Am I reverting back to my old self again ? I'm not so sure anymore.
Had school today. Before school Leon came to my house for his PSP game and his N-level + JAPrint catalog stuff.. Today studied on promotion.. Which is more of common sense than knowledge-based..
I have been feeling this weird intuition.. Like something is going to happen and it ain't good.. Either to me or to someone close. I'm sort of terrified. I think I really need some enlightening here. But the whole time I was thinking.. If I were to die right now, my only request would be to see Pinky one more time other than all my close friends and family..
Saw her blog.. Apparently she's still the same.. But oh well, I guess I was the one who got dumped and not her, I'm not surprise she act as though nothing happened or what. For once, I actually thought I found someone where I could love with all my being and someone who actually also loved me back. But hmm.. (Other than God Himself, I meant my soul-mate).
Going to get a haircut on Sunday or what with Leon. I feel like shortening my fringe but I can't bring myself to do it. HAHA ! Damn. Its kind of irritating but... LOL. I saw something really interesting on the way back from school. Someone carried a paper bag which wrote "". Immediately... I thought of the acronym "Chao Chee Bai". HAHAHAHA ! Sorry ! I just did ! Its a bank sorry.
Composed a song just now.. But without lyrics. Band ain't looking so good.. I'm so pissed. If by June things still not looking so bright.. I may actually consider whether to stay on or not.. Aiya, my life nowadays is quite a jeopardy... At least for the year 2010 I guess. Hmm..
Okay I'm going to sleep now. Tomorrow gotta finish my project, wish me good luck.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
POA size dark circle
LOL. I think I'm about to go bonker. Ever since I went to the diploma course, I never have a week that is relaxing one. I guess that is the price to pay for getting a diploma in 1 year. LOL
slept at 4am last night and it was crazy. Woke up around 7.50am to realize I had a misjudgement of timing. Reached school at 9.15am but soon to realize, many people are much later than me. And the 2 biggest flop up of today ?
First, I did not wore my belt. Second, I did not pay for my bridging module and guess what happen ? No textbook for this one-time module lecture. And guess what ? ITS A BLOODY ACCOUNTING MODULE. OMG. I literally memorised the whole 8 hour of accounting lecture into my brain without writing a single letter on my foolscap, cause I did not bring.
Its terrible. Not only I am tiring, the module is literally a torture and danger to my sanity. I felt as though I am going through a mental endurance test. HAHA ! It was so boring and I am so lethargic. But thanks because Jin Lin accompanied me by smsing and Joseph for talking to me during lunch break. HAHA !
And omg, did I tell you that the girls from Human Resource module are fucking pretty ? There is like 50 people and 40 of them is female. And yes, large percentage is.. pretty. But anyway, I'm devoted to that one and only female. HEHE !
On the way back home, I swear an auntie came in and stand beside me.. Guess what was in her shopping bag ? A Burberry handbag. WTF. And I can even tell what perfume she was wearing - Chanel No. 5. Jeez, her coat is even made of Satin material.. What a rich auntie.
Went for dinner with bro and we literally talk anything under the moon.. anything. From the gossip of our cousin to marketing gimmicks and music industry, anything you named it. But anyway, main point is, I only complete 10% of my huge assignment which is due by 29th April.
Okay I'm so tired that I don't know what I'm even blogging about, time to sleep !
I've been feeling kind of weird lately.. Whenever I saw those suicidal/super sad scene on movies or tv, I felt I had an outburst of negative emotion. Its almost I have a phobia of those scene or something.. Jesus, help me. ><"
slept at 4am last night and it was crazy. Woke up around 7.50am to realize I had a misjudgement of timing. Reached school at 9.15am but soon to realize, many people are much later than me. And the 2 biggest flop up of today ?
First, I did not wore my belt. Second, I did not pay for my bridging module and guess what happen ? No textbook for this one-time module lecture. And guess what ? ITS A BLOODY ACCOUNTING MODULE. OMG. I literally memorised the whole 8 hour of accounting lecture into my brain without writing a single letter on my foolscap, cause I did not bring.
Its terrible. Not only I am tiring, the module is literally a torture and danger to my sanity. I felt as though I am going through a mental endurance test. HAHA ! It was so boring and I am so lethargic. But thanks because Jin Lin accompanied me by smsing and Joseph for talking to me during lunch break. HAHA !
And omg, did I tell you that the girls from Human Resource module are fucking pretty ? There is like 50 people and 40 of them is female. And yes, large percentage is.. pretty. But anyway, I'm devoted to that one and only female. HEHE !
On the way back home, I swear an auntie came in and stand beside me.. Guess what was in her shopping bag ? A Burberry handbag. WTF. And I can even tell what perfume she was wearing - Chanel No. 5. Jeez, her coat is even made of Satin material.. What a rich auntie.
Went for dinner with bro and we literally talk anything under the moon.. anything. From the gossip of our cousin to marketing gimmicks and music industry, anything you named it. But anyway, main point is, I only complete 10% of my huge assignment which is due by 29th April.
Okay I'm so tired that I don't know what I'm even blogging about, time to sleep !
I've been feeling kind of weird lately.. Whenever I saw those suicidal/super sad scene on movies or tv, I felt I had an outburst of negative emotion. Its almost I have a phobia of those scene or something.. Jesus, help me. ><"
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Pilling up
Craziness has not end yet, and there's more to go ! argh.
My water heater is back ! HAHA ! Finally I'm bathing in warm water.. LOL. Anyway, Today went out with Wen Jun, Marcus, Shi Jie and Joseph.. Kind of weird because usually on saturday there is like alot more people.. Hmm.
Went to marina square and I'm so freaking hungry. Ate at Long John Silver and oh well.. Appearently that 3 piece chicken deal wasn't alot for me.. HAHA ! I really think eating less will fill my wallet more.. No wonder people say they need to eat less. But those people who say that normally is broke and.. fat. SORRY ! NO PUN INTENDED ! (I'm not fat alright ? I'm lean !)
Went to play pool.. Appearantly, Jin Lin sounds depressed or something. I wonder if she is okay now or what.
Went to mac after the pool to slack around.. And wow, how long has it been since we all have the time to settle down and relax ? But that is until Joseph reminded me of the word "project". Yes, project. It totally killed me once again.
On the way home, we met Leon ! Omg ! How coincidence.. I meant, how small singapore is xD ! We actually met at a MRT station at a exact spot which ain't so open. Haha !
Just completed my assignment 2 for Business Environment. Its taking whole lot out of me and I have 1 more even bigger assignment which includes Porter 5 forces analysis, BCG analysis, Market Expansion Grid, SMART goal settings and blah blah blah and so on. 4 days left. Tomorrow is the lecture for Basic Accounting. Someone help me please. Luckily I quit my work or else I'm so going to fail.
Okay. Going to sleep now. Lecture's at 9am. Wish me good energy later. HAHA !
My water heater is back ! HAHA ! Finally I'm bathing in warm water.. LOL. Anyway, Today went out with Wen Jun, Marcus, Shi Jie and Joseph.. Kind of weird because usually on saturday there is like alot more people.. Hmm.
