Its going to be a long update.
We've just broke camp, its really great ~ All that sermon and fun and how God spoke to me..But how I not share it out ? :D
If some of you guys see my msn, its on my personal Nick. small. Its it so..small that I don't understand why I couldn't complete it given 1 year time ! Are 7 people actually that hard..hmm. Coming to think, its not. Especially with God. We can't talk about winning the world, when we've problem finishing CG08. It is just too small ! Just finish it, kiss the campaign goodbye and do something big ! Conclusion : Willingness and Humbleness.
I was just having a dinner with my mom yesterday as she is on her 52th birthday ! It is quite sad that she still have to work, even on her 52nd year on earth (Thats more than half-centuary if you don't realise). And when I looked into her eye, I knew it. She has aged. Winkles and things like that.. She doesn't seems young anymore.
She told me something "Hey Ben, Why don't ya buy a condo for me ?" I was like..No Problem. But again, why not I buy a land and build a house there for ya ? Now, speaking of all this, people's gonna think I'm crazy, because I am just a NT student, nothing really good would come out..
Thanks to my "wonderful" father, my mom've to worked. Even at this aged. I really want to let my mom enjoy a good life, and I know that the best thing I can do is let her sit down, laze around all day. The more I think, the more I hate my dad. I have an older brother. During yesterday dinner, only people were My Mom, Brother and me. He just doesn't wanna bother about my mom.
Genesis 18:14a
- Is anything too hard for the Lord ?
Is buying a land and building a house for my mom too hard ? No ! It is nothing comparable to God building an Universe just for us, and there is 7 more Universe out there ! Is completing CG08 that hard ? Nope, not WITH GOD. God can do this, JUST BECAUSE HE can.
But I know..all this, can't be compared to Salvation. I really pray, my mom will come to know God. What if one day Jesus came so silently, so silent that I am in heaven. I looked around, but I don't see my mom. I'm really scared !
You see people, the sky is high, why not try reaching as high as possible ? Maybe you may touch it. Its all about dreaming big. CG08 is too small for me ! If I can't complete Evergreen, I shouldn't talk about Church planting, especially thats the 3rd vision of north. CONDO IS TOO SMALL ! God said to David that, if his kingdom and everything isn't satisfying him, God will give more when he asked. So people, ASK God !!!
Psalm 20:7 - Some trusts in chariots, some trusts in horses but I trust in the LORD my God.
When I was young, I used to be very terrified of where I would go after I died. And I do alot of things to make sure I never die, so does for my mom. So I kept telling myself that no one will die. But death is just inevitable. But I finally found the truth. There is actually someone who are willing to die for me, my mom, everyone so that we doesn't die, but lives an eternal life. He is Jesus. Today, my salvation is assured.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
So called "gods"
I wonder how true are other religions.
Let me correct some of the "teachings" for the religion that starts with B.
1. If christian comes my house, my gods will run away !
Ans 1 - If lets say there IS god in your house, and when christians come your house, that shows Jesus is stronger than your god. You should stop worshipping that god and start worshipping Jesus.
Ans 2 - Your so called "god" runs away because they're just bunch of demons. When they see christian who comes with the authority of God, they have to run of course !
2. There is power in the statue ! I worship the statue !
Ans 1 - Have you ever think, what the statue is made of ? Gold ? Probably many other material. But thing is, can these made miracle ? Can gold move or talk ? Yes, thats the point.
3. B~~ is the way !
Ans 1 - Firstly, the very logic of reincarnation till you doesn't do anything bad at all so that you can ascend to "heaven" which is called nirvana, is ridiculous. Show me anyone who didn't do anything bad at all, except Jesus. And if its true, nirvana probably have no one there right now.
That is all peeps.
Let me correct some of the "teachings" for the religion that starts with B.
1. If christian comes my house, my gods will run away !
Ans 1 - If lets say there IS god in your house, and when christians come your house, that shows Jesus is stronger than your god. You should stop worshipping that god and start worshipping Jesus.
Ans 2 - Your so called "god" runs away because they're just bunch of demons. When they see christian who comes with the authority of God, they have to run of course !
2. There is power in the statue ! I worship the statue !
Ans 1 - Have you ever think, what the statue is made of ? Gold ? Probably many other material. But thing is, can these made miracle ? Can gold move or talk ? Yes, thats the point.
