SIAN DAO!!! is especially my life greatest fucking tell its just bad today reach sch almost late lucky the guard is a good person let me go behind me cannot...muahahah!!! he late and he got to go after this flag rising is on how to calculate kmh distance and time..sian learn already still learn..can't be help boring anyway....
so hungry so recess faster went off and buy something to try the school mee pok..its so like..OMG!!!!!! NICE!!! AHH!!! WOOO!!! HAA!! nice and $1 only...nice lor! after recess is, Leon, Zen and Joseph buy sweet le went up to class and sat down..then Joseph buy alot alot of packet he keep on throwing sweet to people..then i saw teacher coming faster ham tum Joseph but then he slap me then dun want to the darm teacher saw alot of people having sweet then called..1T1! STAND UP! then because of Joseph la..ta ma de..but never mind! teacher ask..WHO THROW THE SWEET! all malays dun want to admit..coz they only want..SWEET...Joseph so sissy that time dun want to own up then cause us all guys must do reflection of fully no spacing two full page..wah laox..fuck..tell Joseph to stop dun want keep throwing..SEE LA JOSEPH!...Miss Lim also never saw fully the case then blame all the guys..the girl never..fuck lor..girl then blame meh...very unfair to the guys de..somemore she also didn't realise Mdm Juliana behind her..
so after this stupid situation go back class..CME mah..Mdm Juliana lesson..she just say say what this and that..whoever do that please own up..blah blah blah..then she started crying..then i was like..DIAO! i didn't do it you cry for innocent Marvin own himself up but he did nothing..joseph throw at him lah..but he didn't do anything..poor Marvin..then Joseph dun want to own up..siao liao..aiya never mind..cry then cry lor..not my problem anyway...its all Joseph this more to come ya..
so now is Miss Fiza lesson..but anyway..she is angry with us for the sweet thing..i finally know why this small thing happen then its like a calamity le..because term 1 1T1 behave like angel then suddenly term 2 like! funy anyway..she scold and scold say and say i also never listen in..because its not my problem..Joseph problem mah....but anyway they invited the sissy Joseph and marvin out to apologise..Marvin one got accepted because his sorry is so darm serious lor..hear liao also soft heart..but then Joseph de seriously hear liao want to bash him..because when he say he was laughing away..i dun find it funny anyway..because he causes such a big calamity then still can laugh not even feel sorry..-_-" never mind..
next lesson Mr Sharill...also heard of this incident..but never do anything..coz he know we tired of hearing this and its show and tell already la.. Shakila start off first..but i feel that its so lousy lor..nothing to see one..after that is shafiq..follow by wen jun..then blah blah..lucky i wasn't called..BECAUSE I FORGOT TO BRING MY PIECES OF WORK! after english is reflection time..
kinda boring..but then because last week NCDCC alot of people absent so all NCDCC cadet have to meet up at car porch then tell captain or which fucker why never come and all this..then give letter..but then this week no need go..coz people complain tired..then still we going science center..good la..actually want to take digicam go take picture..but then teacher say no digital thing including handphone and all never mind stay and do do do reflection finally done..but all people in class wracking decided to take the broom hit them....but its okay...they didn't hit me i hit them because they are so darm lousy lor..tug-o-war also lose to me..wah laox..i only 39 kg leh..nothing to untill now then...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
hello my dear..friends..=)...
ya today not bad quite good ar....but then so tired in the morning..dun feel like waking up..i feel that saturday and sunday is not enough! Need more la..if not sure will have a blackout one day same..prepare le ride bike go out..BUT!! this week thursday no need go NCDCC again! omg..because alot of people complain..but even if no need also must go..go wherE? go science center for Questa project..but then very bad...going with 1E2 and 1A1..both very bad behaviour..glad to say that most teacher from express and acadamic agree technicle have very good behavevior..SAI! all is chinese credit nia..but anyway....i haven being to science center so want to go see see..hope that the day is windy and drizilling..instinct tell me thats gonna happen on thursday..hope so hot also no mood...
so today math lesson Mr yeo got mainly today math is on time..24 hour rotation and 12 rotation..i wonder why they must do this to technicle..time leh..thirteen year old liao still dunno can bloody go jump off the building..haha..but my counting for 24 hour is the fasting coz i always saw 24 hour in my computer and my handphone =) got nothing to do since everyone also counting then smile smile this and that..then dunno why Jian Guang see me liao always laugh and laugh like i am some retards..then all begin to laugh at me..then Mr Yeo come and see me then see see me..stare stare me..everybody laugh louder for once..=/..weird..then realise baoshuang stare at me like she like me liddat..*blush* after this dreadful situation continue with math..then read this and that which i already learned..
after this is after Mr clement leave liao here come a new teacher all say he white like paper..Mr Angle! lol..i still tot its Mr Angel lor..then i greeted..Good Morning Mr Angel!!! boring..same as Mr clement lee also..but he is alot more professtional..i like his teaching but cannot friend keep on distructing the whole class very what..Mr Angle say his throat just have sugery cannot shout...haiyo..cannot stand this kinda class...
recess time! me and Leon as usual go canteen and plan what to after long time planning we both decided to eat hor it came Yimin and Baoshuang..both also buy hor okay we four sat down and start eatting..then Leon start to talk to campus superstar in evg..haha..come to this i know Leon trying to create chance for me and baoshuang..since baoshuang need a guy then can go into superstar....but then i dun dare to approache her anyway..since my singing also not really after all leh..just chat..bu ji bu jue skip and skip already now must go and read my chinese spelling le..end here~~
ya today not bad quite good ar....but then so tired in the morning..dun feel like waking up..i feel that saturday and sunday is not enough! Need more la..if not sure will have a blackout one day same..prepare le ride bike go out..BUT!! this week thursday no need go NCDCC again! omg..because alot of people complain..but even if no need also must go..go wherE? go science center for Questa project..but then very bad...going with 1E2 and 1A1..both very bad behaviour..glad to say that most teacher from express and acadamic agree technicle have very good behavevior..SAI! all is chinese credit nia..but anyway....i haven being to science center so want to go see see..hope that the day is windy and drizilling..instinct tell me thats gonna happen on thursday..hope so hot also no mood...
