well come my hse to play...but kenji keep objecting..
after few debating and arguement..we decided to go my house....but decided to go admiralty first..coz dylan have to fix his brake then can do stunt and stuff...wahha he change alot...last time he not like that he love to do this kinda stuff..sudden change sia..
so when we reach me and kenji start parking our bike while dylan went in and ask to change the brake...but dylan dunhave enough money! he wanna go back home me and kenji also follow lor..since we dun want to be so boring as staying there waiting for dylan to go and come back..-_-"..
after taking and stuff we cameback to the shop then they start fixing the bike..and blah blah..
(too boring here)

after fixing done hoh..dunno why and and kenji start to have conflict..we start insulting and scolding lor... let see the guai lan and stupid picture he had...

wah see thiss stupid guai lan picture!! fucking face..inslted me liao wanna run away..!!! luckily my hp snap shot very fast!

wah wah wah! see!! now wanna push my posh GT down! u king is it!~ spoil i make sure u pay!!

wahah! luckily my snap shot fast! caught ur moronic insipid face! fucker!!!!!
After this snap shot scene..we both went cycling..then dylan try to stunt abit..but majority is failure xD....but suddenly!! these two party crusher came...very unreasonable...last time Kenji stole my hp then spoil the screen still say i never care my hp not kenji

got them with my 4X zoom..zoom any more will see their chi bye face liao...=X...
now say i bad influnece why i with dylan why i riding bike with him why i teach him stunt and all stuff...HEY ITS NOT MY FAULT OKAY!! HE WANNA LEARN WHAT IT GOTTA DO WITH ME! =(
so after that problem settle and stuff..i follow dylan back to his house..he wanna clean the oil he had on his tire so i helped him..but that darm kenji...he open door and hit the bucket full of soap water..!!!! wtf..nowthe whole bike is with soap and dylan shirt is wet too..-_-"'.
see fucker at work..!

u see!! now sit there like a bai jia zi lookingso moron! no one want u!!!!! =((((((((..after that sometimes later they going cause way i dun waznna follow..later got accident again ma i go homele lor..and now talkling about this moron! i'm all heat up!!
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