Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Damn tired.. Sleepy !

I've realize that we've just had a tiff with the Changs and Phans.. But apparently, we're all against only 1 person, that is JiaJing. Sad to say, I'm not exactly ready to forgive.. And thats probably one of the personality of Scorpio.. Haha !


And once again, I present you people, Know Your Enemy by Green Day and Rewrite by Asian Kung-Fu Generation !!

Following the advice of many, I change out of my Power Ranger Pajamas ! God knows that I'm already turning 16 soon.. HAHA !


I am so excited as my ear stud is coming soon !!!!!!!!!!!!! But can someone enlighten me as to why when I put my ear stick, behind of my ear has a sharp pain before the stick go through ?


Wednesday could be the day where Image of technical class/4 Character may change.. For more info, check back at 26082009 !! :D

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