so today math lesson Mr yeo got mainly today math is on time..24 hour rotation and 12 rotation..i wonder why they must do this to technicle..time leh..thirteen year old liao still dunno can bloody go jump off the building..haha..but my counting for 24 hour is the fasting coz i always saw 24 hour in my computer and my handphone =) got nothing to do since everyone also counting then smile smile this and that..then dunno why Jian Guang see me liao always laugh and laugh like i am some retards..then all begin to laugh at me..then Mr Yeo come and see me then see see me..stare stare me..everybody laugh louder for once..=/..weird..then realise baoshuang stare at me like she like me liddat..*blush* after this dreadful situation continue with math..then read this and that which i already learned..
after this is after Mr clement leave liao here come a new teacher all say he white like paper..Mr Angle! lol..i still tot its Mr Angel lor..then i greeted..Good Morning Mr Angel!!! boring..same as Mr clement lee also..but he is alot more professtional..i like his teaching but cannot friend keep on distructing the whole class very what..Mr Angle say his throat just have sugery cannot shout...haiyo..cannot stand this kinda class...
recess time! me and Leon as usual go canteen and plan what to after long time planning we both decided to eat hor it came Yimin and Baoshuang..both also buy hor okay we four sat down and start eatting..then Leon start to talk to campus superstar in evg..haha..come to this i know Leon trying to create chance for me and baoshuang..since baoshuang need a guy then can go into superstar....but then i dun dare to approache her anyway..since my singing also not really after all leh..just chat..bu ji bu jue skip and skip already now must go and read my chinese spelling le..end here~~
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Good Friday
hello is friday and its end of the week..going well actually..sooo whats for today is actually so tiring lor..sleep 3 hour only so wake up tired like after that prepare then put in my chinese textbook then went to school...
so ya tired thats why while cycling dozed off liao;..finally reach school then blah blah lock bike..then a fucker came and ask boy! eh boy!! then i say...Yes? then he walk away..diao..see liao also me then walk away so bo liao ya reach sch set down read book..after that P.E so go toilet and change..change alrdy go basket ball court..BUT!!! MR JOESEPH NEVER COME!! oh yes!! never P.E! good sia..but so funny..a P.E teacher can be sick.. i cant believe it lor...
so after that Mr Mario told us to go back class so me and my mate go back class..while going i meet Linda half way then we just wave then walk away..she so rubbish..always call me for nothing and ask me this ask me that..see liao also du lan..then walk back liao then after that dunno which fatty teacher came into our class and say that Mr Joseph never come so take over for a while..then say..Wah! 1T1 really can behave sia! so quiet even better than my class 1E2! blah blah..then never mind la..own it to the chinese lor..malay also very violent and noisy one..diao..
so after that Mr Sharil came and then listening boring..half way almost sleep..after that dunno what the hell Mr Shawrill want to do he ask us to que up outside the class then we went to the garden just opposite of the class block..then after that he ask us to make ourself a statue...must stand there cannto move..those never passed got punishment..i stand there..then see see look look finally think of what to usual way..STAND LIKE I AM THINKING OF SOMETHING!! so i just stand there..teacher come liao then see see..i was the first to why..maybe i posed nicely and then never blink eye..haha then Leon and Joseph both almost fail...those fail de do pumping..yay..
after that chinese...boring like do and do after that recess finally can eat and drink so faster ran and ran to catch up with my friend..then never mind..AGAIN! i bang onto the same pillar.....ta ma de dunno which fucker step on my shoe lace..i think my forehead already got baluku liao..LOL!...
so after recess is? COMPUTER APPLICATION! OH YES! get to blow air-con again..whaha so today Mr. Handsome Tan gonna teach us is the BinarySystem! omg i been waiting for it so long! but when learn is like..?_? coz all the thing is 0-1..and learned that computer cannot take 0-9 only can A = count out the binary have a special le i duno how to do..coz very messy..but not included in test..YES! after that free time to go internet..i shut down my comp coz nothing to also cannot habbo so dun play talk with Hamid..but actually found out that Leon beat Hamid poor Hamid..haiz..but never mind! now after CPA liao..must find that stupid Leon up how come he go beat Hamid..then he actually say he very sian want some entertainment..diao..then give him a good lecturing..after hearing my nag he gone off home very windly and coling..haha ride bike was shuang!! so come back home lie down and enjoy this blog also..=)
so ya tired thats why while cycling dozed off liao;..finally reach school then blah blah lock bike..then a fucker came and ask boy! eh boy!! then i say...Yes? then he walk away..diao..see liao also me then walk away so bo liao ya reach sch set down read book..after that P.E so go toilet and change..change alrdy go basket ball court..BUT!!! MR JOESEPH NEVER COME!! oh yes!! never P.E! good sia..but so funny..a P.E teacher can be sick.. i cant believe it lor...
so after that Mr Mario told us to go back class so me and my mate go back class..while going i meet Linda half way then we just wave then walk away..she so rubbish..always call me for nothing and ask me this ask me that..see liao also du lan..then walk back liao then after that dunno which fatty teacher came into our class and say that Mr Joseph never come so take over for a while..then say..Wah! 1T1 really can behave sia! so quiet even better than my class 1E2! blah blah..then never mind la..own it to the chinese lor..malay also very violent and noisy one..diao..