Went to marina square and I'm so freaking hungry. Ate at Long John Silver and oh well.. Appearently that 3 piece chicken deal wasn't alot for me.. HAHA ! I really think eating less will fill my wallet more.. No wonder people say they need to eat less. But those people who say that normally is broke and.. fat. SORRY ! NO PUN INTENDED ! (I'm not fat alright ? I'm lean !)
Went to play pool.. Appearantly, Jin Lin sounds depressed or something. I wonder if she is okay now or what.
Went to mac after the pool to slack around.. And wow, how long has it been since we all have the time to settle down and relax ? But that is until Joseph reminded me of the word "project". Yes, project. It totally killed me once again.
On the way home, we met Leon ! Omg ! How coincidence.. I meant, how small singapore is xD ! We actually met at a MRT station at a exact spot which ain't so open. Haha !
Just completed my assignment 2 for Business Environment. Its taking whole lot out of me and I have 1 more even bigger assignment which includes Porter 5 forces analysis, BCG analysis, Market Expansion Grid, SMART goal settings and blah blah blah and so on. 4 days left. Tomorrow is the lecture for Basic Accounting. Someone help me please. Luckily I quit my work or else I'm so going to fail.
Okay. Going to sleep now. Lecture's at 9am. Wish me good energy later. HAHA !
Friday, April 23, 2010
My baby, please come back to me.
By what I said "baby", I meant my water heater. Sorry. HAHAHA !
Class today was total ~.~, as describe by Jin Lin. HAHA ! Ahhh, I'm losing so much brain juice recently.. I don't even know if I got enough for myself.. -__"
Alright, tomorrow is the last class for Principles of Marketing till next week tues. And this sunday is the lecture for Basic Accounting, which is like my second bridging module and I hope its not another 2 assignment thing because it is fucking killing my brain. Haha..
Met Elson after class and got to see some of his J.Cube friends which totally scared me half dead.. Because it was the same feeling I experienced 3 years ago when I was like one of them, with the Jiamin gang. I hate it. I really think alot of things have been happening to me and I felt as though I'm no longer who I am.. Hmm.
Oh wait, AM I HAVING IDENTITY CRISIS ? LOL. Never mind. Went home together with elson. I reached home and I saw a box, inside was.. A HEATER. I thought for sure I am going to get a shower tonight with warm water. No. Only to realized that it was not only my water heater that spoiled but the internal circuit of the heater switch and blah blah blah.. Omg.
I think my pay for Symarom is coming tomorrow ! HAHA ! I'm so going to order my Elixir strings. Please go to my facebook and see a video that explains why I need my string so badly. And yes, its comical too ! I hope they're coming out on saturday cause I haven't see them for 1 full week. LOL. Oh ya, tomorrow supper with Jin Lin.
I am literally blogging about my schedule, and I feel as though my schedule recently has been pretty crazy. Its true actually. Haha ! I wish money could fall from the sky so I don't have to work.
Class today was total ~.~, as describe by Jin Lin. HAHA ! Ahhh, I'm losing so much brain juice recently.. I don't even know if I got enough for myself.. -__"
Alright, tomorrow is the last class for Principles of Marketing till next week tues. And this sunday is the lecture for Basic Accounting, which is like my second bridging module and I hope its not another 2 assignment thing because it is fucking killing my brain. Haha..
Met Elson after class and got to see some of his J.Cube friends which totally scared me half dead.. Because it was the same feeling I experienced 3 years ago when I was like one of them, with the Jiamin gang. I hate it. I really think alot of things have been happening to me and I felt as though I'm no longer who I am.. Hmm.
Oh wait, AM I HAVING IDENTITY CRISIS ? LOL. Never mind. Went home together with elson. I reached home and I saw a box, inside was.. A HEATER. I thought for sure I am going to get a shower tonight with warm water. No. Only to realized that it was not only my water heater that spoiled but the internal circuit of the heater switch and blah blah blah.. Omg.
I think my pay for Symarom is coming tomorrow ! HAHA ! I'm so going to order my Elixir strings. Please go to my facebook and see a video that explains why I need my string so badly. And yes, its comical too ! I hope they're coming out on saturday cause I haven't see them for 1 full week. LOL. Oh ya, tomorrow supper with Jin Lin.
I am literally blogging about my schedule, and I feel as though my schedule recently has been pretty crazy. Its true actually. Haha ! I wish money could fall from the sky so I don't have to work.
"I have been having these weird thoughts lately.. Like is any of these for real.. or not ?" - Sora
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Has it all began ?
I can't really want to remember what happened yesterday. Hmm.
Went to the movies with Jin Lin and the others.. But anyway, if anyone out there is watching Shutter Island, please do not watched. Its not such a nice movie anyway.. Its like trying to duplicate the success of Death Note movie series but failed epically.. HAHA !
Alright, I wrote a card for Jin Lin. But appearantly.. I think I need to make a nicer card for her next time. LOL. Even I felt that too ! XD..
Sent her home then went to find Ziyi. Walked pass Pinky's house and well, it all started to come back to me, again. Sat outside her house for like 2 hour because I needed to wait for Ziyi to reach home and then.. Jeez. Maybe I'm just too sentimental. -__-"
Alright. My report is finally 60% done ! HAHAHA ! There is class later. I kind of dreaded to go class, don't know why. Maybe i'm just pure lonely or something.. lol. I don't blog much nowadays.. Hmm..
Went to the movies with Jin Lin and the others.. But anyway, if anyone out there is watching Shutter Island, please do not watched. Its not such a nice movie anyway.. Its like trying to duplicate the success of Death Note movie series but failed epically.. HAHA !
Alright, I wrote a card for Jin Lin. But appearantly.. I think I need to make a nicer card for her next time. LOL. Even I felt that too ! XD..
Sent her home then went to find Ziyi. Walked pass Pinky's house and well, it all started to come back to me, again. Sat outside her house for like 2 hour because I needed to wait for Ziyi to reach home and then.. Jeez. Maybe I'm just too sentimental. -__-"
Alright. My report is finally 60% done ! HAHAHA ! There is class later. I kind of dreaded to go class, don't know why. Maybe i'm just pure lonely or something.. lol. I don't blog much nowadays.. Hmm..
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Can I be peter pen ?
This week is also one of my craziest week ever since I started school, seriously.
Had school today. I happened to sat beside this guy called "Osman".. Which I didn't remembered that he is actually from my study group and I actually introduce myself as if we don't know each other. HAHA ! What the..
Today lesson is kind of boring.. The things are clear-cut that I can just refer to EBS textbook and i'll know everything. LOL. Just that this is like more in-depth... But anyway, I'm so stress over my current assignment, WHICH IS LIKE 2 ?! Someone tell me what is PESTEL. brrrrr..
Okay, my house heater has broke down. I'm gonna be bathing with cold water. Its so bloody cold ! Argh... But it feels so cozy after showering in cold water, I don't know why ! It just feels so cozy, warm, smooth and I don't know how to describe anymore.. Haha !
