Saturday, July 26, 2014

Applying Economics

I realized sometimes, the game of relationship is like economics. Perhaps stock exchange as well, seeing as how affection can be at all time low and high as well. Then again, the word 'Game' is not exactly the right word, relationship should never be taken for a game. Screw it up and people get hurt, non-erasable unlike a saved data.

What has always being refreshing is really to spend a few hours, sitting down at a foreign place with no one but a laptop and reflect upon the week. Thinking back on the past few days as well as week, I fiddle with the thoughts of spending money to buy joy.

I already knew that Joy comes from acknowledging life is never easy and to be happy with what you have, rejoice in struggles because it builds you up and finally, helping other people. I maintain my stance that there should be nothing more important to a person than the people around him/her. Its a stark understanding that at one's deathbed, nothing should matters more than the people who are going there for the last minute of life.

It is not about being narcissistic, to know who will be there when one dies, though some people does want to know, not for the sake of treasuring they loves. I think at the end, no matter how much one achieve or how much that person can earn in their entire life time, all that is going to become oblivious. No one will remember for eternal.

One day, Einstein and Marilyn will be forgotten for there comes exceedingly better scientist and artist. There is nothing wrong with helping the world and impacting it in a huge way. Perhaps you can earn a nobel prize, which essentially is to tell you "Good job for Un-Fucking the World". However, I think the only people who will remember you is the people who you have impacted in their life.

To spend time building people's life up is totally worth it. Whether for religious reason or not. That person, whom you have build up, will become a walking testimony of your deeds. Believe it or not, that deeds will probably get passed down. Maybe this simple idea is the key to world peace. Though I suspect world peace will never happen.

So, coming back to my thoughts on spending money to buy Joy, I acknowledge personally that Joy does not comes from material possession. And neither should my Joy comes from answering other's material possession. Thus I guess I have already arrived at my own answer, that the ultimate Joy lies in building others and enriching them.

There is no insecurity in doing this. One who builds other builds themselves up.I think with this idea in mind, I am assured to give equal treatment to everyone who comes my way, in my own eyes of view I disclaim.

Maybe perhaps God has willed for me to be single and enjoy the fruits of a single life ? Sure I do yearn for a partner when I have a bad day and I just need someone to cuddle and achieve catharsis. However I guess learning to achieve this by being secure in God's providence, that is never seen or expected and can only be expect by faith, is much more fulfilling.

Thus I guess, this period of single-hood and waiting, is really a training ground for God to prepare us as the perfect Adam for Eve. And likewise for all the Eves' out there.

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