Saw some really crazy Guitar going at cheap price !!
Hi people !! I was roaming around SOFT yesterday and I saw some really cheap Guitar and amp !! Really hope that I can get one soon !!
Epiphone Les Paul 100 - 120 SGD
Yamaha EG 112C Package - 250 SGD
VOX Pathfinder 10 - 75 SGD
VOX Pathfinder 15 - 120 SGD
Roland Cube 15 - 120 SGD
Orange Crush 10 - 100 SGD
Unknown 20watts - 80 SGD
The LP is pretty good for a deal like this ~ Saw reviews about it and its pretty Good ~ Especially when you wanna get a guitar for practice or for versitile of musics to play ~ And the body is mahogany too ! wow ! Just that its H/H for its config~ Prefer S/S/H or H/S/H
Now~ The Yamaha is different story ~ Its S/S/H configuration ! Oh Gosh ! But I don't really like the boring color~ Black and white is definitely not my type of strats i want to carry ~ But its Alder body I heard ! Alder and ash is my favourite :)
Gosh ! mad price ! Hopefully I can get one very soon ! Then I'll be starting on my passion for Guitar !!
But Seriously ~ If God has a plan for me in Guitar ministry ~ I will really take up the calling ! Pray hard that God will put me in the music ministry :)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
World's End
Had an really scary dream !! I'm scared out of my wits ! Its not an horror dream but~ its something that really~ freaks me out
Hi people ! Just woke up! Any wonder why I~ Ben can wake up so early ? I had an really bad dream ! Share with you guys~
Begins in a way which there were disunity all over brothers and sister (Yeah~ I mean church settings) !! And we were all quite ~ disunited yup!
I can't seems to remember all of them but the really scary part is ~ Singapore is infected with a zombie virus ~ Which is causing everyone to become really zombie~ So guess what the brilliant GOV does ?
They seperated the infected people from the uninfected~ (Oh by the way ~ Those infected~ which is me~ don't even turn into zombie or became sick~ But we know we're infect ! Thats funny)
So what is so scary here ? I got seperated from my own brothers~ Its so scary that I was tearing literally !! I found myself to be on full of tears when I woke up anyway~ Lets continue on
Basically~ its not just Singapore but the whole world ~ So they're seperating everyone in the whole world which is infected~ and they'll put the whole bunch of infected people in a rocket and send them into outer space ~ After that it will explode ! How scary !
Well~ Not need to be scared cause I know I'm already saved~ Not waiting to be saved ! But what is so scary ?? Simply to put it - I'm seperated from my own beloved brothers ! But I know I'm really grateful for one thing~
David is infected with me :) And yes ~ I mean David Sentosa ! In the dream~ He is the one who got me infected by scratching me !! Argh David !! LOL~ But I guess David would be feeling the same as me - Which I can regrat this called "Loneliness"
Know whats the most memorable scene ?? All infected people are to go Jurong East and Uninfected to go marina Bay~ So basically ~ We're all to sit mrt~ I still can remember ~ Joshua & DK & some other misc Sisters~ Oh ! And Wan Ting ! Because I went to the gantry to fetch her up ! We were all waiting for the last train to go to the destination we're suppose to
So the scene is pretty sad ~ me and David went into the train and after that the Door close ~ After that the train went kind of~ Should I say matrix speed ? I was reaching out to them~ Tearing and shits ! The most sad was I'm seperated from my shepherd !! :(
Conclusion of the Day : God has already saved us from the greatest misery we can ever have ~ That is eternal Death~ All day long we've faced death~ But God has saved us and displayed his great love by sending Jesus down~
Althought Its just a dream~ Its etched painfully to my heart~ Sorry to those whose is not mention in this dream ! But I still loves you guys :) ! Don't worry ! We can always re-act this dream and include you guys :)
Hi people ! Just woke up! Any wonder why I~ Ben can wake up so early ? I had an really bad dream ! Share with you guys~
Begins in a way which there were disunity all over brothers and sister (Yeah~ I mean church settings) !! And we were all quite ~ disunited yup!