so after that Mr Sharil came and then listening boring..half way almost sleep..after that dunno what the hell Mr Shawrill want to do he ask us to que up outside the class then we went to the garden just opposite of the class block..then after that he ask us to make ourself a statue...must stand there cannto move..those never passed got punishment..i stand there..then see see look look finally think of what to usual way..STAND LIKE I AM THINKING OF SOMETHING!! so i just stand there..teacher come liao then see see..i was the first to why..maybe i posed nicely and then never blink eye..haha then Leon and Joseph both almost fail...those fail de do pumping..yay..
after that chinese...boring like do and do after that recess finally can eat and drink so faster ran and ran to catch up with my friend..then never mind..AGAIN! i bang onto the same pillar.....ta ma de dunno which fucker step on my shoe lace..i think my forehead already got baluku liao..LOL!...
so after recess is? COMPUTER APPLICATION! OH YES! get to blow air-con again..whaha so today Mr. Handsome Tan gonna teach us is the BinarySystem! omg i been waiting for it so long! but when learn is like..?_? coz all the thing is 0-1..and learned that computer cannot take 0-9 only can A = count out the binary have a special le i duno how to do..coz very messy..but not included in test..YES! after that free time to go internet..i shut down my comp coz nothing to also cannot habbo so dun play talk with Hamid..but actually found out that Leon beat Hamid poor Hamid..haiz..but never mind! now after CPA liao..must find that stupid Leon up how come he go beat Hamid..then he actually say he very sian want some entertainment..diao..then give him a good lecturing..after hearing my nag he gone off home very windly and coling..haha ride bike was shuang!! so come back home lie down and enjoy this blog also..=)
Friday, March 24, 2006
Bored? Tired? Sleepy?
hello...yesterday around 4am sleep..yawn..wake up today tired like hell..dun feel like going to school...AHHH!!!...i feel like exploding soon..after CA so soon mid-year..time really past man..turn and turn now already late march..wah...i cant wait to wear long whats for today is that its Home Econ test and i never study..but then all i know except for that stupid to remove stain never mind ler..home econ lesson no theory teaching only sew the stupid fun lor
so after sewing hungry whats more? EAT LA! after eatting went and buy foolscape then go to usual meeting place to chit chat...then very funny..Zen keep on putting $1 into the vending machine but then the machine keep on appearing .00...LOL! so funny then Zen went around exchanging $1 but then still the same..i realise i also have a gold one over exchange with Zen..then finally farni..Zen unlucky wor..
so after that must quickly go off come last minute baoshuang asking us to buy chocolate from her..NPCC then i know she from NPCC i realise i still have money then buy from her..long time no eat buy from her..but out of nothing she return me a 50 cent..but the chocolate suppose to be $1 but i got it only for $0.50..then my friend see see liao then buy..baoshuang never return 50 cnet..LOL! my friend at there kbkb..=o..
realise over-time le faster run on there cher haven come faster eat sweet and nice..then my friend say not only his one $1 and still so bitter..mine is cheap and sweet..wah...chuang dao..=)...
english liao..want to die boring..Mr sharill dunno how to "awake" us de..haiyo...Mr yeo better..alwawys joke around so humourous...but anyway also one kind de after sch dun want to go NCDCC coz so sick lor...flu and me and my friend go report sick then go off whats next? dozed off in my bike lor...
so after sewing hungry whats more? EAT LA! after eatting went and buy foolscape then go to usual meeting place to chit chat...then very funny..Zen keep on putting $1 into the vending machine but then the machine keep on appearing .00...LOL! so funny then Zen went around exchanging $1 but then still the same..i realise i also have a gold one over exchange with Zen..then finally farni..Zen unlucky wor..
so after that must quickly go off come last minute baoshuang asking us to buy chocolate from her..NPCC then i know she from NPCC i realise i still have money then buy from her..long time no eat buy from her..but out of nothing she return me a 50 cent..but the chocolate suppose to be $1 but i got it only for $0.50..then my friend see see liao then buy..baoshuang never return 50 cnet..LOL! my friend at there kbkb..=o..
realise over-time le faster run on there cher haven come faster eat sweet and nice..then my friend say not only his one $1 and still so bitter..mine is cheap and sweet..wah...chuang dao..=)...
english liao..want to die boring..Mr sharill dunno how to "awake" us de..haiyo...Mr yeo better..alwawys joke around so humourous...but anyway also one kind de after sch dun want to go NCDCC coz so sick lor...flu and me and my friend go report sick then go off whats next? dozed off in my bike lor...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Sky's Story
Sky’s Life Story
Once a time, On a fresh air, blue skies, freedom-flying bird. There live three best friends. Sky, Jessica and Leon. Sky and Jessica were 14 whereas their friend, Leon, is older than them by 1 year. As life goes by, Sky, Jessica and Leon learned a lot of things about the "outside" world. Darkness evaded the world. Evil kills. One day, the evil began to take away Sky beautiful island. Will Sky able to survive this calamity? Or will he fall into darkness? Read the story.
The story began.
First day
"Wake up Sky! Wake up!" shouted Jessica at Sky. Sky restlessly pulls himself up and looks at Jessica.
"What’s the matter Jessie?" Sky replied in a tired manner. Jessica said to Sky that they are planning to build a raft and set off to a journey and leave this place. "Sounds like a good idea!" Sky replied and filled with complete excitement.
Suddenly, Leon came in and told them, Guys! Let’s start searching for the material to build a raft! Come on! Faster!