3. B~~ is the way !
Ans 1 - Firstly, the very logic of reincarnation till you doesn't do anything bad at all so that you can ascend to "heaven" which is called nirvana, is ridiculous. Show me anyone who didn't do anything bad at all, except Jesus. And if its true, nirvana probably have no one there right now.
That is all peeps.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
New guitar!
Wahaha ! dream come true !
Got a electric guitar as my birthday present ! so thank you to my brother ! And also thanksgiving to God ! for blessing me with such a good guitar !
Althought its not really some branded guitar like fender, but it plays and sound quite up to fender's strats..Its a strats copy anyway. Let me show ya the pic!
There ! My strats copy !
I'm looking for some stuff to paste on it ! Not inlays, but on the body..But anyway, i'm looking for custom pickguard, especially for my strats copy, since its not a genuine fender Lonestar..haha !
Need to do a full setup, since there's a little buzzing.
I kind of miss it, since I lent it to JJ because he kinda need it for some event..argh ! I want to do solos now !! :(
It kind of really rock but also plays classic and acoustic..Kinda got myself a good deal. $235 for this guitar and Amp also, which is a Kustom Dart FX10, see below !

It goes really loud. -,-. Can't take the overdrive volume !!
Anyway, here it is. And I realise tremolo wasn't that fun anyway..haha !
Got a electric guitar as my birthday present ! so thank you to my brother ! And also thanksgiving to God ! for blessing me with such a good guitar !
Althought its not really some branded guitar like fender, but it plays and sound quite up to fender's strats..Its a strats copy anyway. Let me show ya the pic!
I'm looking for some stuff to paste on it ! Not inlays, but on the body..But anyway, i'm looking for custom pickguard, especially for my strats copy, since its not a genuine fender Lonestar..haha !
Need to do a full setup, since there's a little buzzing.
I kind of miss it, since I lent it to JJ because he kinda need it for some event..argh ! I want to do solos now !! :(
It kind of really rock but also plays classic and acoustic..Kinda got myself a good deal. $235 for this guitar and Amp also, which is a Kustom Dart FX10, see below !
It goes really loud. -,-. Can't take the overdrive volume !!
Anyway, here it is. And I realise tremolo wasn't that fun anyway..haha !
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Barre Chords Part 2
Hi People ! I'm not here to rant about how I can't bar, but I'm here to rant about how much I can bar ! LOL
Ever since the last update, I've definitely been playing with barre chords. And God knows, I actually mastered it !
Last time, I used to play Avril Lavigne song, and it was pretty hard, why ? It was hard not playing it, but it was hard finding the easy version of chords. But now, nah ! LOL. I can just play directly :D
Man. It was surely a great breakthrough in guitar. And on this, I really hope I can serve God via guitar. I can surely be a good guitarist if anyone needs me :P
Ever since the last update, I've definitely been playing with barre chords. And God knows, I actually mastered it !
Last time, I used to play Avril Lavigne song, and it was pretty hard, why ? It was hard not playing it, but it was hard finding the easy version of chords. But now, nah ! LOL. I can just play directly :D
Man. It was surely a great breakthrough in guitar. And on this, I really hope I can serve God via guitar. I can surely be a good guitarist if anyone needs me :P
Picking Up
Life sometimes are just so like that. And I got something to quote !
"Life is like a box of chocolate..You never know what you're going to get!"
Man~ That is so true. But who knows, I've God as my backer. Anything that comes my way definitely doesn't really affect me, and I proclaim it with faith :)
Some people told me that a joyful person like me, life is like a bed of roses, never unhappy but always in the fantastic land of Teletubbies. But then again, they also say if any thing were to come my way, I'll never fall, but I'll overcome it.
But also again, that's pretty true. But it couldn't be more true than having Christ as my backer now. LOL. I'm even stronger than I was before :)
No life is a bed of roses. And no matter what comes my way, I'll hold strong to the commandment and face it. HA ! Sounds fake and just trying to impress ya ? Just you see :)
If I ever were to fall, thats where I'll leave God. Which is really just as impossible as you think I will fall. That is because I will break my convenent of finishing the race and going back to Heaven and hug Him. Duh.
Now. For my result :D
(this is the result for my end-year but not my avg mark. Because the avg mark has pulled down because of my earlier year slackness and not convicted to study.)
English - 70 (top.)
Math - 73 (Miracle !)
Science - 88 (top.)
EBS - 81 (top.)
Chinese - 40 (Miracle !)
CPA - 79 (2nd/3rd)
Shall not list things like art which is redundant. Anyway, thats about it. Now Let me list the grade.
