yea today had to meet xiaohan at summerset mrt there..then we go to cineleisure or shall i say...Heeren? we went to so much place lor! and taken lotsa lotsa photo! and neo too! love it man..later had zinger meal..wah...this day is also one of the most memoriable day for me =D
start off by fixing my hairstyle yea..done with it quite fast de..xD..maybe smoothen easier...then afterthat start packing my digicam,mybatt,my SD and umbralla and money!! =D...wahha can spend wooo..feeling is so the veri nice...xD...
didn't cycle go mrt coz dun want another accident..fall and into the mud..then shirt dirty like! walk the time i reach mrt..THEN it started to! i was and sweaty for 15min then by the time i ended my walkingand it rain...diao...
was darm cold inside the train sia..woo..shiok...then rain too big the train keep pause and play pause and play..xD...go stop go stop sia..tot i be late...reach le i still have to wait...=o..cant imagine that..xD.
so waited patiently yea...and i think i saw buggie sia...tio shock..=o..i not sure whether is it her lor...coz she just tapped and take the escalator down le...somemore her hair color same height same everything same..jsut the bum abit smaller..=/...observe eh? wish i take a photo downxD
so waited 15 or 20 min or so then xiaohan and greeting..lets go!! =D..began our day with chatting to go here and we reached the.....i dunno..xD..went to the print club and take neoprint..after that walk walk around go outside take photo of the neo..coz she no scanner =o...
actually take le abit blur...i also scare wor..later she dunlike but appear happy liddat..wah...siao i say maybe can take real yea..
then we went heeren to walk walk..then xiaohan come up with the idea..why dun she hug the bear i take the photo? wow good idea..and its like so cute lets do it xh! =D
so we found this softtoy shop called "action city" yea..lotsa thing inside..including cute panda..w00t! but eh..alot of busybody..somemore we scare latr ppl know we taking photo we hardly got chance to.but once take..darm cute lor!!!..OMG!! i love the photo man...=o...
then got this aunty in my camera..keep waiting..wait solong she nevermove..then she move i wanna press the shuttle button a guy come into my we only taken three photo inside the shop..or was it two? =/

this picture i love the most lor..dunno how i take the..timing and lighting is darm cute sia! somemore with my handphone camera nia lor! 1.5 mega pixel leh! very little liao..xD..still so nice..i'm amaze man! gd job hp!

and this picture it man!! also very cute..pity got people in the cam..=(..
we walk all the way down to P.S..plaza singapura yea...was came sia...somemore my shoe are getting so hot inside..40 celsius..xD..okay thats lame..
so we found another action city enthusiation start again yea! =D...we start to go around..and find thing are soooooooo cute! omg! =D...still got anime charecter too..pity we only took two is me and one is xh...due to the layout in the shop..cant take too too much liao..wanna position very hard..=(
wow loooks like the lighting there are bad...this is the only nice picture we manage to find yea..=(...

and thats me liao...cute rite...with the mahjong thingy there..wanna buy and hang de..but find it unworth..xD