They're opening chalet. I don't even know if they're serious or not.. We're like talking about opening chalet for god knows how many times.. Ever since like 09 or 08 ? omg. Anyway, its like $60. I supposed I can pay as long as they ask me to pay now. Haha ! Yes, I can't manage my finance that good.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna hit the library at 2pm. Meet nick and rehearse at 5pm. Movie with JinLin and the rest at 6pm. That means this whole week I won't get to meet xizi people until saturday, that is if saturday they want to hit the town. HAHA.
I didn't expect tomorrow to have so many people coming. I really just preferred only 4 people. I just don't know how to explain. It just felt weird, going out with so many ex-yhope people and one of them is even my ex-shepherd.. I dared not to think about going back either. But nonetheless, maybe something good may happen tomorrow ?
Can't deny the fact I'm still thinking about her now and then. Whenever people call me Ben 10, I'll just thought of what I told you. You're piglet and I am Ben 10, I will be protecting you. Ha, what sort of crap is it now ? I need to stop thinking about you.
Had school today. I happened to sat beside this guy called "Osman".. Which I didn't remembered that he is actually from my study group and I actually introduce myself as if we don't know each other. HAHA ! What the..
Today lesson is kind of boring.. The things are clear-cut that I can just refer to EBS textbook and i'll know everything. LOL. Just that this is like more in-depth... But anyway, I'm so stress over my current assignment, WHICH IS LIKE 2 ?! Someone tell me what is PESTEL. brrrrr..
Okay, my house heater has broke down. I'm gonna be bathing with cold water. Its so bloody cold ! Argh... But it feels so cozy after showering in cold water, I don't know why ! It just feels so cozy, warm, smooth and I don't know how to describe anymore.. Haha !
They're opening chalet. I don't even know if they're serious or not.. We're like talking about opening chalet for god knows how many times.. Ever since like 09 or 08 ? omg. Anyway, its like $60. I supposed I can pay as long as they ask me to pay now. Haha ! Yes, I can't manage my finance that good.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna hit the library at 2pm. Meet nick and rehearse at 5pm. Movie with JinLin and the rest at 6pm. That means this whole week I won't get to meet xizi people until saturday, that is if saturday they want to hit the town. HAHA.
I didn't expect tomorrow to have so many people coming. I really just preferred only 4 people. I just don't know how to explain. It just felt weird, going out with so many ex-yhope people and one of them is even my ex-shepherd.. I dared not to think about going back either. But nonetheless, maybe something good may happen tomorrow ?
Can't deny the fact I'm still thinking about her now and then. Whenever people call me Ben 10, I'll just thought of what I told you. You're piglet and I am Ben 10, I will be protecting you. Ha, what sort of crap is it now ? I need to stop thinking about you.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Muggggg !
I'm soooooo lazy to do my project !
Went out with Jinlin to study yesterday.. appearantly Sembawang library was THAT small.. I didn't know ! LOL. But anyway, shift a few location and blah blah blah.. Let me do a diagram ?
Sem Library ---> Coffee Bean ---> SSC Subway ---> Starbuck
HAHA ! But anyway, good thing is when we arrived at starbuck, just nice a lady was packing up to go off and the POWER OUTLET was just beside her ! LOL.. Alright, I'm so desperate for the power thing.. Haha ! Okay, JL finally finished the compo that stares back at her O_O
Met bro to eat mac around 9.30pm.. After that chat about schoolwork and stuff like MNC companies stuff till midnight and smoke like mad before going home..
Now I'm going to meet them and jog. I think I'm going to cycle my hoffman bike there :D
Went out with Jinlin to study yesterday.. appearantly Sembawang library was THAT small.. I didn't know ! LOL. But anyway, shift a few location and blah blah blah.. Let me do a diagram ?
Sem Library ---> Coffee Bean ---> SSC Subway ---> Starbuck
HAHA ! But anyway, good thing is when we arrived at starbuck, just nice a lady was packing up to go off and the POWER OUTLET was just beside her ! LOL.. Alright, I'm so desperate for the power thing.. Haha ! Okay, JL finally finished the compo that stares back at her O_O
Met bro to eat mac around 9.30pm.. After that chat about schoolwork and stuff like MNC companies stuff till midnight and smoke like mad before going home..
Now I'm going to meet them and jog. I think I'm going to cycle my hoffman bike there :D
Sunday, April 18, 2010
So much to do, so little time
Kind of hectic these days.. Hmm.. I feel as though I need a big big break..
I'm glad Yi Min's issue were resolved and Yi min & Emma are back to normal.. But I wondered what would it be now if I hadn't bring up the issue to talk about.. Hmm
Went for class today.. During class break went to find Nicholas and Jin Lin.. Haha ! Saw so many familiar faces... Feel kind of nostalgic and miss a little being in church.. But nonetheless, I hated YHope system and doubt if I will go back or not. Sherry thought me and Nick are brother. HAHA ! Nice one XD
Met WJ, Yimin, Meina and SJ after class.. Went to eat JustAcia, walk around PS then we went to Marina Square to have pool.. Joseph and Orgim came later... And yes, with Joseph around, I can never stop laughing.. HAHA !!!
Oh man.. Meina was totally me and joseph's main joke topic.. Well, her expression.. Like what, Face palm ? Epic Face Palm ? Double Face Palm ? Good god ! We're so lame LOL...
Went back to 755 to slack.. And yes, I'm Back home now. Tomorrow going to study with Jin Lin and Joshua.. And I wonder who is still going anyway.. But nonetheless, I hope tomorrow I can find a power outlet for my laptop.. HAHA !
Good night. I'm so tired.
I'm glad Yi Min's issue were resolved and Yi min & Emma are back to normal.. But I wondered what would it be now if I hadn't bring up the issue to talk about.. Hmm
Went for class today.. During class break went to find Nicholas and Jin Lin.. Haha ! Saw so many familiar faces... Feel kind of nostalgic and miss a little being in church.. But nonetheless, I hated YHope system and doubt if I will go back or not. Sherry thought me and Nick are brother. HAHA ! Nice one XD
Met WJ, Yimin, Meina and SJ after class.. Went to eat JustAcia, walk around PS then we went to Marina Square to have pool.. Joseph and Orgim came later... And yes, with Joseph around, I can never stop laughing.. HAHA !!!
Oh man.. Meina was totally me and joseph's main joke topic.. Well, her expression.. Like what, Face palm ? Epic Face Palm ? Double Face Palm ? Good god ! We're so lame LOL...
Went back to 755 to slack.. And yes, I'm Back home now. Tomorrow going to study with Jin Lin and Joshua.. And I wonder who is still going anyway.. But nonetheless, I hope tomorrow I can find a power outlet for my laptop.. HAHA !
Good night. I'm so tired.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Rarely does good boss comes by
Today was last day at Symarom.. I did not left with happiness today but I left with memories, knowledge and gratefulness.
Johnny, being my direct boss, I really have to say that he is one of a kind.. Have you met before a boss who does not play politics, make sure you go off on time, fight justice for you, take the blame for you and willing to share any knowledge you want to know ? No, Johnny is the first boss that I've come across that does these.