I can't seems to remember all of them but the really scary part is ~ Singapore is infected with a zombie virus ~ Which is causing everyone to become really zombie~ So guess what the brilliant GOV does ?
They seperated the infected people from the uninfected~ (Oh by the way ~ Those infected~ which is me~ don't even turn into zombie or became sick~ But we know we're infect ! Thats funny)
So what is so scary here ? I got seperated from my own brothers~ Its so scary that I was tearing literally !! I found myself to be on full of tears when I woke up anyway~ Lets continue on
Basically~ its not just Singapore but the whole world ~ So they're seperating everyone in the whole world which is infected~ and they'll put the whole bunch of infected people in a rocket and send them into outer space ~ After that it will explode ! How scary !
Well~ Not need to be scared cause I know I'm already saved~ Not waiting to be saved ! But what is so scary ?? Simply to put it - I'm seperated from my own beloved brothers ! But I know I'm really grateful for one thing~
David is infected with me :) And yes ~ I mean David Sentosa ! In the dream~ He is the one who got me infected by scratching me !! Argh David !! LOL~ But I guess David would be feeling the same as me - Which I can regrat this called "Loneliness"
Know whats the most memorable scene ?? All infected people are to go Jurong East and Uninfected to go marina Bay~ So basically ~ We're all to sit mrt~ I still can remember ~ Joshua & DK & some other misc Sisters~ Oh ! And Wan Ting ! Because I went to the gantry to fetch her up ! We were all waiting for the last train to go to the destination we're suppose to
So the scene is pretty sad ~ me and David went into the train and after that the Door close ~ After that the train went kind of~ Should I say matrix speed ? I was reaching out to them~ Tearing and shits ! The most sad was I'm seperated from my shepherd !! :(
Conclusion of the Day : God has already saved us from the greatest misery we can ever have ~ That is eternal Death~ All day long we've faced death~ But God has saved us and displayed his great love by sending Jesus down~
Althought Its just a dream~ Its etched painfully to my heart~ Sorry to those whose is not mention in this dream ! But I still loves you guys :) ! Don't worry ! We can always re-act this dream and include you guys :)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Argh !! I'm so pissed !!
Was on LFS~ 2 laps of Drifting and thats it~ Obviously I was the fastest~ But after some immature kid came in and thats it~ Super pissed !! LOL
Was drifting and this guy got first on the last round because some no-skill driver stop on the middle of the road and I was at 200km/h~ Can't maneuver that fast~
And then I was on my second corner and know what ? This guy deliberately stomp on the brake !! And guess what! my car flew to a corner !! Gosh! HE DID IT DELIBERATELY !! ARGH !!! SO UNFAIR! And that Server happened to have no Kick Voting! Or else he is out
I'm here to complain !! HAHAHAH! Stupid driver ! I should have go full on accerlation and kick him out of the drift line ! Then it will all be the end !! See La !! I'm so good! Argh!
I regret not doing that! Or else I could have got first !! ARGH ARGH ARGH !! I'm so stupid !! LOL !!
Alright! Stop complaining! This is quite funny actually~ No sportmanship at all ! LOL~ But anyway~ its just a game! Haha ! Okay thats it peeps! :)
Was on LFS~ 2 laps of Drifting and thats it~ Obviously I was the fastest~ But after some immature kid came in and thats it~ Super pissed !! LOL
Was drifting and this guy got first on the last round because some no-skill driver stop on the middle of the road and I was at 200km/h~ Can't maneuver that fast~
And then I was on my second corner and know what ? This guy deliberately stomp on the brake !! And guess what! my car flew to a corner !! Gosh! HE DID IT DELIBERATELY !! ARGH !!! SO UNFAIR! And that Server happened to have no Kick Voting! Or else he is out
I'm here to complain !! HAHAHAH! Stupid driver ! I should have go full on accerlation and kick him out of the drift line ! Then it will all be the end !! See La !! I'm so good! Argh!
I regret not doing that! Or else I could have got first !! ARGH ARGH ARGH !! I'm so stupid !! LOL !!
Alright! Stop complaining! This is quite funny actually~ No sportmanship at all ! LOL~ But anyway~ its just a game! Haha ! Okay thats it peeps! :)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Being really tired. Physically and spiritully..
