Lol hello! In the middle of the night cannot sleep..haha..so want to blog..also nothing to do anyway...so today is NCDCC must wear smart 4..so nervous lor..coz my belt too big..later SGT scold me....
so today is quite fun de la..english teacher whole lesson no come...last min come..yay!!...blessing in disguise wor..hahaha..so after english is P.E..ahaha..P.E play captain ball..wah laox they keep scoring..also dunno what my mate aiming..anyhow aim high high..think liddat can score..then wah pek check i go be keeper..i keep the firs and second ball
third ball dunno what the fuck they throwing so high...then i jump cannot catch still twist my little fingure then hit my head...wtf...so hungry so recess eat again...yay...after that is? home econ!..but we do sewing..also quite fun..i sew Sora and Kairi..haha..so no placemat..the aunties stupid la..last thurs say never do..today give same excuse..i still saw two more pack on the table lor..wtf...maybe she just simply dun want to sell..
after this..self-studies..haha nothing to do i draw kingdom heart II...draw and draw then crush it and fold it..put it my bag..people tot i crazy..nic drawing crush it..actually i find crushing it nice..altho waste..next time must draw on new paper...hahaha..it be better if can draw with passion..the song..so after this NCDCC!!..then me and Elson plan to go to other toilet..another side wah..sibei crowded especially NCC one..then change..wah..took 45min..alot of thing to put on..belt also..must ajust..so after this faster go canteen put bag all this..then my crash saw me keep on saying i look very shuai..its like so..ER XIN~~...omg...eeeee....
so after this faster fall in and all that..so today learn fire and hosrail and how to use extinguisher..then theory test..yay i got promote to LCP liao..so happy...this unexpected test i expect it long ago..lucky i study..=)...also quite a few never pass la..so after NCDCC faster go home..hungry like no other care..so faster go take my bike and cycle home..bus stop damn full..must walk other way round...haha then one stupid guy want to race with me..idiot sia...then take over the guy turn that time i skie the bike..omg..scary lor..like almost fall..but nice..haha..should do that few more time..but i no skill de..hardly can free hand..must have the "mood" then can...
so when about to reach all girl keep on giggling at me..eyeeh..so blush like hell..so increse my speed more...ZOOM ZOOOM ZOOOOM...reachliao..muahahhaha...so i think i should end here..hungry!! argh!!

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