I'm not trying to boast but they really wanted me to stay.. Offered me $8/hr instead of $6/hr to continue working.. I was confused but in the end, I made the decision that study comes first.. So I just had to turn them down.. But the one who I will miss most is Johnny.. So old already but always under so much workload.
Sheesh, I'm getting so emotional over just an 1 week temp job. But omg, he is just so good to the max ! Offer me cigarette, treat me drink for lunch and even send me to mrt station.. And most of all, nothing could replace this is all the knowledge that he shared. Because Wisdom Is Power.
Anyway, study ! And I really think I will call him once in a while to stay in contact.. And if I ever have the chance to go back, I will only go back because he is a good boss. The director ? Not a shit.
Alright, I'm left with 1 week to finish up my PESTLE environment assignment.. Stressed. Okay, tomorrow is the big day. They're going to settle Yi Min and Emma's issue. Ha, I'm interested to see who will be the one who will lose face.. Good luck to BOTH of you :D
Good night Theophila ! It certainly feels good to chat and reminisce with you ! :D
Johnny, being my direct boss, I really have to say that he is one of a kind.. Have you met before a boss who does not play politics, make sure you go off on time, fight justice for you, take the blame for you and willing to share any knowledge you want to know ? No, Johnny is the first boss that I've come across that does these.
I'm not trying to boast but they really wanted me to stay.. Offered me $8/hr instead of $6/hr to continue working.. I was confused but in the end, I made the decision that study comes first.. So I just had to turn them down.. But the one who I will miss most is Johnny.. So old already but always under so much workload.
Sheesh, I'm getting so emotional over just an 1 week temp job. But omg, he is just so good to the max ! Offer me cigarette, treat me drink for lunch and even send me to mrt station.. And most of all, nothing could replace this is all the knowledge that he shared. Because Wisdom Is Power.
Anyway, study ! And I really think I will call him once in a while to stay in contact.. And if I ever have the chance to go back, I will only go back because he is a good boss. The director ? Not a shit.
Alright, I'm left with 1 week to finish up my PESTLE environment assignment.. Stressed. Okay, tomorrow is the big day. They're going to settle Yi Min and Emma's issue. Ha, I'm interested to see who will be the one who will lose face.. Good luck to BOTH of you :D
Good night Theophila ! It certainly feels good to chat and reminisce with you ! :D
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Last Day
Yes, finally today is the last day I'm going to work !
I swear today after school, coming from home, I am going to have a fucking big sleep.. The Panda Eye is becoming so very obvious, seriously.. and it looks funny on me.. I just wish I don't have to work.. But today is the 15.. haiz..
Yesterday talked to XP For like over 1 hour.. Its like so sad la.. But I think I wouldn't say the details here. Awright ! Talked to Nicholas when I'm home.. And I found out we're like twin ! Lets see huh..
-Same surname
-Same academic level
-Same situation
-Same thinking
-Same understand of each other
I really should go back yhope and visit him sometimes. HAHA ! And I guess we confirm hug each other one.. Haha ! No, we're not gay. We always do that when we meet, don't we, Nick ?
I swear today after school, coming from home, I am going to have a fucking big sleep.. The Panda Eye is becoming so very obvious, seriously.. and it looks funny on me.. I just wish I don't have to work.. But today is the 15.. haiz..
Yesterday talked to XP For like over 1 hour.. Its like so sad la.. But I think I wouldn't say the details here. Awright ! Talked to Nicholas when I'm home.. And I found out we're like twin ! Lets see huh..
-Same surname
-Same academic level
-Same situation
-Same thinking
-Same understand of each other
I really should go back yhope and visit him sometimes. HAHA ! And I guess we confirm hug each other one.. Haha ! No, we're not gay. We always do that when we meet, don't we, Nick ?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Has the table changed.. ?
Went jogging with them today.. Learnt of what happened. I am astonished and shivering from shock.. You want to know why ? I'll tell you.
If my memory had not failed me.. we, the XiZi used to be very united.. But what I've heard today, I have changed my mindset.. Maybe I'm outdated.. Or is it true that everyone had changed.. ? I kept asking myself "What happened?" on the way home..
I started to realise.. Maybe favortism, assumption and greediness has became an devil trend of the xizi group.. Which resulted in what happened not only today but other issues.. Yes, we all know that being friends, once in a while we will argue.. But has our argue being happening too frequently or just because of some small issues that could've being resolve with just an "sorry" ?
I don't want to say things that are too obvious here.. Because I am not one of the personnel is going to settle the issues.. But if I am going to, I don't mind. Simply because it has became so ridiculous that I could not stand watching it.. I think some people need to wake up, look at the big picture.
I felt so sad how people get left out when they wasn't even in the wrong or anything.. But the most saddistic thing of all is when that person was helping you big time, instead of getting appreciate, he/she got left behind big time.
What happened ?
Yes, I don't wanna talk about work. I'm so tired !
Slept at 3.. I need to prioritize ! Oh my god.. I know I need sleep but I continue to play the guitar.. Got sleep = no sleep. So tired.. Luckily I still have like 5 sticks to help me pull through the day.. Or else I die.
Anyway, whoever see my facebook status, its true. My panda eyes is fucking obvious.. I need a break.. :( feel like taking MC for tomorrow.. but paycheck hand in also tomorrow.. haiz.. Plus school. SIAN..
Thought about working there as a perm stuff. I'll work if derek offer me 1800 and above.. haha ! Ya, its quite impossible. But doesn't mean it is not. Haha, if I ever get a chance to reverse psycho him, then i'll have more chance..
Okay. I NEED TO STAY AWAKE.. Jeez. Time to shower and work.
Slept at 3.. I need to prioritize ! Oh my god.. I know I need sleep but I continue to play the guitar.. Got sleep = no sleep. So tired.. Luckily I still have like 5 sticks to help me pull through the day.. Or else I die.
Anyway, whoever see my facebook status, its true. My panda eyes is fucking obvious.. I need a break.. :( feel like taking MC for tomorrow.. but paycheck hand in also tomorrow.. haiz.. Plus school. SIAN..
Thought about working there as a perm stuff. I'll work if derek offer me 1800 and above.. haha ! Ya, its quite impossible. But doesn't mean it is not. Haha, if I ever get a chance to reverse psycho him, then i'll have more chance..
Okay. I NEED TO STAY AWAKE.. Jeez. Time to shower and work.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
You should look below, not here
Another one of my lame title.. HAHA !
I've been blogging so often nowadays.. Can't believe I actually made the commitment to blog ! But I wondered who is reading my blog nowadays anyway.. 1 more hour to work and there is still school to come..zzz
Nope, she didn't reply my sms. Sian man.. Anyway, I hope that bloody bus driver receive my 60 cent instead of asking for 90 cent, bloody suckers. Off to shower~
I've been blogging so often nowadays.. Can't believe I actually made the commitment to blog ! But I wondered who is reading my blog nowadays anyway.. 1 more hour to work and there is still school to come..zzz
Nope, she didn't reply my sms. Sian man.. Anyway, I hope that bloody bus driver receive my 60 cent instead of asking for 90 cent, bloody suckers. Off to shower~
I can't find a title for this post !
Yes, I know the title is lame. Anyway, I'm back from work and it was fun ! I'll explain why later.
