Friday, June 13, 2008

God is a God

Friday the 13th ?

This morning, I've received a message from my Dad saying "Christians ! Beware ! Today is Friday the 13th !"

Seriously. I'm quite "amazed" and "Scare", but my Lord has comforted me and gave me this verse, therefore I forwarded this verse to my Dad ! (Fyi..My Dad is not an christian)

Romans 8:31 - What, then, Shall we say in RESPONSE to this ? If God is for US, WHO can be against US ?

And again, He replied saying "You are wrong, How can God protect so many people ?"

Again I shall say, Why are people rebelling the Word Of God and reasoning against it ? You can't. Why ?

-God is perfect
-You can't reason something that is PERFECT
-Word of God is God (John 1:1)

Therefore again, If God can't protect His own creation, why is He even called God ? Right ? A God is therefore Omni, if He can't manage and protect the Ones He has created, He is not a God. Like wise, One God is enough. Having 100 over God is just bullshit.

I have Full Trust in my Savior, Jesus and Father.

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