Three of them began the day with an agenda of things to find. Sky was told to find wood, Jessica’s job is to find robe and some canned food and Leon’s was to find large clothes.
After few hours later, they manage to gather up those listed item and they met at the island workshop.
"Wow! It’s a tiring day!" Sky shouted in despair. Leon told them that to build a raft it might take one day. They ended the day by dumping the entire item they found in the workshop and leave the shop and went home.
Second day
Helloooooooooooo Jessica! Leon! Sky shouted with great joy. Before Sky could wake up Jessica and Leon, they were already working on the raft; it’s halfway done. Three of them had their breakfast before they even began their day by continuing on the raft. Sky wanted to warm the royal throne so Jessica and Leon gone to the workshop first. While Sky was halfway walking, suddenly everything gone black. A small girl appears in as life goes on front of Sky and told him, Your time to become open the "door" is both close and far away. ~-~
Sky woke up and found himself at his room. Leon came in and told him while he was walking halfway he fainted. Sky completely ignore the situation and gone to workshop to build the raft. As they were desperately working on the raft, they realized it was done! They had planned to set off on a journey to explore the "outside" world tomorrow dawn. In the midnight, it rained heavily and thunders strike loudly.
Sky was waked by the loudness of the thunders. He was shocked because they had forgot to close the workshop door. Sky quickly rush to the scene. But for some reason he couldn’t move. He was freeze for a moment or two. Suddenly Leon appears in front of Sky and said, "This is the chance to explore the "outside" world, and we cannot be scared by the darkness!" Leon disappeared into thin air. Suddenly a huge large black ball appears at the sky and sucked everything, including Sky.
On a moment, Sky wake up. Sky found himself on a strange place where it doesn’t look like an island anymore. He pulled himself up and looked around, failed to know where he is and shouted out for his friend. Jessica! Leon! Sky shouted with broken voice. Then, suddenly a dog found Sky. Aww it must be a dream Sky said. The dog then hit Sky, Sky find that he wasn’t on a dream, but on reality. Sky asked the dog where he is, the dog shake and then ran away. Sky walked off and saw he is really in another place without a doubt. He went into a shop and asked, excuse me where am I? The man was in a shocked position and asked Sky what happen. Sky explained to the man what happen exactly then he walked off to find for his friend.
Sky walk to a big door and then he opened and found himself on another district of the strange place. Then suddenly, black looking like monster star to appear and one even tried to jump on Sky face. Sky quickly ran off and gone to the shop again. The man who was called Carl explained to Sky that there is actually 3 district in this place, which is called "Traverse Town". The 1 district is safe but 2nd and 3rd is dangerous, as there are a lot of mob. Sky nodded and gone off. He walked out of the shop and he saw a man. The name Yuki, Said the muscle guys. The guy who is called Yuki eventually wanted a versus with Sky. Sky picked up a stick but out of sudden the stick actually turned into a big sword. Sky start to attacked Yuki like a mentally mad guy and he knocked Yuki down. A woman who look very reveal came and told Sky her name and what is this place and brought Yuki back to hotel to rest. The name is Paine said to Sky.
Meanwhile, king castle is in trouble. The kind left a message telling them trouble arises and they need to find the "sword holder" as soon as possible. The Queen order captain Victor and magician Ronald to set out and find the "Sword Holder" and the King. First stop they go to the right place, Traverse Town. They went around to find the sword holder, Sky, but no hope and so they walked around the town hoping to find the sword holder.
Sky then go around the town while Captain Victor and Magician Ronald meet up with some monster and they fall from 2nd and so luckily, they landed on Sky and saw the Sword. But very suddenly a lot of monster start to come from the ground. The three of them start fighting as soon as the monster step one tile in front of them. Successfully they defeat the entire monster. Ronald and Victor told Sky how important his sword was and even asked Sky to come along with them to find their King. But on a second thought Sky wanted to find his friend. But with no choice, he agreed.
Victor being as a great fighter taught Sky some theory on fighting those evil heartless monster whereas Ronald a great magician respect among all the fighter and other magician teach Sky the spell of Fire.
Yuki and Paine know Victor and Ronald are to be respected because Victor is a powerful soldier and Ronald is a high magician. They given three of them some mummy (which is known as $$$) to buy thing which they need. Right away they proceed to the shop and purchase things. Sky needed to warm his royal throne again so he went off. When Sky is back his eye is big and rolling. He saw a large spaceship-like and he saw Victor and Ronald inside there. Calling out from the ship saying that they used the spaceship to get around and asked Sky to get into the ship.
Sky was taught how to pilot the machine, Sky was a talented person, and in a short few minutes he learned how to control and shoot. Because of many evil ships in the Milky Way, gun and rocket is to build on the ship just to destroy evil ship out of the way.
As they sail through the Milky Way Sky began to feel tired and suddenly he dozed off. As Victor and Ronald were doing something else they never realized he ship was going to hit against another ship. The ship hit onto another ship Victor, Ronald and Sky fallen out of the ship and got separated.