Finally me and Johnny our ice broke. Talked about how Derek who used to be his Ex-colleague in a tobacco company became his superior now and how Derek sucks as a director. I must agree, the system really sucks here.. Especially when it comes to the point of 1 man do 3 man job which other MNC companies doesn't do that..
Oh yes, I also made some milk emulsion stuff !
After work, it was raining like mad.. And Johnny was so nice to send me home with his car ! Went to Yi Min house after that.. But I totally slack down there and talked nothing.. I'm tooooo tired ! Tomorrow's the 1st day of the official course for the 1st module.. Oh man. I hope I survive it !
And this stupid facebook, I want to upload the workout pictures !
Reached there sharp on 8.30.. Muahaha.. Derek (Director of Symarom) asked me to concoct a Lemon formula.. Well, he gave me a formula based on his assumption.. And guess what ? I experiment around with it and I created a new lemon flavoring that was damn close to the main standard lemon flavor from other company ! He is going to send the sample of what I made to a Taiwan company.. Haha ! I'll show you the picture :D
Yup. That is the lemon sample I made !
Finally me and Johnny our ice broke. Talked about how Derek who used to be his Ex-colleague in a tobacco company became his superior now and how Derek sucks as a director. I must agree, the system really sucks here.. Especially when it comes to the point of 1 man do 3 man job which other MNC companies doesn't do that..
Oh yes, I also made some milk emulsion stuff !
After work, it was raining like mad.. And Johnny was so nice to send me home with his car ! Went to Yi Min house after that.. But I totally slack down there and talked nothing.. I'm tooooo tired ! Tomorrow's the 1st day of the official course for the 1st module.. Oh man. I hope I survive it !
And this stupid facebook, I want to upload the workout pictures !
Monday, April 12, 2010
Total Sian-ness
Just woke up and 1 more hour and I'm back to WORK !! OMG.
Alright. Its fucking irritating when my mom keep harping how smelly I am, my bag are, my shoe is and blah blah.. EVER SINCE FRIDAY. WTF. She doesn't even think about me working RIGHT at the place where the smell is.. I swear tomorrow if she doesn't stop I'm going to make a fucking big hoo haa about it.
And yes, she is so fucking smart to suggest asking me go to sembawang station and she'll "bath" me there so that I can go to my class with no smell. I got my own idea that is even more convenient and faster and she just INSIST. Aiya bloody hell.
I think I want to quit the work man. Anyway, I pretty much heard they're like hiring perm stuff and its like so long and nobody wants.. Confirm because of the smell thing and confirmed.. the pay.. is bloody low. Or maybe I'm attached to an agency that's why ?
Anyway, she is just bloody irritating these day. Last 2 week we talk about her being stubborn and such and she say she'll change. So fast she forgotten. I'm so gonna nail her tomorrow.
Alright. Its fucking irritating when my mom keep harping how smelly I am, my bag are, my shoe is and blah blah.. EVER SINCE FRIDAY. WTF. She doesn't even think about me working RIGHT at the place where the smell is.. I swear tomorrow if she doesn't stop I'm going to make a fucking big hoo haa about it.
And yes, she is so fucking smart to suggest asking me go to sembawang station and she'll "bath" me there so that I can go to my class with no smell. I got my own idea that is even more convenient and faster and she just INSIST. Aiya bloody hell.
I think I want to quit the work man. Anyway, I pretty much heard they're like hiring perm stuff and its like so long and nobody wants.. Confirm because of the smell thing and confirmed.. the pay.. is bloody low. Or maybe I'm attached to an agency that's why ?
Anyway, she is just bloody irritating these day. Last 2 week we talk about her being stubborn and such and she say she'll change. So fast she forgotten. I'm so gonna nail her tomorrow.
Problems boiling in
Jamming was today. But appearently it wasn't really very good. As I expected since 2 month ago.
From my experience of being in SO many band (wtf).. I expected problem to come up.. REAL problem actually.. And now it has come.. I really don't know man. Everything is quite complicated.. Can see alphonse is stress. Its kind of hard to explain.. Maybe I should do an evaluation..
Few more hour and I'm back to Symarom and oh well.. The smell again. I really don't know how I'm going to go school after work.. The smell is bloody nasty. Especially when it sticks on to my clothes, hair and bag.. Oh man. Probably will bring bro's cologne together with my deodorant and spray it like mad.
Alright I just submitted my assignment today. I hope everything goes well and I really expect 40/50 at least.. But if it wasn't, I'm not surprise. Its my first time doing assignment anyway. Somemore its like suddenly going from NT environment to an Express environment.. Don't know if I can cope well for the next 10 month.
Was really thinking about those period when I was with Her.. Maybe it was me who was in the wrong.. Probably not understanding her enough and blah blah blah.. Sent her a sms to apologize.. But I don't expect a reply from her anyway..
Thought about lots of thing nowadays.. Like NS, future of the band, what I will work, things to be thankful about.. But talking about thankful, maybe one thing that I'm really thankful is knowing the 42 people.. Probably.
I feel so impatient. When will it be my time to go out and perform ? Well, before I die, there is a few thing I want to do.. HAHA !
-Perform on stage with my guitar. Doesn't matter how many audience..
-Lose my virginity (WTH !!!)
-Have a girlfriend that really loves me
And oh, I just thought of a quote by Isabella Swan from the novel "Twilight"
"Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something".
From my experience of being in SO many band (wtf).. I expected problem to come up.. REAL problem actually.. And now it has come.. I really don't know man. Everything is quite complicated.. Can see alphonse is stress. Its kind of hard to explain.. Maybe I should do an evaluation..
Few more hour and I'm back to Symarom and oh well.. The smell again. I really don't know how I'm going to go school after work.. The smell is bloody nasty. Especially when it sticks on to my clothes, hair and bag.. Oh man. Probably will bring bro's cologne together with my deodorant and spray it like mad.
Alright I just submitted my assignment today. I hope everything goes well and I really expect 40/50 at least.. But if it wasn't, I'm not surprise. Its my first time doing assignment anyway. Somemore its like suddenly going from NT environment to an Express environment.. Don't know if I can cope well for the next 10 month.
Was really thinking about those period when I was with Her.. Maybe it was me who was in the wrong.. Probably not understanding her enough and blah blah blah.. Sent her a sms to apologize.. But I don't expect a reply from her anyway..
Thought about lots of thing nowadays.. Like NS, future of the band, what I will work, things to be thankful about.. But talking about thankful, maybe one thing that I'm really thankful is knowing the 42 people.. Probably.
I feel so impatient. When will it be my time to go out and perform ? Well, before I die, there is a few thing I want to do.. HAHA !
-Perform on stage with my guitar. Doesn't matter how many audience..
-Lose my virginity (WTH !!!)
-Have a girlfriend that really loves me
And oh, I just thought of a quote by Isabella Swan from the novel "Twilight"
"Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something".
Sunday, April 11, 2010
No, today laser quest got cancled.
Woke up at 12.30.. Slumber around the house till 1 and realize I haven't eat lunch. Haha ! Omg I'm so dumb. Alright.
