Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Finish going through all 22nd jam list. Love the songs, I'm so excited. Going to pick up my guitar when i wake up later.

I can't help but look at her facebook profile, again. And yes, I still see that "add as friend" button. Its kind of sad. Saw her posting "am i really short?" question. Wish I could comment. But oh well.

She sounded as though the relationship was nothing. It wasn't meant anything to her. Maybe she didn't like me at all. I'm nothing special to her. l0l.

I swear I got a notepad of a list of things I want to do when I have a girlfriend. omg. I feel like having a breakdown. :(

If Feb 28th was a dream, I would rather not wake up forever. Off to smoke my last stick of cigarette.

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