hey yo! lol..just played whole night of warcraft crappy maps with donal...lol..
today basically was sleeping all e way till 5pm then donal ask me to go his house then meet kenny..then kenny later tells me he 8 gotta go home..coz he was grounded..and is secretly coming out to meet us..dots..should tell early ma..me coming from admiralty to woodland leh..is tiring de lor..and just to meet your for just 2 hr..crap..
so yeah..around 9.15 go then 9.30 reach home play x hero siege with donals..LOL..in the end 7 player quit untill left 3...me donal and that fallen angel..LOL...so weird lor...3 people fighting bosses...dots..my hero was damn fk up..and cant even repick..
so yeah..seems that the dot on my face have multiple abit le..and on my hand oso..dots...im so dunno what to do..dunno is rashes or chicks pox...since my dad say its rashes and donal says is chicks pox..im confused..and my dad told me cfm not..coz that time i baby got inject the dunno wad err...the thing that make me invulnarable to chicks pox..?? dunno what nonsesne la
so yeah..play alot of map with donal..all the way till now then stop..so yeah..since today is the last day for me to go outside online..after that no more internet must wait untill this sunday nite then have..haiz..sianz sia..dunno wad to do...but never mind..god is with me =DD...
so yup..this is my last post..gonna wait untill sun then can blog again le...so i see ya all on sun! =DD...and by the way...jio me out can? i will be damn sian..=)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
God is good! =D
wa..just woke up from an darm bad stomachache...and..guess what...god has help me!
was really sian today..went to see doctor for the rashes i contacted and repair the tyre that kl has exploded...LOL...then my mom..wa..i cant take it anymore le...directly tell her i already converted to christian..dots...i ask her..the buddist you got meet before anot..?
and hoh..i even told her i really met god..she said..."Ya..i saw buddist in my dream"..dots..totally wordless...buddist go copy Jesus...wa lao...dots la..i even saw the show the who ar..the da-mo act as Moses..then go split the sea half...since when Moses is a buddha..gosh..
haiz sian arrrr....feel like telling my dad "Eh you go die la..don't stay on earth la..go hell la..you can think buddha is real...and if buddha is real why are you so poor now..obviously its fake..god is not with you..he is not answering your prayer...so just change your bloody mind set and convert to christian and worship jesus you this stupid ass bloody tortise!" arghh!!..dots...sin alot today..eh?
he and his bloody mind set is too different from me and my bro lor...i'm already converted and my bro is gonna convert and my mom is anything one..he ar...once i tell him i make sure its either he convert or no people gonna worship him when he die...chinese god huh...you can go mad for chinese god all you want..
dots..enough bout my dad...basically today never go slack ba..too tired somemore got rashes..argh..getting irritating...the type of poisoned oil called "Urushiol" oil...confirm is because that time we went to the hill behind christ church...or maybe i'm too dirty myself? LOL
so yeah..was playing comp all day...then one thing is...was chatting with sylvester on msn...then lol woah...he changed...his english is completely good lor...that shows that my english is getting bad..o.o
and i noticed that sylvester ish also a christian!! and he is already christian from the start..didn't realised that...=o!!..then i realise we both also sick..lol..i rashes he got fever i think..muahaha..lets pray for each other =p
so well...sleep at around 1..suddenly very tired..think again maybe im too drowsy lor...the pill i take..dots...
around 4.30..was darm horrible...my stomach pain like siao lor...my childhood nightmare - stomachache in the middle of the night and can't shit out...
was like..."ahh! lord! help me!"...darm...listening to christ song...then haiz..bo bian...go to e toilet then sit there pray like siao...then i actually remenber what zd said..maybe its because i forgot to add "Amen" ??...i dunno..but at the last praying i rmb asking god to relief me and In Jesus Name, Amen...and in a few moment..gone is the pain..WOW!!!
praise the lord! =DD...amazing man...lord is with me at such a wee hours! =DDD...darm happy...the lord is with me..GOD IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whee..darm happy right now..lol..the pain is god, the lord i know is with me! =DD
so yeah..later not going sch..due to rashes..so yup..i think gonna end my entry here le ba..=D
was really sian today..went to see doctor for the rashes i contacted and repair the tyre that kl has exploded...LOL...then my mom..wa..i cant take it anymore le...directly tell her i already converted to christian..dots...i ask her..the buddist you got meet before anot..?
and hoh..i even told her i really met god..she said..."Ya..i saw buddist in my dream"..dots..totally wordless...buddist go copy Jesus...wa lao...dots la..i even saw the show the who ar..the da-mo act as Moses..then go split the sea half...since when Moses is a buddha..gosh..
haiz sian arrrr....feel like telling my dad "Eh you go die la..don't stay on earth la..go hell la..you can think buddha is real...and if buddha is real why are you so poor now..obviously its fake..god is not with you..he is not answering your prayer...so just change your bloody mind set and convert to christian and worship jesus you this stupid ass bloody tortise!" arghh!!..dots...sin alot today..eh?
he and his bloody mind set is too different from me and my bro lor...i'm already converted and my bro is gonna convert and my mom is anything one..he ar...once i tell him i make sure its either he convert or no people gonna worship him when he die...chinese god huh...you can go mad for chinese god all you want..
dots..enough bout my dad...basically today never go slack ba..too tired somemore got rashes..argh..getting irritating...the type of poisoned oil called "Urushiol" oil...confirm is because that time we went to the hill behind christ church...or maybe i'm too dirty myself? LOL
so yeah..was playing comp all day...then one thing is...was chatting with sylvester on msn...then lol woah...he changed...his english is completely good lor...that shows that my english is getting bad..o.o
and i noticed that sylvester ish also a christian!! and he is already christian from the start..didn't realised that...=o!!..then i realise we both also sick..lol..i rashes he got fever i think..muahaha..lets pray for each other =p
so well...sleep at around 1..suddenly very tired..think again maybe im too drowsy lor...the pill i take..dots...
around 4.30..was darm horrible...my stomach pain like siao lor...my childhood nightmare - stomachache in the middle of the night and can't shit out...
was like..."ahh! lord! help me!"...darm...listening to christ song...then haiz..bo bian...go to e toilet then sit there pray like siao...then i actually remenber what zd said..maybe its because i forgot to add "Amen" ??...i dunno..but at the last praying i rmb asking god to relief me and In Jesus Name, Amen...and in a few moment..gone is the pain..WOW!!!
praise the lord! =DD...amazing man...lord is with me at such a wee hours! =DDD...darm happy...the lord is with me..GOD IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whee..darm happy right now..lol..the pain is god, the lord i know is with me! =DD
so yeah..later not going sch..due to rashes..so yup..i think gonna end my entry here le ba..=D
Monday, March 26, 2007
ahhh...long time no blog...stupid internet...
so yup...this week totally..crap..monday i actually promised my teacher to go school yet i didn't due to reasons..wanted to apologise to her but..haiz dots..internet kanna cut..cannot e-mail..cant find others way to contact her...and i only find this out by tuesday..
tuesday was the only day in this week i went to sch lor...then that tues i fall down..wed cant go...thurs accidentally i fall again..somemore hit the same spot...dots!!...then fri din go coz my right toe the skin drop off...DARM PAIN LOR!!...ouch...then when cutting the skin of using sissor...accidentally poke the flesh inside...dots..
haiz now recover le...but later cant go school...why?? look below for more info ba..gonna be alot.
hmm..alot happens in this week...cant remenber le...can say sat service sermon is daaaaaaaaamn making sense to me..it reflects on me that have i been taking god's for granted??..actually i can say i am lor...probably almost everyone does...too busy to do things then all the time was left over for god..probably if im god i will feel sad =((...
so yea...sometimes huh..kenny just make me flare de lor...feel like f***ing him up...but i tink never ba...only got one time he go and prank sms....hahaz...
haiz darm sian..art and math teacher change..Mr Jeremy Teo...his face look so..ah hems.."sissy"..=p...first look wanna laugh, second look knows his a sissy, third look wanna burst into laughter..LOL...okay la..not that funny also anyway...most funny is..i primary school that time the Mrs Prilera..pri lehh rah?..the name so weird..hahaxx
just remenber joshua very funny..that day service he say wanna come..then ez-link no money cannot come..power leh....but its okay..i guess he dun do that on purpose anyway...
was darm fk up today...lend kl to ride my bike...then come back kenny go ride...come back the front tyre i saw its flat...and i was like.."god..are you playing a joke on me or something??.."...sian diaos...your guys know why i suddenly so seh diao?...i already never go school for 3 day this week and i must go tomorrow..if not sure in deep shit..and its not because i dun wanna go school..
but the thing is...i got another bike...i transfer the front tyre to my current bike..so if the front tyre now spoil confirm no need to ride liao...so your understand anot?..stop asking me am i angry or sad or just fake acting or shits...dots.
im so trying my best not to be sad or be angry...because this is already the second time..how..?..dots...and hoh..if i walk to school..its exactly walking from admiralty to woodland...and if i take bus also same..take to woodland then change bus...and it takes lotsa time...dots..
darm stress...totally dunno what to do liao...later must take my bike go repair...dots..then see whether wanna cut hair anot..haiz...so thick..darm ugly...
kind of feeling stress now...god like not really 100% on my side like that...haiz...i seriously dunno if im stuck...like as if god has leave me or something..i dunno what to do..=((....gonna blog later...
so yup...this week totally..crap..monday i actually promised my teacher to go school yet i didn't due to reasons..wanted to apologise to her but..haiz dots..internet kanna cut..cannot e-mail..cant find others way to contact her...and i only find this out by tuesday..
tuesday was the only day in this week i went to sch lor...then that tues i fall down..wed cant go...thurs accidentally i fall again..somemore hit the same spot...dots!!...then fri din go coz my right toe the skin drop off...DARM PAIN LOR!!...ouch...then when cutting the skin of using sissor...accidentally poke the flesh inside...dots..
haiz now recover le...but later cant go school...why?? look below for more info ba..gonna be alot.
hmm..alot happens in this week...cant remenber le...can say sat service sermon is daaaaaaaaamn making sense to me..it reflects on me that have i been taking god's for granted??..actually i can say i am lor...probably almost everyone does...too busy to do things then all the time was left over for god..probably if im god i will feel sad =((...
so yea...sometimes huh..kenny just make me flare de lor...feel like f***ing him up...but i tink never ba...only got one time he go and prank sms....hahaz...
haiz darm sian..art and math teacher change..Mr Jeremy Teo...his face look so..ah hems.."sissy"..=p...first look wanna laugh, second look knows his a sissy, third look wanna burst into laughter..LOL...okay la..not that funny also anyway...most funny is..i primary school that time the Mrs Prilera..pri lehh rah?..the name so weird..hahaxx
just remenber joshua very funny..that day service he say wanna come..then ez-link no money cannot come..power leh....but its okay..i guess he dun do that on purpose anyway...
was darm fk up today...lend kl to ride my bike...then come back kenny go ride...come back the front tyre i saw its flat...and i was like.."god..are you playing a joke on me or something??.."...sian diaos...your guys know why i suddenly so seh diao?...i already never go school for 3 day this week and i must go tomorrow..if not sure in deep shit..and its not because i dun wanna go school..
but the thing is...i got another bike...i transfer the front tyre to my current bike..so if the front tyre now spoil confirm no need to ride liao...so your understand anot?..stop asking me am i angry or sad or just fake acting or shits...dots.
im so trying my best not to be sad or be angry...because this is already the second time..how..?..dots...and hoh..if i walk to school..its exactly walking from admiralty to woodland...and if i take bus also same..take to woodland then change bus...and it takes lotsa time...dots..
darm stress...totally dunno what to do liao...later must take my bike go repair...dots..then see whether wanna cut hair anot..haiz...so thick..darm ugly...
kind of feeling stress now...god like not really 100% on my side like that...haiz...i seriously dunno if im stuck...like as if god has leave me or something..i dunno what to do..=((....gonna blog later...
