woooo!! so happening and tiring! =DD..I just so love it..haha
basically yesterday was an new-believer party...
Attendence was crap, party was fun, people were funky, concert were hyper-active.
OMG!! I cant wait to attend another metamorphosis! =DDDD..woo
so yap..yesterday wake up at around 7am...then i was shock lor..tot i was late or something..haha..coz meeting time was at 9am at woodland control station..then ok la..sleep till 8am then start preparing..
by the way finish preparing around 8.45am le..then faster chiong...wahaha...i look so rock lor when i look in the mirror!! LOL...I used to think im ugly =x
so yup...reach there i saw kin mun...then ar..after i finish my call with donal..i realize my LINE has been cut le! zomg..lol...expected..
so haiz very sian..can only listen to song..should have used as much as i can ma..=((.. =xx
so basically kenny handphone was off so can see he not coming and yuan han is late for dunno ow long like one hour and donal reach we all go le..
reach there le then still have to wait another 20 minute before we can go in..lol..so starting is the wad "shugi shugi shugi shugi" song..lol..can tickle ppl de..dots sia!
haha then after that got abit of teaching...then is 1 hours break le..donal say is 1.30pm go back..then what i heard is 1pm go back..then nvm..around 1.20pm someone called yuan han where we go...the thing start liao..lol!! dots
so yup after this was the whatever treasure hunt? not really but part of the game idea comes from that...one point is to gain $10 we must hold some herbal tea in our mouth and sing a song..LOL!!! very dots..i was there coughing like siao..><...
then around left 2 minute..in order to gain $30 then donate our $40 since we cannot play due to the time limit...they need a new-believer to recite out a prayer sentence..from Psalm chapter..LOL!! i was sweating like siao lor...trying to remenbrance it...quite hard one la..but manage to get the $30!! yay! thanks to me =xxx..i think god has used me again =)
then yup..after that was i tink holy baptism teaching..that one during donal shepherding i tink around most of the point i and kenny know le..but kenny no come =((
so yup..the whole cg pray for me and another ben to get holy baptist...but then hmm...i guess GOD didn't overflow me with holy spirit maybe its not the time yet..haha..but nvm...will continue to ask for it =DD
so yup..after that have a few minutes break...cant remenber where we goes...i tink we went to Le Meridian and dunno what..haha...
after that come back is praise and worship! WOOO..im so eager for praise and worship man! =DD
i can only say during the praise i keep on dancing and jumping till siao =DD...darm fun..especially during the song "Redeemer" =D...so funnnnnnnnn...after that at the end is the shugi shugi song again..haha..Sathya got tickle till siao!! LOLLLLL...Pastor Shirley was seh...haha she asked us tired anot wan another song we all say YESSSSSSSSSS!! LOLLLL
so yup..i guess the whole day people was treating me to lunch and stuff...thanks guys...you're a great pal and great spiritual friend to me =)))...Your treasure is in heaven! =DD
hahaha...so yea..went to kenny there to slack for abit..then go home...then while on the way to the bus stop...i was looking at my fone "00:00"...dots...12'o clock..dun tell me no bus le wor...
was sitting at the bus stop there..next to chr sec...then i was like praying to god make sure still got one last bus to take me to woodland interchange wor...then once i open my eye for a few sec..A BUS CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRR OH MY HOLY GOD!!! +DDDDDDDDDD
was so darm happy..in the bus was only me and the driver..LOL!...
so yup..reach home, bath then do quiet time sleep le...dunno later got go slack anot..see ya all on the next entry! =DD...
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