hello...today is a really great fun day also a stupid day...but well..today is friday..hyperactive huh? jumping around in class...but today was a reall hungry day..so recess time i faster go and buy and eat...school food are nice lah..but expensive also...but well..cant be help..secondary mah....so today is just quite okay la..good de is math..math interesting..today we learn how to use calculator..not those simple one but those sciencetific calculator....sqaurerob or something..dunno...
so after that is english lesson lah..quite boring..doing mastering english...lol..before that we spelling...haiz..secondary liao still spelling..really....in thaat spelling i just spell out lor..no thinking or what ever..lol..boast liao leh!!!..hahaha..okay la..after spelling i see see got correct anot..double check lah..then see see all correct...10 word only...chicken feet..haha..after that is do mastering english then give homework..next week common test le..also collect NCDCC uniform and next next week is camp..so anxious sia..scare de is see "thing" in camp..but i have the best skill of making tent..thats the good thing lah...
so after school is go to school car porch le..then fall in...then each one each one get called then give $10 and consent form and sign..so slow..total strength is 30 lor..wah laox..we at there stand untill so tiring..especially my blood is AB+..mosqito keep coming to bite me..stupid sia..after i get called all can go back..coz me last mah..lol...dunno why..latest to join NCDCC..last min decision la..IT club dun accept me coz i know everything le..so they say its meaningless for me to join..then see see majority of my friend inside NCDCC so i join lor..
so after we fall out we all go comp lab 1 take the paper..coz we got unfinish project...coz after we take le all sign all put our name all pur NRIC..then after that go find teacher..dunno how and why my school very lousy..staff room cannot walk around..true la..cannot its okay with me..but dun even have a calling machine..want to find teacher also hard lor....ta ma de..then finally saw our home econ teacher..then ask her sign..sign le then we go comp lab..coz i do untill around 95% le..so i do finish first...then wait for my friend..actually i can print first and hand in first and go home..but see see my poor friend..haiz..so i stay and help..so Leon also finish..now have to wait for the damn Jian Guang and Joseph...haiz..both J....stupid..then we go borrow diskatte then faster print...then lol...Saiful insert his stupid imagin thumbdrive cannot..hahahaha...then he regrat buying imagin thumbdrive..somemore 1GB leh..omg..if i can have that i surely take de...but cannot be used on IMB computer..then wah..kang kang hao our sch comp is IMB..tooo bad lor...saiful...
after me and Leon print finish then joseph want to print le..then i go check on Hamid..he anyhow do..lol i also dun want to care....so ma huan...all keep on asking me to come..i run here run there like a busyman..then i fuck up liao quickly call Leon go hand in then go home sleep liao..after that we hand in to Miss Loola(loo) then faster go out of sch...later stupid joseph keep on calling for me...then i get my bike then cycle slowly back liao..fucker!...stress la today..but very easy coz only have eng math and CPA...yay! =)
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