Monday, March 19, 2007
random slacking =)
yeah...donal, kenny, KL and me went slacking...but is slightly more interesting..want to find out? im off to sleep..will tell ya all once i wake up and start putting whats happening in this post! =D
service rox!
service on that day was quite fun..except that all the song doesn't really interests me except for the song "These Hand"..very meaningful..tried to find but couldn't...the most i can find is sang by Johnny Cash..but its not the exact song..
so yup...was late for the meeting..=((..have problem waking up wor...in the end has to meet them inside the train where it go past admiralty to go somerset..haha
cant remenber that much what happen on that day...one thing was i remenber we went to do house-visiting..and we visited Jason..lol...his outfits looks..ah hems..very...well..if your saw him your will know..haha...
and yeah...after that a motorcycle go past donal..i tink he said Hi or sth..then the driver bu shuang come and find donal..then say wad "You think i don't know what the **** you saying ar...you sure anot you didn't say! i tell you when i was a gangster i can shut your mother nipple ar.."
hahaha..cant help but keep thinking it over and over again..kenny also..always keep on saying "i can shut your mother nipple ar"...diaos lor..BUT VERY FUNNY!!
then one point was...we were playing color catching at the swing playground near chirst church..then...i tink i suddenly feel very scared..like sth bad gonna happen and whatever shits...then suddenly the lights on the playground went off..i was really darm scared lor...
during they playing..i was like...really praying and praying..but seems tat god doesn't answer..then i really no feeling to play the game liao....
then i tink kenny went home then he also go and call yuan han bout it then he call me..then talk about it ba..alot of things...so yeah..basically can understand what is happening and so on....haha..it also basically means..I HAVE GROWN SPIRITUALLY!! WOOO!!! im a toodler in god's eye! =DDD...pa..pa! =p
so yup..gonna end here...see ya all in another post =)
service on that day was quite fun..except that all the song doesn't really interests me except for the song "These Hand"..very meaningful..tried to find but couldn't...the most i can find is sang by Johnny Cash..but its not the exact song..
so yup...was late for the meeting..=((..have problem waking up wor...in the end has to meet them inside the train where it go past admiralty to go somerset..haha
cant remenber that much what happen on that day...one thing was i remenber we went to do house-visiting..and we visited Jason..lol...his outfits looks..ah hems..very...well..if your saw him your will know..haha...
and yeah...after that a motorcycle go past donal..i tink he said Hi or sth..then the driver bu shuang come and find donal..then say wad "You think i don't know what the **** you saying ar...you sure anot you didn't say! i tell you when i was a gangster i can shut your mother nipple ar.."
hahaha..cant help but keep thinking it over and over again..kenny also..always keep on saying "i can shut your mother nipple ar"...diaos lor..BUT VERY FUNNY!!
then one point was...we were playing color catching at the swing playground near chirst church..then...i tink i suddenly feel very scared..like sth bad gonna happen and whatever shits...then suddenly the lights on the playground went off..i was really darm scared lor...
during they playing..i was like...really praying and praying..but seems tat god doesn't answer..then i really no feeling to play the game liao....
then i tink kenny went home then he also go and call yuan han bout it then he call me..then talk about it ba..alot of things...so yeah..basically can understand what is happening and so on....haha..it also basically means..I HAVE GROWN SPIRITUALLY!! WOOO!!! im a toodler in god's eye! =DDD...pa..pa! =p
so yup..gonna end here...see ya all in another post =)
Friday, March 16, 2007
Come on man..Overflows me!
yeah! overflows me ! lol
haha...can tell im so desperate for holy spirits..?
so yup..was playing audition..then while waiting for tat bloodangel..sms-ed ppl i change fone number le! lol..By the way if you haven know, my new number is 98706034...make changes ah!
meet quite lotsa new ppl..then i saw this froznblue guy online..someone from spain? lol...reminds me of meeting an spanish guy..we both had alot of things in common..but we dun chat now..maybe are just drifting away..;_:..quite sad..
so yup..froznblue told me im so honourable in his spot..or whatever it is? http://enfroznblue.blogspot.com..yeah! he owned me in beat up the song "Dance Flower"..the rest of the song i guess we are just fighting for the first place..=D..I SALUTE YOU FROZN
haha...played quite a long time with arien and bloodangel..and co. haha...
got one part i playing with arien..i tink we keep on playing the speed of 140 - 170...quite fast one..but for the song 166 i manage to play level 9..but finish move keep didn't make it..probably pressing space bar is too slow..lol.
was kind of on the losing side..other than that was winning coz was in a team game..very blur for me..ate the flu pill..haiz..alway will drowsy like dunno wad..remenber got one time i ate two pill coz was terribly sick..then wa...i cannot take it i land on my bed like landing on water like that..drows until..omg the feeling is..=((
so ya..at the gonna end of the game before i started blogging...i was playing team choreo with arien...haha..the speed were very fast lor..166 156 150 143 or what...but i think i make it for the 166 song..haha...i think god was somehow helping me yeah! =DD...coz i know i cannot make it if god were not there..i know..my fastest is 150 song...
<---Below is maybe I'm just ranting or sth..I don't mind if your want to read..its bored tho --->
So sad!!! just wondering how come the holy spirit didn't come into me..haiz...i want the holy spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh!! i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it!!
iduncarecomeongodgivemetheholyspirit!! maybe it was not the time yet...ahh.im just so desperate for it...=((...cmon cmon cmon...god why would't you give me!! =(((....iconfessedmysintoyouandwhateverstupidshitsihavedoneiapologise
....dots...im going mad for it...duh...
<---The End--->
feel better...lol...ok i tink im ending here...tml care groups is at..SEMBAWANG PARK!! WOOOO
get to play with the water =D...im soooo happy..i remenber me and my cousin buried something down there...hmm..wonder is it there and is it still there and where is it...haha...very memorable
maybe im just plain sentimetal.. LOL!!...ok la..gonna end here..or else im going mad =P
haha...can tell im so desperate for holy spirits..?
so yup..was playing audition..then while waiting for tat bloodangel..sms-ed ppl i change fone number le! lol..By the way if you haven know, my new number is 98706034...make changes ah!
meet quite lotsa new ppl..then i saw this froznblue guy online..someone from spain? lol...reminds me of meeting an spanish guy..we both had alot of things in common..but we dun chat now..maybe are just drifting away..;_:..quite sad..
so yup..froznblue told me im so honourable in his spot..or whatever it is? http://enfroznblue.blogspot.com..yeah! he owned me in beat up the song "Dance Flower"..the rest of the song i guess we are just fighting for the first place..=D..I SALUTE YOU FROZN
haha...played quite a long time with arien and bloodangel..and co. haha...
got one part i playing with arien..i tink we keep on playing the speed of 140 - 170...quite fast one..but for the song 166 i manage to play level 9..but finish move keep didn't make it..probably pressing space bar is too slow..lol.
was kind of on the losing side..other than that was winning coz was in a team game..very blur for me..ate the flu pill..haiz..alway will drowsy like dunno wad..remenber got one time i ate two pill coz was terribly sick..then wa...i cannot take it i land on my bed like landing on water like that..drows until..omg the feeling is..=((
so ya..at the gonna end of the game before i started blogging...i was playing team choreo with arien...haha..the speed were very fast lor..166 156 150 143 or what...but i think i make it for the 166 song..haha...i think god was somehow helping me yeah! =DD...coz i know i cannot make it if god were not there..i know..my fastest is 150 song...
<---Below is maybe I'm just ranting or sth..I don't mind if your want to read..its bored tho --->
So sad!!! just wondering how come the holy spirit didn't come into me..haiz...i want the holy spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh!! i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it!!
iduncarecomeongodgivemetheholyspirit!! maybe it was not the time yet...ahh.im just so desperate for it...=((...cmon cmon cmon...god why would't you give me!! =(((....iconfessedmysintoyouandwhateverstupidshitsihavedoneiapologise
....dots...im going mad for it...duh...
<---The End--->
feel better...lol...ok i tink im ending here...tml care groups is at..SEMBAWANG PARK!! WOOOO
get to play with the water =D...im soooo happy..i remenber me and my cousin buried something down there...hmm..wonder is it there and is it still there and where is it...haha...very memorable
maybe im just plain sentimetal.. LOL!!...ok la..gonna end here..or else im going mad =P
Thursday, March 15, 2007

woooo!! so happening and tiring! =DD..I just so love it..haha
basically yesterday was an new-believer party...
Attendence was crap, party was fun, people were funky, concert were hyper-active.