English - A2
Math - A2
Science - A1
EBS - A1
Chinese - F9
CPA - A1
And yup. Pretty impressing ya ? My aim was - 5 A1 & 1 F9. Got 3 subject topped ! :D
Pretty dissapointed but it was a good one. Really worked hard and study. Now thats what I called working to the best ! And hopefully God was glorify in my academic result :D
Now again. I can't believe I got 40 for chinese ~ I actually expected an 20 or
I just wanna give thanks. All my result and these, I owned it all back to God. If he didn't gave me a brain, I wouldn't get these result. :D
"Life is like a box of chocolate..You never know what you're going to get!"
Man~ That is so true. But who knows, I've God as my backer. Anything that comes my way definitely doesn't really affect me, and I proclaim it with faith :)
Some people told me that a joyful person like me, life is like a bed of roses, never unhappy but always in the fantastic land of Teletubbies. But then again, they also say if any thing were to come my way, I'll never fall, but I'll overcome it.
But also again, that's pretty true. But it couldn't be more true than having Christ as my backer now. LOL. I'm even stronger than I was before :)
No life is a bed of roses. And no matter what comes my way, I'll hold strong to the commandment and face it. HA ! Sounds fake and just trying to impress ya ? Just you see :)
If I ever were to fall, thats where I'll leave God. Which is really just as impossible as you think I will fall. That is because I will break my convenent of finishing the race and going back to Heaven and hug Him. Duh.
Now. For my result :D
(this is the result for my end-year but not my avg mark. Because the avg mark has pulled down because of my earlier year slackness and not convicted to study.)
English - 70 (top.)
Math - 73 (Miracle !)
Science - 88 (top.)
EBS - 81 (top.)
Chinese - 40 (Miracle !)
CPA - 79 (2nd/3rd)
Shall not list things like art which is redundant. Anyway, thats about it. Now Let me list the grade.
English - A2
Math - A2
Science - A1
EBS - A1
Chinese - F9
CPA - A1
And yup. Pretty impressing ya ? My aim was - 5 A1 & 1 F9. Got 3 subject topped ! :D
Pretty dissapointed but it was a good one. Really worked hard and study. Now thats what I called working to the best ! And hopefully God was glorify in my academic result :D
Now again. I can't believe I got 40 for chinese ~ I actually expected an 20 or
I just wanna give thanks. All my result and these, I owned it all back to God. If he didn't gave me a brain, I wouldn't get these result. :D
So Much for a Birthday. :)
Hi All! I'm so completely happy on my birthday ! Yay. This morning, I had a quarrel with my mom ! yay. And yes. Ha! I'm so happy.
---- (that was some sarcasm. Now is the start of my ranting.)
Now. If you're so reluctant or troubled to celebrate my birthday then don't celebrate my birthday. Its just 5 minute of extra sleep and you're going go around ranting in the house and saying how hard it was for you to raise me and stuff like that. If you don't like it then don't raise me. Kill me then ! Why leave me alive to live this miserable life. I wanna find my Jesus sooner.
Everytime you're just like that. Just want a few minute of sleep and you start going ranting like how much I was a trouble to you and stuff like that. If taking child was a trouble, then no parent is ever happy ! I also never asked you to treat me like a prince or what. If you're going to blame me for become so dependent, then BLAME IT ON YOURSELF. @#$()#&_@*%*@#_.
You said 8th position in class was nothing. If it was so easy, THEN GO AND STUDY FOR ME ! Study ain't easy. It ain't easy with a guy with a small brain of 95 IQ. It ain't easy with all the ministry around. It ain't easy at all. It ain't easy when I'm struggling to go school every day. You'll never understand me. If everything was so easy I will proclaim myself as God. I don't need Jesus anymore ! No ! The fact that I have all this is because Its all my weakness. And that show I need God !
What is wrong with me believing in God ? What is wrong with committing in ministry ? Why IS EVERYONE GETTING THE WRONG IDEA OF CHRISTIANITY !! Its not a going church thing ! Its a COMMITMENT THING ! WHY WHY WHY !! DON'T EVER FREAKING PLAY WITH CHRIST !! Its not like a hotel where you can come and go !!
Anyway. Thank you. You made my birthday Memorable.
To my "very good" Mother
Life just like that. Even on my Happiest Birthday ever. :)
Its okay. I'll stick with the fact that Jesus loves me and will always because He does not change like shifting shadows. That is the only thing I can be secure with.