Hi~ So long never blog le ! :P. Shall start off here..
As people know, this week is ESS~! Clique Here 2..Interested in coming please tag me or call me :D...
Been outreaching and stuff. Really sad there is no convert. Maybe i'm not working to my best. But although its just result, I am NOT satisfied. Grown but I want convert. argh. Whats wrong.
My goal for Clique Here 2 is to bring 6 visitor...If I brought 4 visitor last year, in a row. It shouldn't be a problem to bring 6. But how is it possible with myself other than depending on God ?
Pray for me, because I am really weary and tired. Especially spiritually...Needs lotsa breakthrough ! :D
-Quiet time
Yes. Basic stuff. Because it is never about the advances stuff that keeps you going in christian walk, isn't it ?
So yup. Guess thats all. Really kind of envy David. Cause He had 2 convert, haha ! Looks like the prophesy I saw that he is going to teach as a CL is coming true ! :D
Gotta work harder. CH2 is all I'm left with. 8 Convert. Hard to believe. Faith is all I need . Pray.
Hi~ So long never blog le ! :P. Shall start off here..
As people know, this week is ESS~! Clique Here 2..Interested in coming please tag me or call me :D...
Been outreaching and stuff. Really sad there is no convert. Maybe i'm not working to my best. But although its just result, I am NOT satisfied. Grown but I want convert. argh. Whats wrong.
My goal for Clique Here 2 is to bring 6 visitor...If I brought 4 visitor last year, in a row. It shouldn't be a problem to bring 6. But how is it possible with myself other than depending on God ?
Pray for me, because I am really weary and tired. Especially spiritually...Needs lotsa breakthrough ! :D
-Quiet time
Yes. Basic stuff. Because it is never about the advances stuff that keeps you going in christian walk, isn't it ?
So yup. Guess thats all. Really kind of envy David. Cause He had 2 convert, haha ! Looks like the prophesy I saw that he is going to teach as a CL is coming true ! :D
Gotta work harder. CH2 is all I'm left with. 8 Convert. Hard to believe. Faith is all I need . Pray.
Monday, July 14, 2008
God the Transformer
God is also specialize in Transforming people. Isn't it ?
I was literally having lotsa time, as I'm fasting from Games, so I had a little check on my life back in 1-2 year ago. And I found that, I've changed - By Jesus.
I'm a No-Confidence, Vulgar punctuation, Rude-ass & Lost guy in the past. Looking back, I could have gone no-where and Life could've been a misery for me now if Jesus have not found me. I just want to tell you guys, Jesus is real and He has transform me.
Looking at now, I really want to thank God with gratitude that He has called me to serve Him, that leads me to leading a Victorious life which God Himself is and has given to me.
I used to be loss ! But now I know why am I here in Earth for.
-To know God and let God be known.
I really want to tell you guys, Jesus loves you. Thats why He has called you ! And those who don't have Jesus in your life, come and Experience Jesus with me ! Because Jesus is here, knocking in your heart, He loves you too. He has a plan for you in your life ! Just like me.
I don't know why am I here posting this kind of thing, but I just felt to...Looking back, I'm totally 180o changed. I totally don't know how to thank God, but I think I'm here overflowing with Joy.
Not only my life, but so does Academically, Characteristically too. Looking back at how I post and type my english, its really shameful. My english totally suck-up ! Gosh ! Haha !
I have alot to share about what Jesus has changed me and done miracles in my life. But guess I gotta stop now. LOL. :P
I was literally having lotsa time, as I'm fasting from Games, so I had a little check on my life back in 1-2 year ago. And I found that, I've changed - By Jesus.
I'm a No-Confidence, Vulgar punctuation, Rude-ass & Lost guy in the past. Looking back, I could have gone no-where and Life could've been a misery for me now if Jesus have not found me. I just want to tell you guys, Jesus is real and He has transform me.
Looking at now, I really want to thank God with gratitude that He has called me to serve Him, that leads me to leading a Victorious life which God Himself is and has given to me.