OMG!! I cant wait to attend another metamorphosis! =DDDD..woo
so yap..yesterday wake up at around 7am...then i was shock lor..tot i was late or something..haha..coz meeting time was at 9am at woodland control station..then ok la..sleep till 8am then start preparing..
by the way finish preparing around 8.45am le..then faster chiong...wahaha...i look so rock lor when i look in the mirror!! LOL...I used to think im ugly =x
so yup...reach there i saw kin mun...then ar..after i finish my call with donal..i realize my LINE has been cut le! zomg..lol...expected..
so haiz very sian..can only listen to song..should have used as much as i can ma..=((.. =xx
so basically kenny handphone was off so can see he not coming and yuan han is late for dunno ow long like one hour and donal reach we all go le..
reach there le then still have to wait another 20 minute before we can go in..lol..so starting is the wad "shugi shugi shugi shugi" song..lol..can tickle ppl de..dots sia!
haha then after that got abit of teaching...then is 1 hours break le..donal say is 1.30pm go back..then what i heard is 1pm go back..then nvm..around 1.20pm someone called yuan han where we go...the thing start liao..lol!! dots
so yup after this was the whatever treasure hunt? not really but part of the game idea comes from that...one point is to gain $10 we must hold some herbal tea in our mouth and sing a song..LOL!!! very dots..i was there coughing like siao..><...
then around left 2 minute..in order to gain $30 then donate our $40 since we cannot play due to the time limit...they need a new-believer to recite out a prayer sentence..from Psalm chapter..LOL!! i was sweating like siao lor...trying to remenbrance it...quite hard one la..but manage to get the $30!! yay! thanks to me =xxx..i think god has used me again =)
then yup..after that was i tink holy baptism teaching..that one during donal shepherding i tink around most of the point i and kenny know le..but kenny no come =((
so yup..the whole cg pray for me and another ben to get holy baptist...but then hmm...i guess GOD didn't overflow me with holy spirit maybe its not the time yet..haha..but nvm...will continue to ask for it =DD
so yup..after that have a few minutes break...cant remenber where we goes...i tink we went to Le Meridian and dunno what..haha...
after that come back is praise and worship! WOOO..im so eager for praise and worship man! =DD
i can only say during the praise i keep on dancing and jumping till siao =DD...darm fun..especially during the song "Redeemer" =D...so funnnnnnnnn...after that at the end is the shugi shugi song again..haha..Sathya got tickle till siao!! LOLLLLL...Pastor Shirley was seh...haha she asked us tired anot wan another song we all say YESSSSSSSSSS!! LOLLLL
so yup..i guess the whole day people was treating me to lunch and stuff...thanks guys...you're a great pal and great spiritual friend to me =)))...Your treasure is in heaven! =DD
hahaha...so yea..went to kenny there to slack for abit..then go home...then while on the way to the bus stop...i was looking at my fone "00:00"...dots...12'o clock..dun tell me no bus le wor...
was sitting at the bus stop there..next to chr sec...then i was like praying to god make sure still got one last bus to take me to woodland interchange wor...then once i open my eye for a few sec..A BUS CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRR OH MY HOLY GOD!!! +DDDDDDDDDD
was so darm happy..in the bus was only me and the driver..LOL!...
so yup..reach home, bath then do quiet time sleep le...dunno later got go slack anot..see ya all on the next entry! =DD...
Puke Sia..
ACTUAL DATE IS : 13th March
lazy to blog...for what happen please go to
the entry has a big big word "METAMORPHOSIS!!!" =)
lazy to blog...for what happen please go to
the entry has a big big word "METAMORPHOSIS!!!" =)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
bored-ness..Neutual lvl of fun-ness
hihihi! lol...was planning to blog at 6 something but doing sth till now..haha..
sian ar..wake up at 10pm plus...then i see my fone..coz i was suppose to go slack with donal & co. but then it seems that they didn't call me..then i look at my fone.."----------"..dead LOL..
why why why!! no batt..=((...darmmit..stupid xiaojun...you drop my whole fone into the water still dun wan to repay me one new battery..argh..should have bluff him my fone spoil that day..muahahaha
so yup..wake up see comp lotsa ppl msg me as usual...so yup..princeton ask me dj then ok lor...then i advertise ppl the link and stuff..then that stupid shi jie...see ar..
lol..this is diao...then even more funny..he say..hi..then haven one minute tell me he gonna go sleep then gg..funny la him..=((
so yup...was changing my friendster skins...watching naruto...and loading song into my fone and suchs...
by the way..i can only say..i fallen for naruto!! omg omg omg..i love the opening and the story itselfs is so darm touching can?!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhh...the feeling is once again like the first time i fallen for kingdom heart...cant get it outta my mind..ahhhh..dun care i want to watch naruto!!
then i watch till this Naruto Shippuuden which is ep 221 and above...Naruto just come back from 2 year and a half training with Jiraiyi-sa n (Sounds like he went NS)...he come back..he become 15 year old le..i really hate his look and outfit..look very shit lor...somemore ar..he is not even cute nor handsome....but his new tehcnique rocks!! =DD
so yup..can say naruto is really a great anime..although i admit i dun like it before i watched it at stanley house..lol..haha..really love the ep 106-108..so nice!! =D
wahaha...WA SEE..now that stupid shi jie online..=((..the one who say hi and few sec later say gd nite..gg la him..lol
then ar..when i was reviewing my friendship i saw this testimonial send by my *****..hehe..guess the word...it start with a C..=)
Click on the image to enlarge to see what is written by her..i already circled it..=D
quite surprising..haha..was kinda shock..then i was like opening my eye big like wad..lol...
so yup..changed my handphone theme basically into naruto theme..ahhh!! im so crazy for naruto...i just want the Konoha village headband!!..i remenber sylvester gifted me an Konoha village necklace...then i think becuz it hang on something then the whole thing break..hmms...so sad =((
then necklace quite nice one..he has like three lor..then he gift me one..=DDD!!
wahaha..now so bored..wondering later they got go slack anot..if not is really very sian..cant sleep and nth to do now..donal cfm sleeping now de..haha..standerd..so i tink now im going off ba..see ya all!!
sian ar..wake up at 10pm plus...then i see my fone..coz i was suppose to go slack with donal & co. but then it seems that they didn't call me..then i look at my fone.."----------"..dead LOL..
why why why!! no batt..=((...darmmit..stupid xiaojun...you drop my whole fone into the water still dun wan to repay me one new battery..argh..should have bluff him my fone spoil that day..muahahaha
so yup..wake up see comp lotsa ppl msg me as usual...so yup..princeton ask me dj then ok lor...then i advertise ppl the link and stuff..then that stupid shi jie...see ar..
Session Start: Monday, March 12, 2007
- [U]ndescribtable (banjamin1580@hotmail.com)
- (tu)£ÕV3 §ǾM30Ώ3(R) (thunder_boii@hotmail.com)
(10:19 PM) [U]ndescribtable: | Bored? or maybe for enjoyment, tune in to http://skyhigh.awardspace.com and listen to DJ Ben! |
Session Start: Monday, March 12, 2007
- [U]ndescribtable (banjamin1580@hotmail.com)
- (tu)£ÕV3 §ǾM30Ώ3(R) (thunder_boii@hotmail.com)
(10:48 PM) ![]() ![]() | ben |
(10:48 PM) [U]ndescribtable: | hi |
(10:48 PM) [U]ndescribtable: | wassup |
(10:48 PM) ![]() ![]() | ![]() |
(10:48 PM) [U]ndescribtable: | why |
(10:48 PM) ![]() ![]() | mi wan go slp le good nite |
(10:48 PM) [U]ndescribtable: | ... |
(10:48 PM) ![]() ![]() | dj ben |
(10:48 PM) ![]() ![]() | diao |
(10:48 PM) [U]ndescribtable: | im djing wad |
(10:48 PM) [U]ndescribtable: | -,- |
(10:48 PM) ![]() ![]() | ![]() |
(10:48 PM) ![]() ![]() | ahah |
(10:48 PM) ![]() ![]() | ![]() |
(10:49 PM) [U]ndescribtable: | wa |
(10:49 PM) [U]ndescribtable: | got so funny meh |
(10:49 PM) [U]ndescribtable: | dots sia |
lol..this is diao...then even more funny..he say..hi..then haven one minute tell me he gonna go sleep then gg..funny la him..=((
so yup...was changing my friendster skins...watching naruto...and loading song into my fone and suchs...
by the way..i can only say..i fallen for naruto!! omg omg omg..i love the opening and the story itselfs is so darm touching can?!!! arghhhhhhhhhhhh...the feeling is once again like the first time i fallen for kingdom heart...cant get it outta my mind..ahhhh..dun care i want to watch naruto!!
then i watch till this Naruto Shippuuden which is ep 221 and above...Naruto just come back from 2 year and a half training with Jiraiyi-sa n (Sounds like he went NS)...he come back..he become 15 year old le..i really hate his look and outfit..look very shit lor...somemore ar..he is not even cute nor handsome....but his new tehcnique rocks!! =DD
so yup..can say naruto is really a great anime..although i admit i dun like it before i watched it at stanley house..lol..haha..really love the ep 106-108..so nice!! =D
wahaha...WA SEE..now that stupid shi jie online..=((..the one who say hi and few sec later say gd nite..gg la him..lol
then ar..when i was reviewing my friendship i saw this testimonial send by my *****..hehe..guess the word...it start with a C..=)
quite surprising..haha..was kinda shock..then i was like opening my eye big like wad..lol...
so yup..changed my handphone theme basically into naruto theme..ahhh!! im so crazy for naruto...i just want the Konoha village headband!!..i remenber sylvester gifted me an Konoha village necklace...then i think becuz it hang on something then the whole thing break..hmms...so sad =((
then necklace quite nice one..he has like three lor..then he gift me one..=DDD!!
wahaha..now so bored..wondering later they got go slack anot..if not is really very sian..cant sleep and nth to do now..donal cfm sleeping now de..haha..standerd..so i tink now im going off ba..see ya all!!
Monday, March 12, 2007
The End??