Sky landed safely on some grass ground, a tiger came finding Sky. The tiger even tried to eat Sky but Sky quickly took his sword and give the tiger eat a slash of his sword. OWNED! Said Sky shouted with joy. The tiger lie on the floor looking at Sky motionless. Then a person who neither looks like a human or gorilla came. I Zen, that’s what the person said to Sky. Sky thought for a while and get clear what the person was doing. He is trying to introduce himself. Sky introduces himself too, to Zen. Sky then took the opportunity to ask Zen did he see his friend who is called Victor and Ronald. But Zen who doesn’t know how to speak well in English said, Victor Ronald Here, %$$%. Sky rolled his eye and told Zen to bring him to town. They both agreed and gone off. Zen bring Sky to a tend, Sky saw a lady. The lady introduce herself, she is called Jane. Jane is very surprise because Sky does speak English due to that’s tropical forest so not many humans are there. Then suddenly a hunter came into the tend bring two person. It’s actually Victor and Ronald! Three of them hugged happily but first thing first. Three of them went out to plan how to find the King and Sky friends, Jane reminded that the forest is full of danger…
Then they saw a suspicious way into a forest then they went in immediately to find out what is it inside the forest. As they went in they hear something really very suspicious, something were walk in the deep green tree. Suddenly, three big tiger pop out from the green tree and surrounded Sky, Victor and Ronald. Three of them were forced to be separated. Three of them run off, Sky ran and ran but he couldn’t help but to stop down to catch his breath while two tiger is after Sky. BANG! Goes this loud sound from the roar of a shotgun. The hunters, Ben, save Sky life and the hunter go off quietly, Sky thanks Ben gratefully but another mission. To find Victor and Ronald.
Sky was walking all alone in the forest trying to find Victor and Ronald but to no result Sky was about to give up. Then suddenly there came shouting from both of them. They drop from the sky and fall on the ground. Both of them moaned endlessly. Victor told Sky that they saw a lot of gorillas and the gorillas thought both of them is a threat to them so as to clear them out of the way, they uprooted both of them and throw them up into the sky. And so this case they landed in front of Sky. But luckily they did not crash on Sky .
Three of them begin to sit down on a rock and then start to plan to get out of this place. Suddenly, Sky saw Jessica behind Victor and Ronald. When Sky was about to shout out to Jessica, Victor given Sky a punch and asked was he indulging into his own thought. Jessica disappeared into thin air like no one care.
They continue and continue but catch no ball. Since there is no news its any use to keep on walking getting dehydrated. They all race to the ship to embark to another world to find Sky friends and King.
As they open the navigation map on the Milky Way, they saw two more highways. One is Ancient highway and one is Asteroid highway.
To Be Continued
Once a time, On a fresh air, blue skies, freedom-flying bird. There live three best friends. Sky, Jessica and Leon. Sky and Jessica were 14 whereas their friend, Leon, is older than them by 1 year. As life goes by, Sky, Jessica and Leon learned a lot of things about the "outside" world. Darkness evaded the world. Evil kills. One day, the evil began to take away Sky beautiful island. Will Sky able to survive this calamity? Or will he fall into darkness? Read the story.
The story began.
First day
"Wake up Sky! Wake up!" shouted Jessica at Sky. Sky restlessly pulls himself up and looks at Jessica.
"What’s the matter Jessie?" Sky replied in a tired manner. Jessica said to Sky that they are planning to build a raft and set off to a journey and leave this place. "Sounds like a good idea!" Sky replied and filled with complete excitement.
Suddenly, Leon came in and told them, Guys! Let’s start searching for the material to build a raft! Come on! Faster!
Three of them began the day with an agenda of things to find. Sky was told to find wood, Jessica’s job is to find robe and some canned food and Leon’s was to find large clothes.
After few hours later, they manage to gather up those listed item and they met at the island workshop.
"Wow! It’s a tiring day!" Sky shouted in despair. Leon told them that to build a raft it might take one day. They ended the day by dumping the entire item they found in the workshop and leave the shop and went home.
Second day
Helloooooooooooo Jessica! Leon! Sky shouted with great joy. Before Sky could wake up Jessica and Leon, they were already working on the raft; it’s halfway done. Three of them had their breakfast before they even began their day by continuing on the raft. Sky wanted to warm the royal throne so Jessica and Leon gone to the workshop first. While Sky was halfway walking, suddenly everything gone black. A small girl appears in as life goes on front of Sky and told him, Your time to become open the "door" is both close and far away. ~-~
Sky woke up and found himself at his room. Leon came in and told him while he was walking halfway he fainted. Sky completely ignore the situation and gone to workshop to build the raft. As they were desperately working on the raft, they realized it was done! They had planned to set off on a journey to explore the "outside" world tomorrow dawn. In the midnight, it rained heavily and thunders strike loudly.
Sky was waked by the loudness of the thunders. He was shocked because they had forgot to close the workshop door. Sky quickly rush to the scene. But for some reason he couldn’t move. He was freeze for a moment or two. Suddenly Leon appears in front of Sky and said, "This is the chance to explore the "outside" world, and we cannot be scared by the darkness!" Leon disappeared into thin air. Suddenly a huge large black ball appears at the sky and sucked everything, including Sky.
On a moment, Sky wake up. Sky found himself on a strange place where it doesn’t look like an island anymore. He pulled himself up and looked around, failed to know where he is and shouted out for his friend. Jessica! Leon! Sky shouted with broken voice. Then, suddenly a dog found Sky. Aww it must be a dream Sky said. The dog then hit Sky, Sky find that he wasn’t on a dream, but on reality. Sky asked the dog where he is, the dog shake and then ran away. Sky walked off and saw he is really in another place without a doubt. He went into a shop and asked, excuse me where am I? The man was in a shocked position and asked Sky what happen. Sky explained to the man what happen exactly then he walked off to find for his friend.
Sky walk to a big door and then he opened and found himself on another district of the strange place. Then suddenly, black looking like monster star to appear and one even tried to jump on Sky face. Sky quickly ran off and gone to the shop again. The man who was called Carl explained to Sky that there is actually 3 district in this place, which is called "Traverse Town". The 1 district is safe but 2nd and 3rd is dangerous, as there are a lot of mob. Sky nodded and gone off. He walked out of the shop and he saw a man. The name Yuki, Said the muscle guys. The guy who is called Yuki eventually wanted a versus with Sky. Sky picked up a stick but out of sudden the stick actually turned into a big sword. Sky start to attacked Yuki like a mentally mad guy and he knocked Yuki down. A woman who look very reveal came and told Sky her name and what is this place and brought Yuki back to hotel to rest. The name is Paine said to Sky.