I used to be loss ! But now I know why am I here in Earth for.
-To know God and let God be known.
I really want to tell you guys, Jesus loves you. Thats why He has called you ! And those who don't have Jesus in your life, come and Experience Jesus with me ! Because Jesus is here, knocking in your heart, He loves you too. He has a plan for you in your life ! Just like me.
I don't know why am I here posting this kind of thing, but I just felt to...Looking back, I'm totally 180o changed. I totally don't know how to thank God, but I think I'm here overflowing with Joy.
Not only my life, but so does Academically, Characteristically too. Looking back at how I post and type my english, its really shameful. My english totally suck-up ! Gosh ! Haha !
I have alot to share about what Jesus has changed me and done miracles in my life. But guess I gotta stop now. LOL. :P
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Wonderful Sky
Hey There ~ Once again i'm here to post about my testimony ! Its really wonderful to have God in your life~ right ?
Hi People ! Being so long since I updated again~ But God has never stop working miracle in my life~ And its so wonderful !
We're having an BBQ and a mega Event on monday which is 7th July~ But with all the games and bbq~ Really got to pray hard it will not rain~ And guess what ??

Yes man ! Look at the dark sky ! It was really dark and who can fathom that is wasn't going to rain ? Lord and behold ~ It did not ! It was really a tiring and great day for me~
God is really faithful~ I prayed throughout the day nearly five-ten time not to rain~ Some also did! And gosh~ It did not rain !
God really held the rain until around 7 or 8~ and after that had a light drizzle~ But that made the bbq even more fun ! Gotta post the pictures next time ! Really interesting !
Rebecca : Thanks for working so hard~ Especially when you also even had parental objection ~ And taking two gamestation cause I had to overlook the whole event~ haha ! Jiayou man ! Was your Birthday memorable ? :P
Chanel : Hey there my secretary ! LOL~ Joking ! Alright also have to affirm you ! Even though your first time leading welcome and stuff ~ There is sure to be screws up right ? But hey ! Don't lose heart ~ Its your first time ! Learn from it and continue !
Jialing & Jinlin : Hi my Eeyoh & Jinlin ! LOL ! You and your twin also handle alot right ?? Still have to manage gamestation somemore~ Ya did a Great job too ! Had alot of fun shopping for foods and stuff with ya guys LOL~ Really interesting ! Especially the length of the recipe :P
meow Wei : Heeey ! Garfield :P ! Thanks you too ! Did alot of running up and down ! Help me thanks your mum for the mEE Fenn ! LOL ~ Which is actually quite nice ! And also~ Although the welcome you did not really do well~ But don't worry ! Next time can do 100x better ! :D Jiayou !
David Sentosa : Heeey buddy ! :D ! Really interesting ! LOL ! Thanks for all the ideas and such~ Btw ~ Your station is pretty interesting I heard ! :D ! Jiayou for your Three School pioneering ! Had fun shopping with you also ! LOL~ Keep the recipe well okay ? Who knows thats a Guiness World Record recipe ! :D
Joseph : Heey ! my Sheep ! Thanks for your Bike and your presence there ~ You may not realize~ You really help me alot ! I think without you and your GORGEOUS (-_-") bike I wouldn't made the whole thing in time !! Haha~ maaaan ! Thanks yup ! Had alot of fun charcoal-ing with you LOL! Next time can ask you do bbq liao ! Because I'll never do bbq again! :P Just kidding !
Alvin : Thanks ! BBQ-Pro ! LOL~ Even though its not your job to handle the pit but you Did ! Cool man ! And also really appriciate your help for helping me bring the bundle of syrupt thing over to the pit~ Cause I really can't handle stuff :( Thanks ! :)
Everyone One Else who Think You Had help : A big thanks ! Why ? Have you heard of the Church is made up of many body part ? Just like this Event ! Because of you guys the Event has become a whole ! :D
Ben : heeey Ben ! You did well !
Okay I think I'm overthinking -_-" ~ Did I leave out anyone ? No ? Yes ? Tell me ! So that I can affirm you ! Time to sign off ! :D
Hi People ! Being so long since I updated again~ But God has never stop working miracle in my life~ And its so wonderful !