ACTUAL DATE IS : March 9th
hi all..so sorry for not posting sia..><...no internet is a..lol totally shit..haha
can't remenber much what happen that day but vaguely i can say its quite a sad day...
actually we meet up with joshua, stanley, zhen de, kenny, donal and i think kin mun..then later at the night we meet xiaojun...~
so yup..for the whole afternoon i think forgotten we doing wad le..but should be playing carpark catching (again) ?? lol..i think leg can break if we keep playing..=((
wahaha....i can rmb tat...joshua, zhen de and kang lu go woodland mrt station wait for xiaojun while we go kin mun blocks downstair wait for him...then suddenly xiaojun call donal tat he lose wallet cannot go meet them at woodland..LOL...funny lor..then he say sit cab come..dots la him..then we all very pek chek...7 donal call ask him come..10pm donal call again he say still at home..
power la him..at home style hair for few hours..-,-...then around 11.30 he reach..we all look at him..LOL...f him..come alr not even one sorry then take my bike go lalalala
dots...then after that they all go buy gim guay (golden chicken = spring chicken) LOL...then all share..so warmth! =DD
but anyway..we waited 30 min then come back they say the shop close or no chicken le..lol dots lor..then after that they zoom off to somewhere i dunno la...they also never say..then me and kenny went to find them..then it seems that i found them first...then they told me something.."***************" cannot say...
so yup...after that they come back donal bu shuang..zhen de and donal quarrel..-,-..hate to see this situation..so ya..after that went home le..lol..thats all ba..very short hoh? see ya on next entris
hi all..so sorry for not posting sia..><...no internet is a..lol totally shit..haha
can't remenber much what happen that day but vaguely i can say its quite a sad day...
actually we meet up with joshua, stanley, zhen de, kenny, donal and i think kin mun..then later at the night we meet xiaojun...~
so yup..for the whole afternoon i think forgotten we doing wad le..but should be playing carpark catching (again) ?? lol..i think leg can break if we keep playing..=((
wahaha....i can rmb tat...joshua, zhen de and kang lu go woodland mrt station wait for xiaojun while we go kin mun blocks downstair wait for him...then suddenly xiaojun call donal tat he lose wallet cannot go meet them at woodland..LOL...funny lor..then he say sit cab come..dots la him..then we all very pek chek...7 donal call ask him come..10pm donal call again he say still at home..
power la him..at home style hair for few hours..-,-...then around 11.30 he reach..we all look at him..LOL...f him..come alr not even one sorry then take my bike go lalalala
dots...then after that they all go buy gim guay (golden chicken = spring chicken) LOL...then all share..so warmth! =DD
but anyway..we waited 30 min then come back they say the shop close or no chicken le..lol dots lor..then after that they zoom off to somewhere i dunno la...they also never say..then me and kenny went to find them..then it seems that i found them first...then they told me something.."***************" cannot say...
so yup...after that they come back donal bu shuang..zhen de and donal quarrel..-,-..hate to see this situation..so ya..after that went home le..lol..thats all ba..very short hoh? see ya on next entris
Ruining CG?
wa omg...today is darm the very well i can say fun!! LOL!! so hard rock man..and some little glimps of sadness =p
so yup..can say today is one day definitely i like out of 7 days a week..haha..thanks god we have 7 days and its the right amount of day and 24 hours a day not too little not too much..=DD
wahaha...today is..CARE..GROUP!! yay...i love care =xx..ghey..haha...so ya...was quite of dulan when i come out of the house..
coz actually i tot is at alvine house...so i abit late then start tuh prepare coz meeting at amd station ma...then suddenly when i was gonna bath..i receive a sms from yuan han "Hey the care group has being changed to kenny's house"..sian diaos...so late liao then sudden change...already expected..alot of ppl wont come..ppl like sherms,alvine,stanley, ah de and stuff...
so ya..expected..for me...i think Zhen De and Stanley most probably wont come..as your know (if your are in the care group) they both having umm..lol...haha dun say le..very sad...so yup...im expecting joshua to come..by the way if your don't know..i've being praying for joshua to come to care group =xx
wahaha...so when i reach there saw kin mun,kenny,donal,yuan han and...wa unexpected...stanley!! didn't know he will come wor...then when noel reach..we go up kenny's house le...then that bloody house owner come and dunno wanna take what stuff...wa lao..suck lor...haiz...dun understand why kenny's parent wanna rent a house and somemore so plain with no television no nothing except a laptop...then the mattres so small..i wonder how the *toot* they sleep..LOL
haha..so yup...go up le..then i think sherms cant come coz he was grounded for losing his house key..LOL!!..liddat also nid to be grounded..haiz poor sherms...then we slack for abit while kin mun go fetch his lil brother..-,-...then he borrow my bike...
haha then stanley say wan follow..so extra =x...then so sian in the house..no fan on living room..haiz..then just go and continue reading John's chapter...wahaha...
then few minutes before they come back...zhen de come le!! omg omg...but i think he is showing umm..crappy attitude =x...he come then a few minutes he say wanna go home..very sian..then he say later come back again..then later kin mun saw him hiding at the stairs case...dots!
haiz..then today cg was totally crap lor...-,-..then wa...the whole cg i think its inside kenny's room...then lol...donal keep on shooting yuan han till siao..based on the fact that zd and stanley matters..-,-..
then while we are discussing or sth..the toopid house owner come back then knocks our door..diaos! sian norh! darm bloody old man =x...then very sian we say go play carpark catching..AGAIN..lol!
so yup...reach le donals decide to play ice&water..is sian de lor...prefer virus..=x..my running speed decreasing le la!! keep on playing carpark catching..dots..then in the midst of it i saw joshua coming!! YAY!! =DDDD...coz he say we suppose to meet at bk causeway..but he say go there saw no one..then go noel's house..no one...then go back bk no one..then he call donals..LOL
so yup..after few round we begin cg there le....take the..holy corn?? dunno..lol..then wa..yuan han just saying the wad thing bout zhen de and stanley de stuff..then donals keep shooting yuan han back till siao..lol...was funny..then joshua start to like say whose wrong and blah blah..lotsa nonsense thing la...go read John 8:4 =DD this confirm sort out donal and yuan han points i think =x
the point is...okay..donal is right that we are not god...but yuan han is also right too..why? because i remenber that Jesus said that "What my father do I will do and what my father do he will show me and i will do the same" i think...i remenber it stating in John's chapter...so what is this meaning? its meaning that...when God has grace in us...we should do the same...althought we are not GOD..but we are also not doing this because we are becoming god..but its the point that..what Lord has show us..we has to do what he has shows us...this is my view..=)
wa then surprise lor...yuan han very sad..sad untill well..from what kenny said i think he wanna ;_;...actually at first i also feel like ;_:...suddenly the cg become liddat..-,-
so ya..after that go kopitiam drink water..then donal eat..lol..suddenly kin mun receive calls tat my bike tyre BOOM..darm that kenny..dunno what the *toot* he doing...argh! gonna walk home..sian lor..imagine from vista to amd..wa..die la...
then ah de nid to go buy apple for his mom so ya..we go and meet him then pei him...then he go home put apples then come go playground with us..=DD..so lame tho..then the swing..lol omg..ah de push me then i fly back and front very fast..then he turn me round and round..then the chain revert..wa...was darm scary...then kenny also tio..haha..his one more worse..hand kanna kiap by chain..LOL!
then i go lie down there see star..then later ah de come..then everybody come..LOL!!..then we all chat bout -handphones- lol!!...
so yup...after that around 11.30 gonna go home le...so since joshua live at 888 area...then he pei me untill there then at there i alone walk home..haha..chatted lotsa life stuff...haha it seems that he overcome the MATTERS recently happen..YAY!! thanks god =DD..
so yup..reach home was lying down like dunno wad..haha...so yup...posting here...i think im gonna off to sleep liao le...haiz..so tired man..everyday play carpark catching...leg breaking!!~~ =(..so see ya all at next post =D
wa omg...today is darm the very well i can say fun!! LOL!! so hard rock man..and some little glimps of sadness =p
so yup..can say today is one day definitely i like out of 7 days a week..haha..thanks god we have 7 days and its the right amount of day and 24 hours a day not too little not too much..=DD
wahaha...today is..CARE..GROUP!! yay...i love care =xx..ghey..haha...so ya...was quite of dulan when i come out of the house..
coz actually i tot is at alvine house...so i abit late then start tuh prepare coz meeting at amd station ma...then suddenly when i was gonna bath..i receive a sms from yuan han "Hey the care group has being changed to kenny's house"..sian diaos...so late liao then sudden change...already expected..alot of ppl wont come..ppl like sherms,alvine,stanley, ah de and stuff...
so ya..expected..for me...i think Zhen De and Stanley most probably wont come..as your know (if your are in the care group) they both having umm..lol...haha dun say le..very sad...so yup...im expecting joshua to come..by the way if your don't know..i've being praying for joshua to come to care group =xx
wahaha...so when i reach there saw kin mun,kenny,donal,yuan han and...wa unexpected...stanley!! didn't know he will come wor...then when noel reach..we go up kenny's house le...then that bloody house owner come and dunno wanna take what stuff...wa lao..suck lor...haiz...dun understand why kenny's parent wanna rent a house and somemore so plain with no television no nothing except a laptop...then the mattres so small..i wonder how the *toot* they sleep..LOL
haha..so yup...go up le..then i think sherms cant come coz he was grounded for losing his house key..LOL!!..liddat also nid to be grounded..haiz poor sherms...then we slack for abit while kin mun go fetch his lil brother..-,-...then he borrow my bike...
haha then stanley say wan follow..so extra =x...then so sian in the house..no fan on living room..haiz..then just go and continue reading John's chapter...wahaha...
then few minutes before they come back...zhen de come le!! omg omg...but i think he is showing umm..crappy attitude =x...he come then a few minutes he say wanna go home..very sian..then he say later come back again..then later kin mun saw him hiding at the stairs case...dots!
haiz..then today cg was totally crap lor...-,-..then wa...the whole cg i think its inside kenny's room...then lol...donal keep on shooting yuan han till siao..based on the fact that zd and stanley matters..-,-..
then while we are discussing or sth..the toopid house owner come back then knocks our door..diaos! sian norh! darm bloody old man =x...then very sian we say go play carpark catching..AGAIN..lol!
so yup...reach le donals decide to play ice&water..is sian de lor...prefer virus..=x..my running speed decreasing le la!! keep on playing carpark catching..dots..then in the midst of it i saw joshua coming!! YAY!! =DDDD...coz he say we suppose to meet at bk causeway..but he say go there saw no one..then go noel's house..no one...then go back bk no one..then he call donals..LOL
so yup..after few round we begin cg there le....take the..holy corn?? dunno..lol..then wa..yuan han just saying the wad thing bout zhen de and stanley de stuff..then donals keep shooting yuan han back till siao..lol...was funny..then joshua start to like say whose wrong and blah blah..lotsa nonsense thing la...go read John 8:4 =DD this confirm sort out donal and yuan han points i think =x
the point is...okay..donal is right that we are not god...but yuan han is also right too..why? because i remenber that Jesus said that "What my father do I will do and what my father do he will show me and i will do the same" i think...i remenber it stating in John's chapter...so what is this meaning? its meaning that...when God has grace in us...we should do the same...althought we are not GOD..but we are also not doing this because we are becoming god..but its the point that..what Lord has show us..we has to do what he has shows us...this is my view..=)
wa then surprise lor...yuan han very sad..sad untill well..from what kenny said i think he wanna ;_;...actually at first i also feel like ;_:...suddenly the cg become liddat..-,-
so ya..after that go kopitiam drink water..then donal eat..lol..suddenly kin mun receive calls tat my bike tyre BOOM..darm that kenny..dunno what the *toot* he doing...argh! gonna walk home..sian lor..imagine from vista to amd..wa..die la...