Reached causeway at 2.15.. Saw Jiajing "begging people for money"- Ah hems, sorry. I meant, Flag Day. Didn't say Hi to her or whatever. Reminded me so much of Pinky too.. Pinky is not anymore different from JJ anyway, after seeing her true color.
XP put me aeroplane.. We agree to wear skinny but ended among them I'm the only one wearing skinny while they all wear berms. wtf. Reached hometeamNS at 3 and that guy told us it is only available from 7 onwards.. Oh my god.
Decided to go IMM as said yesterday. It was so nostalgic. Remembered that it was that time I work with WJ together, we all play stunt together, when "Last Outcast" (band) first started then and when I fall in love with her too.. Aiya, maybe I'm too sentimental.
After strolling there for 2 hour (wow.) which include me, Joseph, Marcus and Elson going on a competition of staying connected to wireless connection while walking around.. HAHA !
Went to Bukit Batok CSC. My gosh, the facilities there look so good ! Played bowling with them.. It was like one of my worse scoring.. Back then at marina square with WJ, Marc and Zen.. we scored like over 100 ? Jeez.
Came back to causeway around 7 for dinner. Yes, we ate at vertical food court. No pun intended sorry, Mega Food Mall. HAHA ! Those who live at woodlands long enough will know what I'm talking about ! Went to 755 basketball court to play.. Did a few pull up before we all went home.
And now, just finish doing my research on Harley-Davidson. Jeez, I still got like a minor part on Harley & Apple competitive edge and Cartel definition research to do and the deadline is like, 11 april ? Oh man. I'm so stress. Oh wait, TOMORROW IS JAMMING ! SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TOO ! :D
Woke up at 12.30.. Slumber around the house till 1 and realize I haven't eat lunch. Haha ! Omg I'm so dumb. Alright.
Reached causeway at 2.15.. Saw Jiajing "begging people for money"- Ah hems, sorry. I meant, Flag Day. Didn't say Hi to her or whatever. Reminded me so much of Pinky too.. Pinky is not anymore different from JJ anyway, after seeing her true color.
XP put me aeroplane.. We agree to wear skinny but ended among them I'm the only one wearing skinny while they all wear berms. wtf. Reached hometeamNS at 3 and that guy told us it is only available from 7 onwards.. Oh my god.
Decided to go IMM as said yesterday. It was so nostalgic. Remembered that it was that time I work with WJ together, we all play stunt together, when "Last Outcast" (band) first started then and when I fall in love with her too.. Aiya, maybe I'm too sentimental.
After strolling there for 2 hour (wow.) which include me, Joseph, Marcus and Elson going on a competition of staying connected to wireless connection while walking around.. HAHA !
Went to Bukit Batok CSC. My gosh, the facilities there look so good ! Played bowling with them.. It was like one of my worse scoring.. Back then at marina square with WJ, Marc and Zen.. we scored like over 100 ? Jeez.
Came back to causeway around 7 for dinner. Yes, we ate at vertical food court. No pun intended sorry, Mega Food Mall. HAHA ! Those who live at woodlands long enough will know what I'm talking about ! Went to 755 basketball court to play.. Did a few pull up before we all went home.
And now, just finish doing my research on Harley-Davidson. Jeez, I still got like a minor part on Harley & Apple competitive edge and Cartel definition research to do and the deadline is like, 11 april ? Oh man. I'm so stress. Oh wait, TOMORROW IS JAMMING ! SOMETHING TO LOOK FORWARD TOO ! :D
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Busy + Ache
Been so bloody busy and tired.. No time to blog. oh my god. Remember the work I talk about ? No its not tough at all and my superior is very good and patient. BUT. The smell is fucking nasty. Especially those gamma and pyradine .etc kept in the fucking god-knows-how-smelly-is-it fridge. Jeez. I smell like a bloody chemical walking around now.. haha..
These 2 day keep working on my report. Its kind of tough and its my first time. Lucky bro was there to help and amend it.
Went to jog and workout with WJ, Marcus, XP, Leon, SJ, Elson yesterday and today without SJ and Leon. I am so so so tired ! Besides not getting to sit during work. But anyway, I feel so good. Its like one of the period where I couldn't feel physically better than now.. haha.. Yes ! I finally can do 4 consecutive pull-up ! What an achievement..
Tomorrow going laser quest with them all.. And I don't know why we're going IMM for.. Hmm. I feel so nostalgic when I think about IMM.. Thought about that time when I worked unilever together with WJ.. I really feel that, that job is the best job I worked so far. It was so memorable working with WJ ! WTH ! haha !
I just hope 1 week goes by quick enough. I'll take my paycheck and never go back to Symarom again. So bloody stink. But I'll miss johnny (my boss). HAHA. You wanna see how many chemical I'm dealing with ? :D
FYI: That is only 1/8 shelf in the office not including production hall.
These 2 day keep working on my report. Its kind of tough and its my first time. Lucky bro was there to help and amend it.
Went to jog and workout with WJ, Marcus, XP, Leon, SJ, Elson yesterday and today without SJ and Leon. I am so so so tired ! Besides not getting to sit during work. But anyway, I feel so good. Its like one of the period where I couldn't feel physically better than now.. haha.. Yes ! I finally can do 4 consecutive pull-up ! What an achievement..
Tomorrow going laser quest with them all.. And I don't know why we're going IMM for.. Hmm. I feel so nostalgic when I think about IMM.. Thought about that time when I worked unilever together with WJ.. I really feel that, that job is the best job I worked so far. It was so memorable working with WJ ! WTH ! haha !
I just hope 1 week goes by quick enough. I'll take my paycheck and never go back to Symarom again. So bloody stink. But I'll miss johnny (my boss). HAHA. You wanna see how many chemical I'm dealing with ? :D
Thursday, April 08, 2010
A New Beginning ?
Today is a busy day, totally.
Had Insomnia therefore woke up around 4+am.. Got ready then went to Recruit Express to sign the contract.. I wonder how is the job like tomorrow..hmm.. Hopefully the people there are kind and it ain't such a tough job.
I'll explain why its busy. 10am, reach orchard. 10.30am, went back home.. Play PS3 till 5 then 5.30 go to Somerset. WTF. I went back and forth town twice.. Orientation sucks to be exact.. It had me dozing off..
Oh well, my study group got mix of NS and working adults. And In that whole class of 60+ people, I AM THE YOUNGEST. I am the only one who need parent to sign the Student-PEI contract. omg.. That means everyone is over 18 year old.
Came home and had 2 hour of discussion with bro over my report. Didn't realise I had made so many error and irrelevant stuff.. Oh well, first-time.
Saw someone comment on facebook writing "Ya lor. Guys only made empty promises". Wish I could comment. This is like so hypocritic as though female are perfect creature who don't lie, don't lust, DON'T MAKE EMPTY PROMISES. Fuck. Damn it. If female were really that good, there wouldn't be gay in this world. That is such a vague and immature comment.
On to my next plan.. I need to touch up on my report. Sheesh.
Had Insomnia therefore woke up around 4+am.. Got ready then went to Recruit Express to sign the contract.. I wonder how is the job like tomorrow..hmm.. Hopefully the people there are kind and it ain't such a tough job.
