Went to evergreen with Wen Jun to collect testimonial cert. Felt quite nostalgic, walking the walkway that I use to once hate. Arrive at the Admin Office where I once hate to be at because that means I got disciplinary issues. Ha !
Walk to the canteen to buy a drink. Well, Wen Jun and me, we got ulterior motive for doing that. Obviously, to observe .. hehehe ! Looks like our junior some are quite cute. What a waste, I should've been born in like 1995 or 1996.. (Maybe in admiralty sec would be good too...)
Went to Yi Min house after that. Met up with Marcus, Shi Jie, Joseph, Leon & Emma. Played mahjong like mad.. Then Xiao Pang came also. I love mahjong ! Despite I'm still quite noob Haha !
Went to 768 because they wanted to have dinner. Went to walk with Yi Min cause we both wanted to talk about things that only we both understand each other.. Our heart were really burden and heavy. Thank you Yi Min ! :D
Can't believe I watch TV with Yi Min till I sleep.. If im not wrong I think I lie beside Yu Fen haha ! Damn funny. Woke up around 10.30pm then blur blur thought morning liao..
Rush over to 845 because Ziyi said there was a urgent issue. What else ? Chang, you have really did it this time. Fuck.
Went to Ziyi house to cook 2 pack of instant noodle purely because I was hungry like a mad dog. And I swear I ate alot too ! If I'm not wrong.. well.. Prawn, Meat ball, Fishball, minced meat, veggies, slices of chicken meat.. omg ! And no, I swear i'm really 55kg only. Haha !
Went home to help my father fix his iphone. Restore + Jailbreak + Cydia. Here is some photo goodies to show the process of fixing it :D
Knowing the truth is like having a double-edge sword impaled into your heart. But it is also the same thing that sets you free.
Among all the relationship she have, she only loved one person. But that person is not me but my best friend. Conclusion - I stead with a person who didn't even like/love me in the first place. Or perhaps I'm delusional again ? This is agonizing.
Don't understand why I kept thinking about her day and night.
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