then ah de nid to go buy apple for his mom so ya..we go and meet him then pei him...then he go home put apples then come go playground with us..=DD..so lame tho..then the swing..lol omg..ah de push me then i fly back and front very fast..then he turn me round and round..then the chain revert..wa...was darm scary...then kenny also tio..haha..his one more worse..hand kanna kiap by chain..LOL!
then i go lie down there see star..then later ah de come..then everybody come..LOL!!..then we all chat bout -handphones- lol!!...
so yup...after that around 11.30 gonna go home le...so since joshua live at 888 area...then he pei me untill there then at there i alone walk home..haha..chatted lotsa life stuff...haha it seems that he overcome the MATTERS recently happen..YAY!! thanks god =DD..
so yup..reach home was lying down like dunno wad..haha...so yup...posting here...i think im gonna off to sleep liao le...haiz..so tired man..everyday play carpark catching...leg breaking!!~~ =(..so see ya all at next post =D
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
arlows~! ar finally get to blog..so tired arrrr!! dots man
haha okay...hmm basically today was quite sian la...so yup...as the same sleep untill around 5-6pm then kenny call me..or was it jun wei? then ask me go 547 play catching..o.o...quite funny one la...how come always when i sleeping then ppl wanna ask me out one ar..=x
so yup..basically jump out of e bed (just slip out =p) then get dress and stuff lor...then lol...tot nvr rain go out then go rain wor..-,-...then on the way got this toopid guy..on the pavement he walk on e left..then i wanna pass him by the right ma..coz i cycling...then when i gonna pass him...he suddenly swing to e right..fk lor...force me to go onto the grass..then suay suay the grass lotsa watery mud..EEEE my tyre..
dammit...then sian..some ppl dun wanna siam at there HOI...dunno wtf is on their brain..=//...then nvm..sometimes ar...u slam ur leg on the floor..is either they shock tio or they kanna irritated then scold u..fk lor....but nvm..haha..was quite fun one la..seeing how jun wei run so slow =xx
so yup...was two round of Ice&Water and two round of Virus..LOL...then got one round i so exhausted i use bike to catch...then lol lor!! i trap donal at one place then my hand cannot reach him..then sian..he escape..duh!...then tat toopid kang lu..always play bangala....very irritatied...he run merry-go-round one leh..dots.
so ya..we were like talking over the plan of chalet at march holiday..IM SO EXCITED!! =DD..first time organizing an chalet..=x..so ya...basically our main problem is who got go..another big problem is..we have to start collected $$...haiz..i really scare cannot make it leh...if cannot then whole plan have to be call off..sian norh!...then i tot is Aloha..yuan lai is Costa Sand..dots..then coz only got two..one is superior and one is duluxu...only $20 differences...so ok lo..decided is dulex..
then wa..i go view the image of the room..darm luxurious lor! lol omg omg...definitely different from what i see last time when i go to costa sand..-,-...and somemore so cheap..3 day 2 night = $270...excluding BBQ pit and buffet chair all this...waahaha...=DDD..somemore ar..if 20 people go then per person only nidda pay $14 leh! so cheap lor...then ar...if even more good 25 people..darm cheap lor...but wanna collect $ is a big big problem lor!! -,-...okay..no problem is too big for me...for i have lord with me =DD
so yup..i so have big hope in you that you will come service with me..cmon..gei wo mian zi!! come to the service..just once!! =DDD...my dear ah hui =xx
wahahaha...now i realize m1 really suck to the cord...confrence ar..have to press many time then can one...starhub just one time can le..dammit...toopid m1...then chatted about the chalet thing with donal and jun wei...then well..decided whole thing le...but the plan is so hard to execute!!
haiz...im so worrying later by the time everything done then the day fully book..dots..that one i think will SIAN DAoOoOOOooOoOoo..
ok la..not nid worry too much!! =DD...just make sure david gimmi e ans tml..or else..im..dead..LOL jkjk...
haiz..few more hour to sch..sian norh..i more hate and hate going to sch..whats happening! =(...i hate monday and wed...the P.E lesson darm gay..the Sanjay and the Taufiq and the Gunn...wa lao...so gay lor...do this do that...three of them is GAY!!! =((..trying to molest us indirectly..=((..ok la..maybe not so serious..but they suck la...run dunno how many round then blah blah..like scare naffa we cannot make it...they cannot i can ar..=x
so ya..later is gonna be the most late ending of the week..sian...BUT NEXT WEEK IS MY HOLIDAY! =DD..gonna check calenders still got wad holidays! =DD....so i think im off le..nothing much to post bout =xx..byes~!
haha okay...hmm basically today was quite sian la...so yup...as the same sleep untill around 5-6pm then kenny call me..or was it jun wei? then ask me go 547 play catching..o.o...quite funny one la...how come always when i sleeping then ppl wanna ask me out one ar..=x
so yup..basically jump out of e bed (just slip out =p) then get dress and stuff lor...then lol...tot nvr rain go out then go rain wor..-,-...then on the way got this toopid guy..on the pavement he walk on e left..then i wanna pass him by the right ma..coz i cycling...then when i gonna pass him...he suddenly swing to e right..fk lor...force me to go onto the grass..then suay suay the grass lotsa watery mud..EEEE my tyre..
dammit...then sian..some ppl dun wanna siam at there HOI...dunno wtf is on their brain..=//...then nvm..sometimes ar...u slam ur leg on the floor..is either they shock tio or they kanna irritated then scold u..fk lor....but nvm..haha..was quite fun one la..seeing how jun wei run so slow =xx
so yup...was two round of Ice&Water and two round of Virus..LOL...then got one round i so exhausted i use bike to catch...then lol lor!! i trap donal at one place then my hand cannot reach him..then sian..he escape..duh!...then tat toopid kang lu..always play bangala....very irritatied...he run merry-go-round one leh..dots.
so ya..we were like talking over the plan of chalet at march holiday..IM SO EXCITED!! =DD..first time organizing an chalet..=x..so ya...basically our main problem is who got go..another big problem is..we have to start collected $$...haiz..i really scare cannot make it leh...if cannot then whole plan have to be call off..sian norh!...then i tot is Aloha..yuan lai is Costa Sand..dots..then coz only got two..one is superior and one is duluxu...only $20 differences...so ok lo..decided is dulex..
then wa..i go view the image of the room..darm luxurious lor! lol omg omg...definitely different from what i see last time when i go to costa sand..-,-...and somemore so cheap..3 day 2 night = $270...excluding BBQ pit and buffet chair all this...waahaha...=DDD..somemore ar..if 20 people go then per person only nidda pay $14 leh! so cheap lor...then ar...if even more good 25 people..darm cheap lor...but wanna collect $ is a big big problem lor!! -,-...okay..no problem is too big for me...for i have lord with me =DD
so yup..i so have big hope in you that you will come service with me..cmon..gei wo mian zi!! come to the service..just once!! =DDD...my dear ah hui =xx
wahahaha...now i realize m1 really suck to the cord...confrence ar..have to press many time then can one...starhub just one time can le..dammit...toopid m1...then chatted about the chalet thing with donal and jun wei...then well..decided whole thing le...but the plan is so hard to execute!!
haiz...im so worrying later by the time everything done then the day fully book..dots..that one i think will SIAN DAoOoOOOooOoOoo..
ok la..not nid worry too much!! =DD...just make sure david gimmi e ans tml..or else..im..dead..LOL jkjk...
haiz..few more hour to sch..sian norh..i more hate and hate going to sch..whats happening! =(...i hate monday and wed...the P.E lesson darm gay..the Sanjay and the Taufiq and the Gunn...wa lao...so gay lor...do this do that...three of them is GAY!!! =((..trying to molest us indirectly..=((..ok la..maybe not so serious..but they suck la...run dunno how many round then blah blah..like scare naffa we cannot make it...they cannot i can ar..=x
so ya..later is gonna be the most late ending of the week..sian...BUT NEXT WEEK IS MY HOLIDAY! =DD..gonna check calenders still got wad holidays! =DD....so i think im off le..nothing much to post bout =xx..byes~!
Monday, March 05, 2007
so high can?!?!
Woooo! was so high just now can?!?!?!!
wahaha basically around 4 or 5pm..i think i really sleep late into the day sia...haha..i think i dreamed of jun wei's brother...coz i think i had this dream second time le..or maybe first time?? feels like second time...basically..i think it was a maraton ar..the settings was kind of funny one la..
i think the race mainly got include most of the people i know ar...coz i remenber at one part i was really panting and stuff then d***n's brother (d****n the guy i talk about at the last post) ar the kenji who act like girl one..he catch up seh!! then he laugh at me so slow...then suddenly me power up catch him..saw him stop at one point pant like siao...haha..quite lame tho!!
so ya lor...becuz after i catch up and pass him..i think the next is..jun wei's brother?? then my position was third ma..secnod i think is jun wei's bro...then after that the first is a girl..if im not wrong...very unclear la the dream...wa then he running darm fast..me was like running next to him lor..then the finish line also quite near le..
basically we both run run run then manage to catch up to that girl who was first lor...then we three running like siao trying to get first...then we three chio through the finish line together..-,-!! funny la that one...coz the guy ar...really feels like is jun wei's brother lor!! the feeling is darm real...then the girl i dunno..seems to be one of my teacher ar..?
dunno leh...then i think i went to see the board...the girl was first...second is "Ricky" who i suppose is jun wei's bro?? then third is me lor..but the name special leh!! appeared as "Sky" LOL...i tot is Benjamin...wahahaha since when my name become my nick name..?? =DD...
then okay la..i dunno what thing shock me i whole person wake up liao...then sms-ed jun wei ask him is that his bro..he says no..LOL!!...wa if yes then i think i'll get the biggest shock of my life man..-,-..
so went back to sleep ba..darm tired...then suddenly Donal call me..ask me wanna go his there slack anot...wa then i dress hao hao le look at my phone.." *dee dee dee* Low Battery"...wa i was there sian diao lor...going to go out low batt...charge abit then go out le...wa i very scare i wanna reach le..then wanna sms Donal "i reaching" then no batt..then in the end must go home..tat one i think if happen darm sian...