I'll explain why its busy. 10am, reach orchard. 10.30am, went back home.. Play PS3 till 5 then 5.30 go to Somerset. WTF. I went back and forth town twice.. Orientation sucks to be exact.. It had me dozing off..
Oh well, my study group got mix of NS and working adults. And In that whole class of 60+ people, I AM THE YOUNGEST. I am the only one who need parent to sign the Student-PEI contract. omg.. That means everyone is over 18 year old.
Came home and had 2 hour of discussion with bro over my report. Didn't realise I had made so many error and irrelevant stuff.. Oh well, first-time.
Saw someone comment on facebook writing "Ya lor. Guys only made empty promises". Wish I could comment. This is like so hypocritic as though female are perfect creature who don't lie, don't lust, DON'T MAKE EMPTY PROMISES. Fuck. Damn it. If female were really that good, there wouldn't be gay in this world. That is such a vague and immature comment.
On to my next plan.. I need to touch up on my report. Sheesh.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Couldn't slept the whole fucking night. Had so much going through my mind.. Hmm..
I bet later is going to be one hell of endurance day for me.. Especially when I have to run between town and home like 2 or 3 time ?! WTF. I certainly need my headphone more than ever. Haha !
Kind of frustrated. Thought about what will happen 3 more year later. Like after NS ? Or maybe what I will do during NS..
Don't even know if I will survive NS.. haha, wth.. I'll probably just claim that I have hearing loss because I really do and say im semi color blind to escape the inhuman training. SG sucks. Even if malaysia come bombing us down, our this 4.5 million people can't do shit. Maybe our Apache does.
Next, if the president was here, he will tell me, "That is why all the more we need to have NS".. Yeah, whatever the president says. Cause you're not the one who do NS mah. LOL. Awright, I'm crapping again.
I actually thought about changing my identity. Like, a new name and new look ? Then after that, maybe I'll go back and find her and disguise as though I didn't met her before.. Haha.. I'm so imaginative. Probably when I'm 20 or 21.
Anyway, I'm so so so reminded of the song from Mayday Parade
I bet later is going to be one hell of endurance day for me.. Especially when I have to run between town and home like 2 or 3 time ?! WTF. I certainly need my headphone more than ever. Haha !
Kind of frustrated. Thought about what will happen 3 more year later. Like after NS ? Or maybe what I will do during NS..
Don't even know if I will survive NS.. haha, wth.. I'll probably just claim that I have hearing loss because I really do and say im semi color blind to escape the inhuman training. SG sucks. Even if malaysia come bombing us down, our this 4.5 million people can't do shit. Maybe our Apache does.
Next, if the president was here, he will tell me, "That is why all the more we need to have NS".. Yeah, whatever the president says. Cause you're not the one who do NS mah. LOL. Awright, I'm crapping again.
I actually thought about changing my identity. Like, a new name and new look ? Then after that, maybe I'll go back and find her and disguise as though I didn't met her before.. Haha.. I'm so imaginative. Probably when I'm 20 or 21.
Anyway, I'm so so so reminded of the song from Mayday Parade
We were just kids in love
the summer was full of mistake we couldn't learn from !
the first kiss stole the breath from my lips
why did the last one tear us apart ?
the summer was full of mistake we couldn't learn from !
the first kiss stole the breath from my lips
why did the last one tear us apart ?
Gah, I don't know what to do now. I'm so bored. Awright, smoke time !
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Today is one hell of shag-ness..
Met XP, Wen Jun, Marcus and Leon for pool.. I realize my skill is like becoming so lousy.. But oh well, after playing a few round, it came back and I start to own HAHA.. I don't wanna team with XP again.. omg..
They all planned to go jogging and workout.. So I tag along since I had nothing to do.. And I'm in for some REAL WORKOUT. wtf.
Haven't jog for really really long that now its killing me.. We did push up, sit up blah blah blah blah and so many rep and set.. I guess tomorrow when I wake up its gonna really hurt with all that lactic acid there.. haha.. No, this is not rocket science. Study anatomy and you'll know.
Marcus brought Aino. YAY ! Now I got another Aino friend ! :D:D:D. Okay Lol. Walked home from circle green, it was crazy. The shoe kept scratching the back of my feet skin.. It hurts like mad. Was hoping to see Her on the way home. Didn't had any result..
Tomorrow going down to Recruit Express to sign contract. I accepted a job where I have to pack Food+Chemical which to my knowledge, the smell is quite inhumane. But well, my bank is broke, what to do ? Orientation happened to be tomorrow too. Oh well.
Met XP, Wen Jun, Marcus and Leon for pool.. I realize my skill is like becoming so lousy.. But oh well, after playing a few round, it came back and I start to own HAHA.. I don't wanna team with XP again.. omg..
They all planned to go jogging and workout.. So I tag along since I had nothing to do.. And I'm in for some REAL WORKOUT. wtf.
Haven't jog for really really long that now its killing me.. We did push up, sit up blah blah blah blah and so many rep and set.. I guess tomorrow when I wake up its gonna really hurt with all that lactic acid there.. haha.. No, this is not rocket science. Study anatomy and you'll know.
Marcus brought Aino. YAY ! Now I got another Aino friend ! :D:D:D. Okay Lol. Walked home from circle green, it was crazy. The shoe kept scratching the back of my feet skin.. It hurts like mad. Was hoping to see Her on the way home. Didn't had any result..
Tomorrow going down to Recruit Express to sign contract. I accepted a job where I have to pack Food+Chemical which to my knowledge, the smell is quite inhumane. But well, my bank is broke, what to do ? Orientation happened to be tomorrow too. Oh well.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Drive Away
Mahjong madness today.. LOL.
Woke up when XP called me.. Met them and then we all share a pack of cigarette.. After that play basketball with them.. I am so amazingly stupid on the rule but amazingly good on defensing.. Haha.. Its okay.
Went to Yimin house then sit there and stone.. Play mahjong when XP leaves.. Been winning like mad.. After XP came, went to play basketball again.. Didn't even score a single goal from 9-10pm.. WTF.
Back to yimin house again then play mahjong from 10pm to 2am.. Win like mad.. Emma went bankrupt HAHA.. I am so so so in love with mahjong ! After that play DaiDee till 3.30am before I left her house.. Been thinking alot..
Not sure if I'm still hitting the library tomorrow. Hmmm... Guess I'll research on some random stuff.
It is exact one month since I broke up with her.. Maybe time is the cure. Couldn't forget her.. Even as many people told me its not worth, her true color, she is a playgirl, .etc .etc .etc.. Still, I really don't know why. I must be smitten.
It hurt.
Woke up when XP called me.. Met them and then we all share a pack of cigarette.. After that play basketball with them.. I am so amazingly stupid on the rule but amazingly good on defensing.. Haha.. Its okay.
Went to Yimin house then sit there and stone.. Play mahjong when XP leaves.. Been winning like mad.. After XP came, went to play basketball again.. Didn't even score a single goal from 9-10pm.. WTF.