Meanwhile, king castle is in trouble. The kind left a message telling them trouble arises and they need to find the "sword holder" as soon as possible. The Queen order captain Victor and magician Ronald to set out and find the "Sword Holder" and the King. First stop they go to the right place, Traverse Town. They went around to find the sword holder, Sky, but no hope and so they walked around the town hoping to find the sword holder.
Sky then go around the town while Captain Victor and Magician Ronald meet up with some monster and they fall from 2nd and so luckily, they landed on Sky and saw the Sword. But very suddenly a lot of monster start to come from the ground. The three of them start fighting as soon as the monster step one tile in front of them. Successfully they defeat the entire monster. Ronald and Victor told Sky how important his sword was and even asked Sky to come along with them to find their King. But on a second thought Sky wanted to find his friend. But with no choice, he agreed.
Victor being as a great fighter taught Sky some theory on fighting those evil heartless monster whereas Ronald a great magician respect among all the fighter and other magician teach Sky the spell of Fire.
Yuki and Paine know Victor and Ronald are to be respected because Victor is a powerful soldier and Ronald is a high magician. They given three of them some mummy (which is known as $$$) to buy thing which they need. Right away they proceed to the shop and purchase things. Sky needed to warm his royal throne again so he went off. When Sky is back his eye is big and rolling. He saw a large spaceship-like and he saw Victor and Ronald inside there. Calling out from the ship saying that they used the spaceship to get around and asked Sky to get into the ship.
Sky was taught how to pilot the machine, Sky was a talented person, and in a short few minutes he learned how to control and shoot. Because of many evil ships in the Milky Way, gun and rocket is to build on the ship just to destroy evil ship out of the way.
As they sail through the Milky Way Sky began to feel tired and suddenly he dozed off. As Victor and Ronald were doing something else they never realized he ship was going to hit against another ship. The ship hit onto another ship Victor, Ronald and Sky fallen out of the ship and got separated.
Sky landed safely on some grass ground, a tiger came finding Sky. The tiger even tried to eat Sky but Sky quickly took his sword and give the tiger eat a slash of his sword. OWNED! Said Sky shouted with joy. The tiger lie on the floor looking at Sky motionless. Then a person who neither looks like a human or gorilla came. I Zen, that’s what the person said to Sky. Sky thought for a while and get clear what the person was doing. He is trying to introduce himself. Sky introduces himself too, to Zen. Sky then took the opportunity to ask Zen did he see his friend who is called Victor and Ronald. But Zen who doesn’t know how to speak well in English said, Victor Ronald Here, %$$%. Sky rolled his eye and told Zen to bring him to town. They both agreed and gone off. Zen bring Sky to a tend, Sky saw a lady. The lady introduce herself, she is called Jane. Jane is very surprise because Sky does speak English due to that’s tropical forest so not many humans are there. Then suddenly a hunter came into the tend bring two person. It’s actually Victor and Ronald! Three of them hugged happily but first thing first. Three of them went out to plan how to find the King and Sky friends, Jane reminded that the forest is full of danger…
Then they saw a suspicious way into a forest then they went in immediately to find out what is it inside the forest. As they went in they hear something really very suspicious, something were walk in the deep green tree. Suddenly, three big tiger pop out from the green tree and surrounded Sky, Victor and Ronald. Three of them were forced to be separated. Three of them run off, Sky ran and ran but he couldn’t help but to stop down to catch his breath while two tiger is after Sky. BANG! Goes this loud sound from the roar of a shotgun. The hunters, Ben, save Sky life and the hunter go off quietly, Sky thanks Ben gratefully but another mission. To find Victor and Ronald.
Sky was walking all alone in the forest trying to find Victor and Ronald but to no result Sky was about to give up. Then suddenly there came shouting from both of them. They drop from the sky and fall on the ground. Both of them moaned endlessly. Victor told Sky that they saw a lot of gorillas and the gorillas thought both of them is a threat to them so as to clear them out of the way, they uprooted both of them and throw them up into the sky. And so this case they landed in front of Sky. But luckily they did not crash on Sky .
Three of them begin to sit down on a rock and then start to plan to get out of this place. Suddenly, Sky saw Jessica behind Victor and Ronald. When Sky was about to shout out to Jessica, Victor given Sky a punch and asked was he indulging into his own thought. Jessica disappeared into thin air like no one care.
They continue and continue but catch no ball. Since there is no news its any use to keep on walking getting dehydrated. They all race to the ship to embark to another world to find Sky friends and King.
As they open the navigation map on the Milky Way, they saw two more highways. One is Ancient highway and one is Asteroid highway.
To Be Continued
me getting out of control?
hello...recently very no time to tired whats recently news leh? most thing that tie me down is my cold war with buggie le...haiz..i wonder is she still ignoring me..i dunno..but i really dun want to liddat..its soo omg...always quarrel when go in habbo..then talk to her she kao bei kao sad..but it got better..because maxi apology to me..really appriciate it anyway...=)...but oh many project...homework..assignment..stress leh..just finish CA...can relax abit..but no!!!! mid year exam coming soon! oh man!! but now is time to listening to song and i have a sudden on writting story le..=) what now? edit html la..hahahaha...yes...and tidus rock anyway..i see you around dear!
Friday, March 10, 2006
I'm Charming?