so on the way i ON my phone then sms.keep on having problem lor...i press button 3 then it says "Push to talk is turn off, do you want to On?" wa sian..three time leh...fourth time i let it heat up awhile then try..can liao...shock sia..then when i turn on it shows me the low batt sign...wa was praying to god dun turn off b4 i send the msg...so in the end manage to send him ba..then Kenny called me..haha...thanks god!! =D
so basically reach there donal and kenny already there le...so yup...we go up kenny house first lor..coz i think donal wanna fix the hamachi thing on kenny's comp ba..?? was rather sian ba...the toopid kenny..play wrestling wid me...=[[..one secret ar..i don't like to fight because im not violence prone but that doesn't mean i don't know how to fight. =xxx haha..alot of ppl think like that one lor..especially that kenji...practically one cb kia =x
haha okay then after that went down i think we went to eat ba...was really really really HUNGRY...so went to eat vegetarian rice =DD...darm nice...but found a bone on my plate..i didnt even eat yet leh...wa not even hygiane de..-,-..then almost forgot to say grace sia..luckily donal remind me..=xx..not used to it =]]
so after that went to carpark fifth floor to slack ba...was rather full so dun play catching first...(we are playing carpark catching always when we meet..are we addicted or are we having too much sportmanship?? =x )..haha..darm Kang Lu..play play play...you nvr eat leh..go play urself ba..go catch car =DD
so after that slacking a while we start the game le..hahaha...was playing Ice & Water type de catching...then ya..got one point wa...Kang Lu disiao me he say "you lousiest one la..always hao lian all this"...wa tat point i think i was offended..lol~~ so i tell him i become catcher ba...
so ya la..was pissed off...manage to catch kenny and donal..=p...then going to catch that spoilt brat...then wtf..he play merry-go-round...diao lor..he on the other side of the car..me on the other side..this rate how to catch him...dun expect me to jump over the car coz the car cfm dirty de..LOL...SIN LEH!! HOW CAN SIN BECAUSE OF CATCHING A BRAT?? =x..jkjk..
so okay la..give up le...darm tired lor...right leg also gonna cramp soon..haha..so ya...kenny become the catcher..me go rest..BUT STILL IN THE GAME HOH!! =DDD
haha take a sip of pepsi..then see the kang lu kanna catch...pro seh Kenny..=xx
so yup..after that we decide a game...who ever was the first to kanna catch shall go and buy drink for us..then in the mean of the game i added that who ever first to kanna catch also must do 20 time pumping..=DDD standard terms & condition!! =)))
so yup..of course kang lu the first to kanna catch...haha...but i think he is a sore loser after all..even worst than me..no sportmanship at all...aye~~ so haha..if he do pumping kenny has to go and buy drink wor!! but in the end we found out that kang lu cant do any pumping...and he always keep on qiao his butt...his butt go down chest never...-,-...practicsing F***king is it?? =x...and P6 le leh..i didn't know tat...when i was P6 i can even do 100 char bo pump =X!! (he even more gay than me =x)
wahahaha...so he go buy le...within 5 minutes if he dun come back must kanna pumping =DD...wa he was definitely fast man...but then he go buy he no $$$ to buy himselfs one...feel abit guilty..but too bad i left with $1..=x
so yup...we say wanna play again...but then kang lu dun wan..so three person how to play?? so i think donal abit du lan with kang lu..then in the end i think they both @)#*$#(@)%&%&#@_ ??? i don't know...dun want to care..haha =xx...so nerh..he in the end oso got play..but i think he F**king pissed off...coz i can see he is definitely aiming donal lor...darm fast leh! the distence of him and donal closed up untill very near...then i was just infront of donal nia..scared sia
then alright ba...coz donal went into the stairs door..then kang lu was there like pushing open the door but cannot..donal blocking..LOL...funny after all...then i went one floor then go into the stairscase then push the door with donal..LOL so kwaii-neh!!!
then very funny...thru the small window we can see kenny behind him nia he oso dunno..waaaaa...so funny can ?? then lol..kenny go up one floor he oso follow...then kenny run back we open the door then kang lu wan come in cannot we close the door..HAHAHA omg fking funny...
then the kang lu no way he go up...then donal go up block the door..but somehow i think the door clipped tio his arm..then he cry..=//..GAME ENDED...ok lame...so ya me went to check on him ba...then wa the way he cry is..huuuuhuuuuhuuhuuuuuuuuu...like ghost leh...creepy..
then lol..donal and kenny disiao..act like ghost...aiya i so pity the little kid =xx...haha then ok la...went to check on him..then ask him okay anot he ignore me..=[[ so saddd..no la LOL...i think after all he oso not tat mature and respectful...but he also quite pure and innocent =P...just that he is lacking manner and matureness =xx
so yup...after that just slack and slack...then after that we go vista pt buy stuff...then was like sitting under a shelter there chat and chat...all e way till 1am plus we saw zhen de, joshua and stanley together...btw i tot joshua was suppose to taunt at xiaojun house?? funny leh..haha...then ok la..was abit sad coz joshua and stanley they say later service they dun wanna come..=(((..then zhen de not coming coz got something...haizzzz...but also since when i so devote to e church ar..LOL!! im addicted and love to go service!! =DDD
so okay la..after that we really chat and play...then cherish the last few minute before..i..go...HOME. LOL!!! im not dead yet friends..-,-..lame tho haha!! so yup..i think im gonna end here ba...see you all on the next entry =DD! Peace Out
wahaha basically around 4 or 5pm..i think i really sleep late into the day sia...haha..i think i dreamed of jun wei's brother...coz i think i had this dream second time le..or maybe first time?? feels like second time...basically..i think it was a maraton ar..the settings was kind of funny one la..
i think the race mainly got include most of the people i know ar...coz i remenber at one part i was really panting and stuff then d***n's brother (d****n the guy i talk about at the last post) ar the kenji who act like girl one..he catch up seh!! then he laugh at me so slow...then suddenly me power up catch him..saw him stop at one point pant like siao...haha..quite lame tho!!
so ya lor...becuz after i catch up and pass him..i think the next is..jun wei's brother?? then my position was third ma..secnod i think is jun wei's bro...then after that the first is a girl..if im not wrong...very unclear la the dream...wa then he running darm fast..me was like running next to him lor..then the finish line also quite near le..
basically we both run run run then manage to catch up to that girl who was first lor...then we three running like siao trying to get first...then we three chio through the finish line together..-,-!! funny la that one...coz the guy ar...really feels like is jun wei's brother lor!! the feeling is darm real...then the girl i dunno..seems to be one of my teacher ar..?
dunno leh...then i think i went to see the board...the girl was first...second is "Ricky" who i suppose is jun wei's bro?? then third is me lor..but the name special leh!! appeared as "Sky" LOL...i tot is Benjamin...wahahaha since when my name become my nick name..?? =DD...
then okay la..i dunno what thing shock me i whole person wake up liao...then sms-ed jun wei ask him is that his bro..he says no..LOL!!...wa if yes then i think i'll get the biggest shock of my life man..-,-..
so went back to sleep ba..darm tired...then suddenly Donal call me..ask me wanna go his there slack anot...wa then i dress hao hao le look at my phone.." *dee dee dee* Low Battery"...wa i was there sian diao lor...going to go out low batt...charge abit then go out le...wa i very scare i wanna reach le..then wanna sms Donal "i reaching" then no batt..then in the end must go home..tat one i think if happen darm sian...
so on the way i ON my phone then sms.keep on having problem lor...i press button 3 then it says "Push to talk is turn off, do you want to On?" wa sian..three time leh...fourth time i let it heat up awhile then try..can liao...shock sia..then when i turn on it shows me the low batt sign...wa was praying to god dun turn off b4 i send the msg...so in the end manage to send him ba..then Kenny called me..haha...thanks god!! =D
so basically reach there donal and kenny already there le...so yup...we go up kenny house first lor..coz i think donal wanna fix the hamachi thing on kenny's comp ba..?? was rather sian ba...the toopid kenny..play wrestling wid me...=[[..one secret ar..i don't like to fight because im not violence prone but that doesn't mean i don't know how to fight. =xxx haha..alot of ppl think like that one lor..especially that kenji...practically one cb kia =x
haha okay then after that went down i think we went to eat ba...was really really really HUNGRY...so went to eat vegetarian rice =DD...darm nice...but found a bone on my plate..i didnt even eat yet leh...wa not even hygiane de..-,-..then almost forgot to say grace sia..luckily donal remind me..=xx..not used to it =]]
so after that went to carpark fifth floor to slack ba...was rather full so dun play catching first...(we are playing carpark catching always when we meet..are we addicted or are we having too much sportmanship?? =x )..haha..darm Kang Lu..play play play...you nvr eat leh..go play urself ba..go catch car =DD
so after that slacking a while we start the game le..hahaha...was playing Ice & Water type de catching...then ya..got one point wa...Kang Lu disiao me he say "you lousiest one la..always hao lian all this"...wa tat point i think i was offended..lol~~ so i tell him i become catcher ba...
so ya la..was pissed off...manage to catch kenny and donal..=p...then going to catch that spoilt brat...then wtf..he play merry-go-round...diao lor..he on the other side of the car..me on the other side..this rate how to catch him...dun expect me to jump over the car coz the car cfm dirty de..LOL...SIN LEH!! HOW CAN SIN BECAUSE OF CATCHING A BRAT?? =x..jkjk..
so okay la..give up le...darm tired lor...right leg also gonna cramp soon..haha..so ya...kenny become the catcher..me go rest..BUT STILL IN THE GAME HOH!! =DDD
haha take a sip of pepsi..then see the kang lu kanna catch...pro seh Kenny..=xx
so yup..after that we decide a game...who ever was the first to kanna catch shall go and buy drink for us..then in the mean of the game i added that who ever first to kanna catch also must do 20 time pumping..=DDD standard terms & condition!! =)))
so yup..of course kang lu the first to kanna catch...haha...but i think he is a sore loser after all..even worst than me..no sportmanship at all...aye~~ so haha..if he do pumping kenny has to go and buy drink wor!! but in the end we found out that kang lu cant do any pumping...and he always keep on qiao his butt...his butt go down chest never...-,-...practicsing F***king is it?? =x...and P6 le leh..i didn't know tat...when i was P6 i can even do 100 char bo pump =X!! (he even more gay than me =x)
wahahaha...so he go buy le...within 5 minutes if he dun come back must kanna pumping =DD...wa he was definitely fast man...but then he go buy he no $$$ to buy himselfs one...feel abit guilty..but too bad i left with $1..=x
so yup...we say wanna play again...but then kang lu dun wan..so three person how to play?? so i think donal abit du lan with kang lu..then in the end i think they both @)#*$#(@)%&%&#@_ ??? i don't know...dun want to care..haha =xx...so nerh..he in the end oso got play..but i think he F**king pissed off...coz i can see he is definitely aiming donal lor...darm fast leh! the distence of him and donal closed up untill very near...then i was just infront of donal nia..scared sia
then alright ba...coz donal went into the stairs door..then kang lu was there like pushing open the door but cannot..donal blocking..LOL...funny after all...then i went one floor then go into the stairscase then push the door with donal..LOL so kwaii-neh!!!