Back to yimin house again then play mahjong from 10pm to 2am.. Win like mad.. Emma went bankrupt HAHA.. I am so so so in love with mahjong ! After that play DaiDee till 3.30am before I left her house.. Been thinking alot..
Not sure if I'm still hitting the library tomorrow. Hmmm... Guess I'll research on some random stuff.
It is exact one month since I broke up with her.. Maybe time is the cure. Couldn't forget her.. Even as many people told me its not worth, her true color, she is a playgirl, .etc .etc .etc.. Still, I really don't know why. I must be smitten.
It hurt.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Uso Mitai Na I Love You
I'm Bored.
Yesterday didn't do much stuff.. Didn't want to play guitar.. the string sounds so dead.. I'm broke and have no money to change string.. omg ! But I do love the dead sound, it sounds like Brian May's Red Special.. HAHA
Played Yakuza 3 from 6pm till 10pm.. so shiok, I love hitting people with bicycle and tables alike.. haha ! After that.. Chat with Qian hui till 3am.. I felt so no life.. But never mind, later's jamming ! :D:D:D..
Wahaha, I learnt 3 song within 1 hour.. I'm becoming more dependent on using my ear rather than the tabs.. But anyway, I feel like smoking. Someone offer me a cigarette ? =/
Yesterday didn't do much stuff.. Didn't want to play guitar.. the string sounds so dead.. I'm broke and have no money to change string.. omg ! But I do love the dead sound, it sounds like Brian May's Red Special.. HAHA
Played Yakuza 3 from 6pm till 10pm.. so shiok, I love hitting people with bicycle and tables alike.. haha ! After that.. Chat with Qian hui till 3am.. I felt so no life.. But never mind, later's jamming ! :D:D:D..
Wahaha, I learnt 3 song within 1 hour.. I'm becoming more dependent on using my ear rather than the tabs.. But anyway, I feel like smoking. Someone offer me a cigarette ? =/
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Collected my Aino. Went class outing, it was super duper fun.. And now im zombified.. Officially conscious for 31 hour...
After collecting my Aino, went home to charge it.. Then went to meet 42 people after then go batok... Initially was quite messy due to some people being late (always late) and stuff.. Decided to meet on admiralty as well as get our cigarette.. I've officially went into 7-11, 16 year old (17 this year), buy a pack of cigarette and smoke it.. HAHA..
Reached batok.. Then XP want to emo.. Cause this place used to be where his ex girlfriend and him hang out.. then as what I said, we really saw his ex girlfriend at west mall.. Can see he still miss her..
Went to HomeTeamNS.. They all played bowling.. Was broke so didn't played.. after that they wanted to play Laser Quest.. So I decided to tag along since i've never play before.. one word to describe it.. Awesome. Could be better with full body tagging and reload function... HAHA !
Played till around 15 minute into the game I had mild asthma.. I ran non-stop as far as I know.. I came into rank 2 as damaging the most.. 1st was WJ.. But anyway, thank you XP for covering my ass ! :D
Return to Causeway.. no choice but lent $ from yimin.. I'm hungry like a wolf lusting for its prey.. HAHA wtf with this sentence.. After that went to 755 basketball court.. Didn't stay long, was far too tired..
The walk home was tormenting.. I was so tired and tear kept coming out of my eye.. All I remembered was swaying left and right like I was drunk.. Lastly, I bang onto a mailbox because I literally closed my eyes and walked home.. damn.
Here is some picture goodies for my new Aino and result of Laser Quest !

After collecting my Aino, went home to charge it.. Then went to meet 42 people after then go batok... Initially was quite messy due to some people being late (always late) and stuff.. Decided to meet on admiralty as well as get our cigarette.. I've officially went into 7-11, 16 year old (17 this year), buy a pack of cigarette and smoke it.. HAHA..
Reached batok.. Then XP want to emo.. Cause this place used to be where his ex girlfriend and him hang out.. then as what I said, we really saw his ex girlfriend at west mall.. Can see he still miss her..
Went to HomeTeamNS.. They all played bowling.. Was broke so didn't played.. after that they wanted to play Laser Quest.. So I decided to tag along since i've never play before.. one word to describe it.. Awesome. Could be better with full body tagging and reload function... HAHA !
Played till around 15 minute into the game I had mild asthma.. I ran non-stop as far as I know.. I came into rank 2 as damaging the most.. 1st was WJ.. But anyway, thank you XP for covering my ass ! :D
Return to Causeway.. no choice but lent $ from yimin.. I'm hungry like a wolf lusting for its prey.. HAHA wtf with this sentence.. After that went to 755 basketball court.. Didn't stay long, was far too tired..
The walk home was tormenting.. I was so tired and tear kept coming out of my eye.. All I remembered was swaying left and right like I was drunk.. Lastly, I bang onto a mailbox because I literally closed my eyes and walked home.. damn.
Here is some picture goodies for my new Aino and result of Laser Quest !
Alot plus lot
Haven't sleep for one whole night. I'm going to go down chong pang to change my phone to Aino and later there's class outing. I'm left with $3. Great.
I'm pretty excited. What I'm holding now is HTC Touch and LG Arena full set.. haha ! I'm a IT freak, I admit. But anyway, I'm more excited for my new phone later..
Yesterday spent my whole day at home.. Researched on Benchmarking and case study on Xerox.. Wrote another one chapter on my assignment.. went up to 980 words and hit the 5 reference list.. HAHA ! I'm close to completing my assignment before I do one last quality check..
Dad decided to change to iPhone once and for all.. So I decided to help him jailbreak once and for all.. HAHA.. wtf. Watched FMA ep 50. Fucking epic.. I'm addicted to the word "EdxWinry".. Sounds like yaoi ? No, its not yaoi.
Prank Qian hui, Joseph and Mag for april fool.. damn funny ! Mag totally got fooled by me.. Joseph post on fb when I tried to told him "u know, I'm gay"... I FAILED.
I'm hungry. But the bee hoon + curry my mom cooked looks suspicious. Last time I ate that, I have diarhoea and nausea (food poisoning actually) for 3 days.. terrible. Should I eat it ?
I'm pretty excited. What I'm holding now is HTC Touch and LG Arena full set.. haha ! I'm a IT freak, I admit. But anyway, I'm more excited for my new phone later..
Yesterday spent my whole day at home.. Researched on Benchmarking and case study on Xerox.. Wrote another one chapter on my assignment.. went up to 980 words and hit the 5 reference list.. HAHA ! I'm close to completing my assignment before I do one last quality check..
Dad decided to change to iPhone once and for all.. So I decided to help him jailbreak once and for all.. HAHA.. wtf. Watched FMA ep 50. Fucking epic.. I'm addicted to the word "EdxWinry".. Sounds like yaoi ? No, its not yaoi.
Prank Qian hui, Joseph and Mag for april fool.. damn funny ! Mag totally got fooled by me.. Joseph post on fb when I tried to told him "u know, I'm gay"... I FAILED.
I'm hungry. But the bee hoon + curry my mom cooked looks suspicious. Last time I ate that, I have diarhoea and nausea (food poisoning actually) for 3 days.. terrible. Should I eat it ?
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