Friday, March 16, 2007

Come on man..Overflows me!

yeah! overflows me ! lol

haha...can tell im so desperate for holy spirits..?

so yup..was playing audition..then while waiting for tat bloodangel..sms-ed ppl i change fone number le! lol..By the way if you haven know, my new number is 98706034...make changes ah!

meet quite lotsa new ppl..then i saw this froznblue guy online..someone from spain? lol...reminds me of meeting an spanish guy..we both had alot of things in common..but we dun chat now..maybe are just drifting away..;_:..quite sad..

so yup..froznblue told me im so honourable in his spot..or whatever it is?! he owned me in beat up the song "Dance Flower"..the rest of the song i guess we are just fighting for the first place..=D..I SALUTE YOU FROZN

haha...played quite a long time with arien and bloodangel..and co. haha...

got one part i playing with arien..i tink we keep on playing the speed of 140 - 170...quite fast one..but for the song 166 i manage to play level 9..but finish move keep didn't make it..probably pressing space bar is too

was kind of on the losing side..other than that was winning coz was in a team game..very blur for me..ate the flu pill..haiz..alway will drowsy like dunno wad..remenber got one time i ate two pill coz was terribly sick..then wa...i cannot take it i land on my bed like landing on water like that..drows until..omg the feeling is..=((

so the gonna end of the game before i started blogging...i was playing team choreo with arien...haha..the speed were very fast lor..166 156 150 143 or what...but i think i make it for the 166 song..haha...i think god was somehow helping me yeah! =DD...coz i know i cannot make it if god were not there..i fastest is 150 song...

<---Below is maybe I'm just ranting or sth..I don't mind if your want to read..its bored tho --->

So sad!!! just wondering how come the holy spirit didn't come into me..haiz...i want the holy spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhh!! i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it!!
iduncarecomeongodgivemetheholyspirit!! maybe it was not the time just so desperate for it...=((...cmon cmon cmon...god why would't you give me!! =(((....iconfessedmysintoyouandwhateverstupidshitsihavedoneiapologise
gimmitheholyspiriteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee going mad for it...duh...

<---The End--->

feel i tink im ending here...tml care groups is at..SEMBAWANG PARK!! WOOOO
get to play with the water soooo happy..i remenber me and my cousin buried something down there...hmm..wonder is it there and is it still there and where is it...haha...very memorable

maybe im just plain sentimetal.. LOL!!...ok la..gonna end here..or else im going mad =P

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