We're having an BBQ and a mega Event on monday which is 7th July~ But with all the games and bbq~ Really got to pray hard it will not rain~ And guess what ??
Yes man ! Look at the dark sky ! It was really dark and who can fathom that is wasn't going to rain ? Lord and behold ~ It did not ! It was really a tiring and great day for me~
God is really faithful~ I prayed throughout the day nearly five-ten time not to rain~ Some also did! And gosh~ It did not rain !
God really held the rain until around 7 or 8~ and after that had a light drizzle~ But that made the bbq even more fun ! Gotta post the pictures next time ! Really interesting !
Rebecca : Thanks for working so hard~ Especially when you also even had parental objection ~ And taking two gamestation cause I had to overlook the whole event~ haha ! Jiayou man ! Was your Birthday memorable ? :P
Chanel : Hey there my secretary ! LOL~ Joking ! Alright also have to affirm you ! Even though your first time leading welcome and stuff ~ There is sure to be screws up right ? But hey ! Don't lose heart ~ Its your first time ! Learn from it and continue !
Jialing & Jinlin : Hi my Eeyoh & Jinlin ! LOL ! You and your twin also handle alot right ?? Still have to manage gamestation somemore~ Ya did a Great job too ! Had alot of fun shopping for foods and stuff with ya guys LOL~ Really interesting ! Especially the length of the recipe :P
meow Wei : Heeey ! Garfield :P ! Thanks you too ! Did alot of running up and down ! Help me thanks your mum for the mEE Fenn ! LOL ~ Which is actually quite nice ! And also~ Although the welcome you did not really do well~ But don't worry ! Next time can do 100x better ! :D Jiayou !
David Sentosa : Heeey buddy ! :D ! Really interesting ! LOL ! Thanks for all the ideas and such~ Btw ~ Your station is pretty interesting I heard ! :D ! Jiayou for your Three School pioneering ! Had fun shopping with you also ! LOL~ Keep the recipe well okay ? Who knows thats a Guiness World Record recipe ! :D
Joseph : Heey ! my Sheep ! Thanks for your Bike and your presence there ~ You may not realize~ You really help me alot ! I think without you and your GORGEOUS (-_-") bike I wouldn't made the whole thing in time !! Haha~ maaaan ! Thanks yup ! Had alot of fun charcoal-ing with you LOL! Next time can ask you do bbq liao ! Because I'll never do bbq again! :P Just kidding !
Alvin : Thanks ! BBQ-Pro ! LOL~ Even though its not your job to handle the pit but you Did ! Cool man ! And also really appriciate your help for helping me bring the bundle of syrupt thing over to the pit~ Cause I really can't handle stuff :( Thanks ! :)
Everyone One Else who Think You Had help : A big thanks ! Why ? Have you heard of the Church is made up of many body part ? Just like this Event ! Because of you guys the Event has become a whole ! :D
Ben : heeey Ben ! You did well !
Okay I think I'm overthinking -_-" ~ Did I leave out anyone ? No ? Yes ? Tell me ! So that I can affirm you ! Time to sign off ! :D
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Guitar Nadness
Just a short update :)
Yes here is Ben !! haha~ anyway now that ny DOT key and ny the Key beside N spoilt~ I will have to use N to replace " " and "~" to replace ny Dot~~ So sorry :) [Oh~~I'n using laptop ya~~]
So Yes ! today has guitar lesson at school~~ so its pretty funny today~ See those people all trying to place Titanic~~ LOL~ Darn funny ! [They're playing note not chords]
Anyway~~ I will try to be hunble! Argh ! Okay anyway Guitar is quite easy~ So guys ! Jiayou ! Learn Hard Practice Hard ! So does that goes to those rich people who is able to buy the guitar that they actually sold to you guys~ haha ! [Find their guitar sucks~ Seriously~]
Its a trend and nadness in our class now for Guitar~ Its all about guitar ! Oh yeah ! Guitar is ny Passion for life ! :)
Today PE is actually quite boring~ Had to actually practice the NAPFA~ We tried Incline Pull-Up and Standing Board Junp~ (I'n not fiveteen yet so I'n doing incline ! Yay)
So I actually had done sixteen on incline (quite little uh~) and did an 190 CN on it~ Haha ! (I'n weak eh ?)