then very funny...thru the small window we can see kenny behind him nia he oso dunno..waaaaa...so funny can ?? then lol..kenny go up one floor he oso follow...then kenny run back we open the door then kang lu wan come in cannot we close the door..HAHAHA omg fking funny...
then the kang lu no way he go up...then donal go up block the door..but somehow i think the door clipped tio his arm..then he cry..=//..GAME ENDED...ok lame...so ya me went to check on him ba...then wa the way he cry is..huuuuhuuuuhuuhuuuuuuuuu...like ghost leh...creepy..
then lol..donal and kenny disiao..act like ghost...aiya i so pity the little kid =xx...haha then ok la...went to check on him..then ask him okay anot he ignore me..=[[ so saddd..no la LOL...i think after all he oso not tat mature and respectful...but he also quite pure and innocent =P...just that he is lacking manner and matureness =xx
so yup...after that just slack and slack...then after that we go vista pt buy stuff...then was like sitting under a shelter there chat and chat...all e way till 1am plus we saw zhen de, joshua and stanley together...btw i tot joshua was suppose to taunt at xiaojun house?? funny leh..haha...then ok la..was abit sad coz joshua and stanley they say later service they dun wanna come..=(((..then zhen de not coming coz got something...haizzzz...but also since when i so devote to e church ar..LOL!! im addicted and love to go service!! =DDD
so okay la..after that we really chat and play...then cherish the last few minute before..i..go...HOME. LOL!!! im not dead yet friends..-,-..lame tho haha!! so yup..i think im gonna end here ba...see you all on the next entry =DD! Peace Out
Friday, March 02, 2007
wooo fun night!
Yeah!! im back guys!! =DDD...
wahahaha...just now went out with kenny,kang Lu,Donal,Xiaojun,Joshua and Kin mun...so fun lor!!! whahaha....cant wait to have another nite with them again =DD
ok ba..coz basically was on the fone with jun wei discussing over the plans of chalet at march holidays...but then for some reason jun wei tot of calling it off...coz kenny cannot come out of woodlands...so ya lor...
so nvm...suggest another thing is..we open a chalet..but kenny cannot come is nvm de..coz we oso calling cck and bukit panjung...then on other days the care group make it as an outing+care group lor..then kenny oso can come..how fun =DD..
so yup...finishing discussing go and meet donal at vista point area =DD...actually i tot his name is DonalD...but is Donal..haha...
when i reach there saw no one leh..coz at first i tot only we both meeting..then we say he go fetch xiaojun...yay!! the CUTE guy coming =DD...then later i saw him coming playground..lol..he say Joshua go fetch him he come and pei me..coz if not kenny dun wan come down if he not there..=//
so ya lor...i realize one thing is kenny always late one lor..care group tat time he late...we were like waiting one hour plus lor..-,-..then on tat day care group we actually plan to meet at vista point area to slack..but he want to go home first..donal oso so i follow him lor...since so near vista point area...
then hoh...donal call him he say when we reach the area he will call kenny...we reach le hoh...donal call kenny like siao lor..no answer...dots lor..then go up his house..door no lock..LOL..but oso cannot knock coz his parent very fierce...(i dunno how fierce coz nvr experience)..then today ask him he say he sleep..-,-
basically donal told me..when he wake up...he sms donal "ermz why you call me?" wa that one...i was laughing like siao lor..we plan to meet then he kum gong go ask why call him..LOL...still never mind..his brother oso sleep...-,-..no wonder no one hear phone ring
so okay la...kenny come down le follow by kin mun...then we all go nearby coffee shop eat lor...me order carrot+cake =DDD
then after that go back to playground and chat..then soon joshua and xiaojun come le!! =DD...go and play NIGHT carpark catching..=DD my favourite!! haha...basically the first carpark very small la..so finish two round we change carpark le..haha
after two round on that carpark we go and rest le..hahaz...one thing i realize is joshua look darm depress lor...dunno whats wrong...i feel like comfronting him but dun dare leh...later he agitated =x...ok la...i think he got big big de dunno wad thing tats why..haha..
then we all move to one place slack..haha then donal keep insulting the Song Ka..LOL...funny lor!! then hahaha...very funny...xiaojun wallet stuck at the bball court the HOLE there...haha..we all using slipper to make the wallet come down..funny man!!
so basically very late le lor..so must faster rush home le..if not daddy will start calling my hp..=P..so basically i think they taunting now?? not sure leh..never see xiaojun online...=[[..donal oso..sho sian..
so i think i end it here ba...hahaz =P...see ya all on the next entry =DD
wahahaha...just now went out with kenny,kang Lu,Donal,Xiaojun,Joshua and Kin mun...so fun lor!!! whahaha....cant wait to have another nite with them again =DD
ok ba..coz basically was on the fone with jun wei discussing over the plans of chalet at march holidays...but then for some reason jun wei tot of calling it off...coz kenny cannot come out of woodlands...so ya lor...
so nvm...suggest another thing is..we open a chalet..but kenny cannot come is nvm de..coz we oso calling cck and bukit panjung...then on other days the care group make it as an outing+care group lor..then kenny oso can come..how fun =DD..
so yup...finishing discussing go and meet donal at vista point area =DD...actually i tot his name is DonalD...but is Donal..haha...
when i reach there saw no one leh..coz at first i tot only we both meeting..then we say he go fetch xiaojun...yay!! the CUTE guy coming =DD...then later i saw him coming playground..lol..he say Joshua go fetch him he come and pei me..coz if not kenny dun wan come down if he not there..=//
so ya lor...i realize one thing is kenny always late one lor..care group tat time he late...we were like waiting one hour plus lor..-,-..then on tat day care group we actually plan to meet at vista point area to slack..but he want to go home first..donal oso so i follow him lor...since so near vista point area...
then hoh...donal call him he say when we reach the area he will call kenny...we reach le hoh...donal call kenny like siao lor..no answer...dots lor..then go up his house..door no lock..LOL..but oso cannot knock coz his parent very fierce...(i dunno how fierce coz nvr experience)..then today ask him he say he sleep..-,-
basically donal told me..when he wake up...he sms donal "ermz why you call me?" wa that one...i was laughing like siao lor..we plan to meet then he kum gong go ask why call him..LOL...still never mind..his brother oso sleep...-,-..no wonder no one hear phone ring
so okay la...kenny come down le follow by kin mun...then we all go nearby coffee shop eat lor...me order carrot+cake =DDD
then after that go back to playground and chat..then soon joshua and xiaojun come le!! =DD...go and play NIGHT carpark catching..=DD my favourite!! haha...basically the first carpark very small la..so finish two round we change carpark le..haha
after two round on that carpark we go and rest le..hahaz...one thing i realize is joshua look darm depress lor...dunno whats wrong...i feel like comfronting him but dun dare leh...later he agitated =x...ok la...i think he got big big de dunno wad thing tats why..haha..
then we all move to one place slack..haha then donal keep insulting the Song Ka..LOL...funny lor!! then hahaha...very funny...xiaojun wallet stuck at the bball court the HOLE there...haha..we all using slipper to make the wallet come down..funny man!!
so basically very late le lor..so must faster rush home le..if not daddy will start calling my hp..=P..so basically i think they taunting now?? not sure leh..never see xiaojun online...=[[..donal oso..sho sian..
so i think i end it here ba...hahaz =P...see ya all on the next entry =DD
unexplainable sadness
arlowz..long time no update..so dusty...><
well how to say nerh...today basically is care group and hoped didn't held at noel's house...
coz his house really...BORING....but okay la..today was held at a HDB downstairs
which environments really are bad..but its okay...somehow feel nice...
so as care group begin..i share that one of the blessing is...very omg lor...i did not even revise
for my math test which is last thurs...not a single..just few paper which is really nothing...
was like praying hard to god to let me pass..at least passing line...
wa then get back the result..shocking lor!! Kawaii ne!!! =D...26/50!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG
definitely is god blessing =DDDD...must thanks god...as for english and CPA have to wait le..
one thing i defitenaly realize is...this person in my class called *********...i think this person
is avoiding me...somehow i just feel..very heart breaking leh...haiz...how i wish i can dejavu back
to time sia...this year really..wa crap...i dunno how to say la..i think this year really..cant survive..
i think really thanks god i can survive till march 1...very very stress...not on school work..but other
stuff...although can be say not important but someow i feel very..well..how shall i put it..haha..
althought alot of stuff are there really getting on my nerve..but then..lol..GETTING CLOSER TO GOD
is my main goal =DD..i must say that during care group that time praying..can really feels god
presence...dunno is it true anot..but the feeling is so darm strong lor..wahahahah
haiz that person...well..i think we are drifting further if you know who you are...haha...its not the
same we used to be...my worldly friend..how i wish i can bring you into spiritual friend with me..
haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....i think its really impossible..unless really miracle happen..but thats
like 0.000000000000000000001% it will..but if it wills...i think i can happy untill flying on the sky
haiz i think evergreen sec is not for me lor...but see first ba..if really cannot i think im off to
christ church sec..=DD..pei all my fren theres...will be darm funnnnfunfunfufnfunfunfufnufnufn
huahuahua -evil laughs-...but haiz..seeing how that person msn nick...really sad la...sounds like
you included my good frens but not me..it appears that im not important to you..just a "friend"...
maybe its just my foolish thinking but...but if its true leh..i dunno how to react liao..-,-
i think just pray god it isn't truth..and all else is just a foolish thinking..but cant held thinking that
its somehow truth..i msg you but you didn't reply and went offline..how can you do that to me..
unless your really guilty that your just plain avoiding me...
one thing i wanna declare on my blog is..I REALLY REALLY DIDN'T WENT TO CHAP WITH YOUR BROTHER....-,-...if i did i wont be standing here thinking about this and that...diaos...i think i will be off to creating havoc and stuff with your bro liao..
one more thing i wanna declare is..my love with you has just ended..i just wanna be good friend
with you...and nothing else...more better eternity friend..but i don't think that will happen...
hopefully somebodie[S] will stop ignoring me and treat me like a piece of shit to ya...its hurts..
im not a cyborg or anything but a human who was born to this world...-,-...