Lol hello! In the middle of the night cannot want to blog..also nothing to do today is NCDCC must wear smart nervous lor..coz my belt too big..later SGT scold me....
so today is quite fun de la..english teacher whole lesson no come...last min come..yay!!...blessing in disguise after english is P.E..ahaha..P.E play captain ball..wah laox they keep scoring..also dunno what my mate aiming..anyhow aim high high..think liddat can score..then wah pek check i go be keeper..i keep the firs and second ball
third ball dunno what the fuck they throwing so high...then i jump cannot catch still twist my little fingure then hit my hungry so recess eat again...yay...after that is? home econ!..but we do sewing..also quite fun..i sew Sora and no placemat..the aunties stupid la..last thurs say never give same excuse..i still saw two more pack on the table she just simply dun want to sell..
after this..self-studies..haha nothing to do i draw kingdom heart II...draw and draw then crush it and fold it..put it my bag..people tot i crazy..nic drawing crush it..actually i find crushing it nice..altho time must draw on new be better if can draw with passion..the after this NCDCC!!..then me and Elson plan to go to other toilet..another side wah..sibei crowded especially NCC one..then change..wah..took 45min..alot of thing to put on..belt also..must after this faster go canteen put bag all this..then my crash saw me keep on saying i look very shuai..its like so..ER XIN~~...omg...eeeee....
so after this faster fall in and all today learn fire and hosrail and how to use extinguisher..then theory test..yay i got promote to LCP happy...this unexpected test i expect it long ago..lucky i study..=)...also quite a few never pass after NCDCC faster go home..hungry like no other faster go take my bike and cycle home..bus stop damn full..must walk other way round...haha then one stupid guy want to race with me..idiot sia...then take over the guy turn that time i skie the bike..omg..scary almost fall..but nice..haha..should do that few more time..but i no skill de..hardly can free hand..must have the "mood" then can...
so when about to reach all girl keep on giggling at blush like increse my speed more...ZOOM ZOOOM i think i should end here..hungry!! argh!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Chinese easy or hard?

Hello...Today common test of home econ and chinese..haiz poor me my chinese very lousy de..when disturbuting i peep into the paper i shout look at me..but not too loud la..if not later teacher give me O...haha..then do and do i feel very tired...then i do finish lie down..then i good hoh..sleep for extra 30 min...good sia...after that is Mr siao fun..we all laugh and laugh see Mr siao make fun of people...but then he always address me as Kee siao..coz funny thing or not funny or funny abit i also laugh loud de..haha...duno whats wrong with me..always laugh and laugh..must tape my mouth alrdy...
Wah finally...out of suffering..Gastric pain untill cannot take it...faster go line up..this time me and Leon eat malay stall..then i put alot of chilli..chilli hotdog..curry..drumstick..wooooo delicious!! then buy okay liao wait for Leon he also ok..then we both go sit...Lol then Leon go buy drink while i take care of his food...wah then i stir my rice and if i am in heaven darm nice..especially the chilli..then Leon come back ask me..The hotdog spicy anot? then i was like...???? aren't u a chilli lover? lol and Leon say no..diao..-_-" so unexpected..i can't imaging how come a sissy like me love chilli while a action person cannot take chilli..omg..
So after recess time for Ms Fiza~~ boring sia..but anyway being the IT leader i get to set up the laptop..oh yeah!! =)...then do whatever whatever ok liao i walk back to my sit..then...sip boom! fall that watch some "Holocaust" peroid from 1933 to poor lor..especially when Adolf Hitler came to power..but anyway..I read the story and real story and history of Holocaust and Hitler dun worry..i sleep also can answer...haha..then watch and watch see the Jewish people synogogue get burn they get killed then go consentration camp..omg...haha they put poison gas instade of water for shower...see finish time for CME..haiyo...think technicle no behave meh..must need civic and morel education..siao de...
So after CME is Science..boring la..then whatever whatever..Then now is art but then turn into home econ easy la..majority can answer..some is weird..what does VMB stand for? i write Vegetable Make after that i sleep...wah i liu alot of saliva..siao liao..whole paper wet like hell..then faster dry and dry then dry already..lucky..if not wah..siao after that is..GO HOME! oh yeah... but must go check on my plant...take Ph...then take height..then record down...very hectic leh wah laox..shouldn't have take the paper and become the Co-Leader of the group..diao...then when check with Marcus omg..saw plant all die coz all get unplug out..dunno which fucker plug out de...ka na sai..faster go call Mr Lee..Haha lucky he skill then save our plant..oh yeah!! after that cycle home..omg reach lift there damn lotsa cockroach..OMG...then one couple come out from lift shout in despair..LOL...then i also fake lor..haha then faster go in lift before any cockroach go reach home liddat this lor..i should end le la..=)..byeeeeeeee good luck for ur all common test hoh..
Monday, March 06, 2006
Good but boring day too
hello..Today so and homework so many untill siao..haiz..then english no homework..yay..chinese oral..haha...then todaygot CPA test oh yeah!! so good sia...but then after sch is very late must faster go fall in at car porch..then after that we can go to chua chu kang then take our NCDCC uniform..i was like so nervous lor..haha..the belt quite nice..then the jockey cap i wear le i look like dog..then after stupid friend..say want to go home play maple a while coz got people want to give him thing..then never mind he say the person not hai us all must go 30 pumping..sian...
