These 2 day keep working on my report. Its kind of tough and its my first time. Lucky bro was there to help and amend it.
Went to jog and workout with WJ, Marcus, XP, Leon, SJ, Elson yesterday and today without SJ and Leon. I am so so so tired ! Besides not getting to sit during work. But anyway, I feel so good. Its like one of the period where I couldn't feel physically better than now.. haha.. Yes ! I finally can do 4 consecutive pull-up ! What an achievement..
Tomorrow going laser quest with them all.. And I don't know why we're going IMM for.. Hmm. I feel so nostalgic when I think about IMM.. Thought about that time when I worked unilever together with WJ.. I really feel that, that job is the best job I worked so far. It was so memorable working with WJ ! WTH ! haha !
I just hope 1 week goes by quick enough. I'll take my paycheck and never go back to Symarom again. So bloody stink. But I'll miss johnny (my boss). HAHA. You wanna see how many chemical I'm dealing with ? :D
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