So yup~
Tine to sign off now~ :)
Yes here is Ben !! haha~ anyway now that ny DOT key and ny the Key beside N spoilt~ I will have to use N to replace " " and "~" to replace ny Dot~~ So sorry :) [Oh~~I'n using laptop ya~~]
So Yes ! today has guitar lesson at school~~ so its pretty funny today~ See those people all trying to place Titanic~~ LOL~ Darn funny ! [They're playing note not chords]
Anyway~~ I will try to be hunble! Argh ! Okay anyway Guitar is quite easy~ So guys ! Jiayou ! Learn Hard Practice Hard ! So does that goes to those rich people who is able to buy the guitar that they actually sold to you guys~ haha ! [Find their guitar sucks~ Seriously~]
Its a trend and nadness in our class now for Guitar~ Its all about guitar ! Oh yeah ! Guitar is ny Passion for life ! :)
Today PE is actually quite boring~ Had to actually practice the NAPFA~ We tried Incline Pull-Up and Standing Board Junp~ (I'n not fiveteen yet so I'n doing incline ! Yay)
So I actually had done sixteen on incline (quite little uh~) and did an 190 CN on it~ Haha ! (I'n weak eh ?)
So yup~
Tine to sign off now~ :)
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Shocking Rich
Hey there people ! Guess what comp am I using now ? haha...
Yesterday I went to meet Jeremy for shepherding, and then for some small reason I went to his house, because I wanted to teach him how to play guitar. And I found something so shocking, that I almost killed myself...
Jeremy HAS ACCESS TO FOUR LAPTOP which is still working TO HIMSELF. What~? Okay thats nothing new. But Maaaan ~! Can you believe it ? One of the Laptop is so..I love it. Let see you guys can guess what is it..
-Made for Work than Games
-Its a "Book"
-Simply attractive
So can you guys guess it ? Its an M---oo- (Oh ? What happen ?)
Maaan ! He was only using one of em' cause the other three had problem. And by the way, since I'm so good with comp, why don't I try to made them work ! So..Can see, I had an job here ! :)
I was only able to make the MacBook and the Dell 6000 work, because the Lenovo lappie is too secure ! I wasn't able to get pass the beginning because Jeremy totally forgotten his Macbook and his Lenovo password ! But luckily he remembered his Dell :)
So I took him his Macbook and his Dell to work on..Dell was simply filled up and laggy. Haha ! Time to clear it up ~!
The Macbook was restore to mint condition for the software side..But hardware (The appearance)..Well Not really.
To Jeremy
You got to repent !! LOL. The way you use your lappie is too aggresive ! :P. Okay thats not the point. Point here is not to waste anymore lappie ! Oh, why don't you gave me one of your lappie ! Since you have so many :)
Enough about the Lappie thing. Lets summerise Jeremy's lappie up.
-Toshiba (For School Work)
-MacBook 10.4 Tiger (Warcraft !)
-Lenovo R60 (Maple ! Gosh)
-Dell Insprion 6000 (Habbo & DJ)
Wow ! Okay thats it.
Yup. Now I'm the pioneerer of WRS. Its going to be quite stress, because as you can see..Its a new land and its not exactly very convenient. But know what ? For the Kingdom sake. Besides, This is nothing compared to Great Commision. So why not just finish it. -,-.
Coming to think, What is so hard about going out and evax. We're just lazy. Bluntly to say. Remembering how I became a shepherd, I really work very hard. Pray till I gone, SMS till my bill Explodes, Evax like crazy, Shared like mad, Testings and opposition.
[Just as God has gave the Lands to Abraham. God has hand Woodlands to all of us. A promise to claim. Will you claim IT ?]
Okay, the thing I'm going to be most excited for is the CG08 Finisher T-Shirt ! Oh my god ! That is so cool ~! :D.
Time to sign off ! This Macbook Here is not reliable at all. Going to DC anytime. :P
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
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