so yea... done with the action city we walk around then found the barney acting there..HAHAHAHAHA..i remenber my fren told me this.."I hate you..You hate me..Lets go out and kill barney..With a gunshot,BANG BANG..Barney on the floor..No more purple dinosaur.."HAHAA this thing darm funny...remind me of the time where me and the good ol' time man...haiz too bad now secondary le..=(..cant stick to the past..
so we proceed to KFC..w00t...we both had zinger meal yea..telepath again? =o...we seem so perfect couple xD...wahha if i 19 i might consider xh wor! wahaha...shes a nice one i give xh $6 then she order the two meal, i take care of her bag yea...then while we this both aunty came and sit down at the 2-seat table..then when another aunty came and sit hoh...her leg hook tio the chairleg..then she fall on the chair..she scream.."AIYO AIYO AIYO! my foot want to break already!!"
that was super funny sia!!!...i eatting my fries almost puke out!!! lol...xh also laughing..wahha.gossip with her..haha i wanna laugh liao...never fall on the floor already good liao..complain so much...xD...really a hilarious scene sia! the aiyo aiyo aiyo are really very funny lor...esp when she blink the eye so hard..
but eh the two aunty come in sit abit then went out..never order anything..thats even more hilarious sia...come in blow aircon ye shuang..outside no air con i finish eatting fries and start to enjoy drink..xh keep wanting to view the photo..i also leh..dunno why..the photo are darm cute lor..i love it man..i lub it!!
so after that we come we go to the cineplex cant imagine that like a mall lor..but most shop not open takkamall liddat..xD..empty but really clean and chic..=o...taken some photo with my digicam..but looks like i cant get the photo out leh...need yea..gotta have card reader le...=/...
we went already see see took yea..the lift very button got the "beep" high tech lor..i love it..give me the high tech era feeling..=D...

so this is me with X-men yea..and thats so cool...but look like thats enough le..we wanna proceed to SMU to take photo yea..remind me of the christmas where xh,twink,me and xing go there eat the cool..i really treasure those peroid..xD..i was like so hmm...cute and silly that time xD...then now hmm...act cute like act fool liddat..dunno why...
so we went to the traffic jucntion almost reaching the SMU..but fuck! one of the traffic light not working..says "Not in operation 5pm-9pm" wah piang oi..have to cross another way..diao...tired lor..somemore my foot already start to ache..xD
went inside the SMU..really creepy sia..=o..then xh start to tell me "things"..that point of time my heart keep thumbing sibei fast xD...then okay lor..luckily got some people at the TCC there..then we walk walk explore explore then we going back home le..actually can walk to the nearer dhoby gauht(dunno how to spell leh)...but we end up walking more than that..coz xh suggest we go city hall there...xD..or was it raffles place? =/..
so we end up walking alot..but eh..good big tummy gonnabevisible must walk yea..=D...burn fats..and xh too! keep urself slim...then we walk through the sound de lor..then got a tall ang moh guy behind us..xD..xh abit worry..wahaha...then told xh if that ang moh rush up i bash his face..LOL..funny sia..
originally got a women walking the same route as us de..then later split liao..somehow when we reaching cityhall/raffles place hoh...we saw that women like she is following us liddat...
so when we go down to the tapping area..we realise we wanna shop and take photo again..even tho my foot is darm aching..BUT I DUN WANT THINGS TO END!! we went city link..then go into the HMV there...but never take photo..coz lotsa lotsa busybody..but is expected de lah =D
so we later went to take photo leh..taken the both of us while reading a book very seriously..i look like afool sia..but xh different!! she look like a secondary shao nu lor! pretty and tender..=o...i be her fren also xing fu ar xD...

this serious lor..and pretty too!..admire sia..

however..i wasn't having a good peace in the train!! shakila keep callin me saying how how how tml..-_-" shi ren she told me to call elson,jian wen,wenjun,zen and marcsu to go library tml...i agree to go..xD..must brush up my skill yea..cant allow myself to go below top 10..=D...
so i call in and out..and a japanese guy keep looking at me.that guy look quite like Tetsuya Nomura lor..xD...scarli he think i look like an anime charecter..siao liao...then he keep looking at my whole figure..xD..i dun wanna bother...later he think i'm fucking arrogant or what...but meh cant be held! u dun talk to me how i talk to u? =D..ok indeed i'm sometime arrogant yea..
so come back home have to wallk long long way before reaching my hse..walk half-way i wanna drop dead liao..leg is aching like hell come home take away my hse go take a long hot bath..and soak my foot at the hot water =D...
so once i finished sending xiaohan photos i went to oink oink liao =D...too 3.30 woke abit of game..from 4 i blog till now 5.10 sia! LOL..longest to go lah..type untill keyboard got smoke and my hand gonna drop..xD..
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