So after finish doing kan kan hao the bus came..then we go in..i sit with Leon..muahahhaa..then Leon almost vomit due to the still so hyper..then we talk about our past talk and talk graduly we found seeing cemetary so we know we reaching already...haha the bus driver skill so sux..cannot turn in..must reverse this and there then can turn into the car park..
indeed newly build, its nice and clean wor..aircon smell after that we march all the way to uniform store..then wait for st. hillda's sec to finish after that we move to whatever room it was then test our belt all this then write down me Leon and Joseph finish testing we go the store take our thing after taking we all three go back to whatever room again..then check this and that..then yay bus come again..time to go 5.44pm liao..traffic abit jam..yay..can stay longer in bus and blow aircon...then finally reach sch...then fall in then march footdrill abit..whatever puseng then after marching then turn right and march..after that finish then go take bag...then i have problem all the uniform and fetish shirt inside hard..finally reach home now..hahah..i should end here liao
So after finish doing kan kan hao the bus came..then we go in..i sit with Leon..muahahhaa..then Leon almost vomit due to the still so hyper..then we talk about our past talk and talk graduly we found seeing cemetary so we know we reaching already...haha the bus driver skill so sux..cannot turn in..must reverse this and there then can turn into the car park..
indeed newly build, its nice and clean wor..aircon smell after that we march all the way to uniform store..then wait for st. hillda's sec to finish after that we move to whatever room it was then test our belt all this then write down me Leon and Joseph finish testing we go the store take our thing after taking we all three go back to whatever room again..then check this and that..then yay bus come again..time to go 5.44pm liao..traffic abit jam..yay..can stay longer in bus and blow aircon...then finally reach sch...then fall in then march footdrill abit..whatever puseng then after marching then turn right and march..after that finish then go take bag...then i have problem all the uniform and fetish shirt inside hard..finally reach home now..hahah..i should end here liao
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Good but also Bad dream

hello good morning all of you!! so today i so early wake up mainly because of dream...your must be curious what did i dream...i actually dream of i am age 15...then i go sign up for deejay application in change thewebsite design...very nice..then i actually got selected...coz part of the reason they say its because i have funky actually that day is suppose to go sch buy my long log sch pant and books and shirt and whatever....coz i even forget to off the radio...then i just go sch buy after i reach sch then i realise i never off the radio lor..then i so scare later i get kick out of habz so i quickly tell my bro to fetch me home again...then when i open the door i open my eye liao..haiz..this dream full of idea dream..its just gone liddat...
Friday, March 03, 2006
Fun day is a really great fun day also a stupid day...but is friday..hyperactive huh? jumping around in class...but today was a reall hungry recess time i faster go and buy and food are nice lah..but expensive also...but well..cant be help..secondary today is just quite okay la..good de is math..math we learn how to use calculator..not those simple one but those sciencetific calculator....sqaurerob or something..dunno...
so after that is english lesson lah..quite boring..doing mastering that we spelling...haiz..secondary liao still thaat spelling i just spell out thinking or what liao leh!!!..hahaha..okay la..after spelling i see see got correct anot..double check lah..then see see all correct...10 word only...chicken feet..haha..after that is do mastering english then give week common test le..also collect NCDCC uniform and next next week is anxious sia..scare de is see "thing" in camp..but i have the best skill of making tent..thats the good thing lah...
so after school is go to school car porch le..then fall in...then each one each one get called then give $10 and consent form and strength is 30 lor..wah laox..we at there stand untill so tiring..especially my blood is AB+..mosqito keep coming to bite me..stupid sia..after i get called all can go back..coz me last why..latest to join NCDCC..last min decision la..IT club dun accept me coz i know everything they say its meaningless for me to join..then see see majority of my friend inside NCDCC so i join lor..
so after we fall out we all go comp lab 1 take the paper..coz we got unfinish project...coz after we take le all sign all put our name all pur NRIC..then after that go find teacher..dunno how and why my school very lousy..staff room cannot walk around..true la..cannot its okay with me..but dun even have a calling machine..want to find teacher also hard lor....ta ma de..then finally saw our home econ teacher..then ask her sign..sign le then we go comp lab..coz i do untill around 95% i do finish first...then wait for my friend..actually i can print first and hand in first and go home..but see see my poor i stay and Leon also have to wait for the damn Jian Guang and Joseph...haiz..both J....stupid..then we go borrow diskatte then faster print...then lol...Saiful insert his stupid imagin thumbdrive cannot..hahahaha...then he regrat buying imagin thumbdrive..somemore 1GB leh..omg..if i can have that i surely take de...but cannot be used on IMB computer..then wah..kang kang hao our sch comp is IMB..tooo bad lor...saiful...
after me and Leon print finish then joseph want to print le..then i go check on Hamid..he anyhow i also dun want to ma huan...all keep on asking me to come..i run here run there like a busyman..then i fuck up liao quickly call Leon go hand in then go home sleep liao..after that we hand in to Miss Loola(loo) then faster go out of sch...later stupid joseph keep on calling for me...then i get my bike then cycle slowly back liao..fucker!...stress la today..but very easy coz only have eng math and CPA...yay! =)
Thursday, March 02, 2006
final destination 3 i very happy..hahha i'm a happy today same as usual..after school get scolded by teacher and go CCA NCDCC early dismiss..common test coming mah..dunno common test can help us de...hahahahaha
then today in home econ lesson keep on laughing..laugh untill teacher want to scold me..but valid i was so hyper lor..i keep on moving about..all people saw me say i look like robot..coz dunno why when i hyper all the move i do people cannot de...then after home econ? CHINESE! my nightmard...omg...i wednesday sick lor..never study the spelling..die..teacher never see me absent...
after CCA i go back home..wah laox not familia with my bike...dunno which fucker go and steal away my bike seat hoh then tuesday i must stand and cycle home all the way..fuck lor..then the uncle still use elegi screw..wah laox...must wait untill my dad bring come home the elegi screw thing to screw the elegi out of the seat to adject it lower...adjust till so think now must go watch show nice...
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