haiz okay out of the boring topic =DDDD
basically today overall was alright ba...went to slack with donal at dunno where..chat and chat
all e way till 11.30pm..haha was really enjoying lor...then he talk bout that time he and dunno who go and taunt then create all kinds of havoc on different block..really funny man!!
huahuahua..this coming march holiday..lotsa event..pocket gonna burn..fun is begining..most
hahaha ok ba..i think the march holiday i wont be free for you my dear pang wen hui =x...or maybe just one dear day for you?? =x...
one last stuff before i go is..HOPEFULLY la..he will read my blog..but he's bad at eng so well
too bad...but i just state ba..
theres this guy called d***n...i known him 7 year ago..very long hoh? since P2..haha...we both
very close one la..everytime recess blah blah together one...happen to sit together on the first day
of school...ahahah
only ar..recently he met this guy called "yu **"...coz basically i think he got chap one...so ya..
i think this guy i known 7 year ago..lol changed...very sad la...i see how people around me
changed and treated me differently..very saddening...haiz...feel like crying..
this guy..well..basically he oso like turned ah beng type liao...lol no hope i think..only can pray
to god...basically he tio addicted to SMOKING ba...so ya la..almost everytime saw him can
tio offered a stick of cigarette..lol..ok la..just take few puff tats all..i mean im the type who wont die taking a few puff and wont tio addict one..so ya la
basically the LAST time he jio me out is we both suppose to went playing stunt...i wanna go
woodland mart buy paint ma...paint my bike of course...(sian of e color liao) so we reach there
happen to saw yu ** and wei **...so ya la...what happen next? kanna stick to them..tat time ar
my anger bar already 50% filled...wordless lor...then ar coz yu **...wanna buy the piyo piyo..known as the lady bike la...we went from place to place lor
sianz ar...we went admiralty dun hav..woodland mart dun have..then go 888..have..lol...he bought a pink piyo piyo...then wa...tat time i really pissed off ar...70%...why do we have to follow them..wanna buy bike not our problem..our problem is to go play stunt...
then ok la..we go back to admiralty..then i ask d***n when we gonna shake them off...he say dunno then he say later go car park...then okay la my usual hang out...agree lor..but then tat time darm hungry...so i ask him wanna eat anot...he say go KFC then okay lor..go lor
then ar he say he go do sth first..he ask me wait inside the KFC...then ar...when he come ar
he told me they all will be following us to the car park...then wa...tat time really..85% ar...
then still never mind...I look out i saw Hen** (the guy who i hate most) and Don meet yu ** LEH!!!!...wa tat time...
no urge to eat liao la...fk lor...wa i dunno what the F is inside this guy brain la..
initially he jio me already agree both of us nia..wa then later so many people..eh friend DAY time leh no nid so much light bulb right Forker...-,-..ji tao tell him i wanna go home coz my cat stuck on the toilet bowl ar...cb..darm pissed off...
i was sleeping then he keep on calling till i wake up..wake up to go out with him this kinda thing happen i think if this happen to any of your cfm will wanna....lol your know right...wa lao...fking irritatings.. i promise this is the LAST time im going out with him...THE END OF OUR FRIENDSHIP...
THE END FUCKER!! THE END!! you can hang out with them i dun care at all..you can smoke all
you want..i oso dun care..why? because you are already not my problem...because the d***n
7 year ago is really a big changed from now...but if you are willing to leave them and change back
at least maybe sometimes few year ago..maybe i can tell you i will love to have a friend like you..
go out with you one more time i will puke blood arhhs...and your mom are totally
unreasonable...still nvr mind..ppl ang bao give $4/6 your mom give me $2...cb...whole family
so darm rich so niao...wa lao...i gamble with ppl i lost $20+ oso nvr complain leh..cb...
its not that im greedy or what..but its that even if you dun like me oso no nid to give $2 wad right..wa lao...cmon la...oso a form of respect right..-,-..
well thats all of this entries ba...lol...ahh..feeling bettter =]]
SEE YA ALL PAL! on the next entry =P
well how to say nerh...today basically is care group and hoped didn't held at noel's house...
coz his house really...BORING....but okay la..today was held at a HDB downstairs
which environments really are bad..but its okay...somehow feel nice...
so as care group begin..i share that one of the blessing is...very omg lor...i did not even revise
for my math test which is last thurs...not a single..just few paper which is really nothing...
was like praying hard to god to let me pass..at least passing line...
wa then get back the result..shocking lor!! Kawaii ne!!! =D...26/50!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG
definitely is god blessing =DDDD...must thanks god...as for english and CPA have to wait le..
one thing i defitenaly realize is...this person in my class called *********...i think this person
is avoiding me...somehow i just feel..very heart breaking leh...haiz...how i wish i can dejavu back
to time sia...this year really..wa crap...i dunno how to say la..i think this year really..cant survive..
i think really thanks god i can survive till march 1...very very stress...not on school work..but other
stuff...although can be say not important but someow i feel very..well..how shall i put it..haha..
althought alot of stuff are there really getting on my nerve..but then..lol..GETTING CLOSER TO GOD
is my main goal =DD..i must say that during care group that time praying..can really feels god
presence...dunno is it true anot..but the feeling is so darm strong lor..wahahahah
haiz that person...well..i think we are drifting further if you know who you are...haha...its not the
same we used to be...my worldly friend..how i wish i can bring you into spiritual friend with me..
haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....i think its really impossible..unless really miracle happen..but thats
like 0.000000000000000000001% it will..but if it wills...i think i can happy untill flying on the sky
haiz i think evergreen sec is not for me lor...but see first ba..if really cannot i think im off to
christ church sec..=DD..pei all my fren theres...will be darm funnnnfunfunfufnfunfunfufnufnufn
huahuahua -evil laughs-...but haiz..seeing how that person msn nick...really sad la...sounds like
you included my good frens but not me..it appears that im not important to you..just a "friend"...
maybe its just my foolish thinking but...but if its true leh..i dunno how to react liao..-,-
i think just pray god it isn't truth..and all else is just a foolish thinking..but cant held thinking that
its somehow truth..i msg you but you didn't reply and went offline..how can you do that to me..
unless your really guilty that your just plain avoiding me...
one thing i wanna declare on my blog is..I REALLY REALLY DIDN'T WENT TO CHAP WITH YOUR BROTHER....-,-...if i did i wont be standing here thinking about this and that...diaos...i think i will be off to creating havoc and stuff with your bro liao..
one more thing i wanna declare is..my love with you has just ended..i just wanna be good friend
with you...and nothing else...more better eternity friend..but i don't think that will happen...
hopefully somebodie[S] will stop ignoring me and treat me like a piece of shit to ya...its hurts..
im not a cyborg or anything but a human who was born to this world...-,-...
haiz okay out of the boring topic =DDDD
basically today overall was alright ba...went to slack with donal at dunno where..chat and chat
all e way till 11.30pm..haha was really enjoying lor...then he talk bout that time he and dunno who go and taunt then create all kinds of havoc on different block..really funny man!!
huahuahua..this coming march holiday..lotsa event..pocket gonna burn..fun is begining..most
hahaha ok ba..i think the march holiday i wont be free for you my dear pang wen hui =x...or maybe just one dear day for you?? =x...
one last stuff before i go is..HOPEFULLY la..he will read my blog..but he's bad at eng so well
too bad...but i just state ba..
theres this guy called d***n...i known him 7 year ago..very long hoh? since P2..haha...we both
very close one la..everytime recess blah blah together one...happen to sit together on the first day
of school...ahahah
only ar..recently he met this guy called "yu **"...coz basically i think he got chap one...so ya..
i think this guy i known 7 year ago..lol changed...very sad la...i see how people around me
changed and treated me differently..very saddening...haiz...feel like crying..
this guy..well..basically he oso like turned ah beng type liao...lol no hope i think..only can pray
to god...basically he tio addicted to SMOKING ba...so ya la..almost everytime saw him can
tio offered a stick of cigarette..lol..ok la..just take few puff tats all..i mean im the type who wont die taking a few puff and wont tio addict one..so ya la
basically the LAST time he jio me out is we both suppose to went playing stunt...i wanna go
woodland mart buy paint ma...paint my bike of course...(sian of e color liao) so we reach there
happen to saw yu ** and wei **...so ya la...what happen next? kanna stick to them..tat time ar
my anger bar already 50% filled...wordless lor...then ar coz yu **...wanna buy the piyo piyo..known as the lady bike la...we went from place to place lor
sianz ar...we went admiralty dun hav..woodland mart dun have..then go 888..have..lol...he bought a pink piyo piyo...then wa...tat time i really pissed off ar...70%...why do we have to follow them..wanna buy bike not our problem..our problem is to go play stunt...
then ok la..we go back to admiralty..then i ask d***n when we gonna shake them off...he say dunno then he say later go car park...then okay la my usual hang out...agree lor..but then tat time darm hungry...so i ask him wanna eat anot...he say go KFC then okay lor..go lor
then ar he say he go do sth first..he ask me wait inside the KFC...then ar...when he come ar
he told me they all will be following us to the car park...then wa...tat time really..85% ar...
then still never mind...I look out i saw Hen** (the guy who i hate most) and Don meet yu ** LEH!!!!...wa tat time...
no urge to eat liao la...fk lor...wa i dunno what the F is inside this guy brain la..
initially he jio me already agree both of us nia..wa then later so many people..eh friend DAY time leh no nid so much light bulb right Forker...-,-..ji tao tell him i wanna go home coz my cat stuck on the toilet bowl ar...cb..darm pissed off...
i was sleeping then he keep on calling till i wake up..wake up to go out with him this kinda thing happen i think if this happen to any of your cfm will wanna....lol your know right...wa lao...fking irritatings.. i promise this is the LAST time im going out with him...THE END OF OUR FRIENDSHIP...
THE END FUCKER!! THE END!! you can hang out with them i dun care at all..you can smoke all
you want..i oso dun care..why? because you are already not my problem...because the d***n
7 year ago is really a big changed from now...but if you are willing to leave them and change back
at least maybe sometimes few year ago..maybe i can tell you i will love to have a friend like you..
go out with you one more time i will puke blood arhhs...and your mom are totally
unreasonable...still nvr mind..ppl ang bao give $4/6 your mom give me $2...cb...whole family
so darm rich so niao...wa lao...i gamble with ppl i lost $20+ oso nvr complain leh..cb...
its not that im greedy or what..but its that even if you dun like me oso no nid to give $2 wad right..wa lao...cmon la...oso a form of respect right..-,-..
well thats all of this entries ba...lol...ahh..feeling bettter =]]
SEE YA ALL PAL! on the next entry =P
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