---- (that was some sarcasm. Now is the start of my ranting.)
Now. If you're so reluctant or troubled to celebrate my birthday then don't celebrate my birthday. Its just 5 minute of extra sleep and you're going go around ranting in the house and saying how hard it was for you to raise me and stuff like that. If you don't like it then don't raise me. Kill me then ! Why leave me alive to live this miserable life. I wanna find my Jesus sooner.
Everytime you're just like that. Just want a few minute of sleep and you start going ranting like how much I was a trouble to you and stuff like that. If taking child was a trouble, then no parent is ever happy ! I also never asked you to treat me like a prince or what. If you're going to blame me for become so dependent, then BLAME IT ON YOURSELF. @#$()#&_@*%*@#_.
You said 8th position in class was nothing. If it was so easy, THEN GO AND STUDY FOR ME ! Study ain't easy. It ain't easy with a guy with a small brain of 95 IQ. It ain't easy with all the ministry around. It ain't easy at all. It ain't easy when I'm struggling to go school every day. You'll never understand me. If everything was so easy I will proclaim myself as God. I don't need Jesus anymore ! No ! The fact that I have all this is because Its all my weakness. And that show I need God !
What is wrong with me believing in God ? What is wrong with committing in ministry ? Why IS EVERYONE GETTING THE WRONG IDEA OF CHRISTIANITY !! Its not a going church thing ! Its a COMMITMENT THING ! WHY WHY WHY !! DON'T EVER FREAKING PLAY WITH CHRIST !! Its not like a hotel where you can come and go !!
Anyway. Thank you. You made my birthday Memorable.
To my "very good" Mother
Life just like that. Even on my Happiest Birthday ever. :)
Its okay. I'll stick with the fact that Jesus loves me and will always because He does not change like shifting shadows. That is the only thing I can be secure with.
Friday, August 15, 2008
I'm sick and done with Bar chords !
Been practicing this barre chords for hours and its just so hard ! One thing that I just can't realize is that everytime I barre ~ any fret ~ The 3rd/G string just doesn't ring ! Its really weird !
Tried to move my index finger up and down around to see if it does ring instead it make the 4th/D string doesn't ring too ! Really don't know if its my guitar action too high or I have crooked finger ! LOL
One thing I know its that I was actually able to barre all of them in the past ~ Which is actually quite funny ~ People with crooked finger can barre too ! Which comes down to this guitar problem ~ I really think it got to do with the guitar action ! Too high :(
Who can help me with this barre chord thing ?! Argh ! I'm being impatience here actually ! LOL ~ Heard that this thing can only be master within a month or so unless you have real potential that within a week which I really think I don't LOL!
Just pray for me alright ~ Once bar chords is master many other worship song will be open up :)
Been practicing this barre chords for hours and its just so hard ! One thing that I just can't realize is that everytime I barre ~ any fret ~ The 3rd/G string just doesn't ring ! Its really weird !
Tried to move my index finger up and down around to see if it does ring instead it make the 4th/D string doesn't ring too ! Really don't know if its my guitar action too high or I have crooked finger ! LOL
One thing I know its that I was actually able to barre all of them in the past ~ Which is actually quite funny ~ People with crooked finger can barre too ! Which comes down to this guitar problem ~ I really think it got to do with the guitar action ! Too high :(
Who can help me with this barre chord thing ?! Argh ! I'm being impatience here actually ! LOL ~ Heard that this thing can only be master within a month or so unless you have real potential that within a week which I really think I don't LOL!
Just pray for me alright ~ Once bar chords is master many other worship song will be open up :)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Check this out ! YUI latest Singles ! And its my type of songs ! Why ? Check out the cheerfulness in it and you'll know !
Yui - Summer Song
Yui - Summer Song
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Answered Prayer
Hi people ! God is really Good~
I've been struggling in my lousy guitar skill~ Until recently I've decided to give my hand to God ~ I prayed that He will improve my guitar skill~ Which is my strumming which is having problem ~ Barre chords too~
Guess what ? I've been practicing ~ Not worship literally but ever since when I started on Guitar ~ I wanted to play this song called "YUI - Life" its from Bleach Ending~
Practicing so hard ! Finally I had a breakthrough !! FINALLY ! Worship strumming !! Oh my Gosh ! This song feature worship strumming pattern and barre chords !~ Guess what ? I can play the whole song now ! I really can't thank God enough
Realised something here ~ God is the "Potter's Hand"~ Let him shape us ! :)
I've been struggling in my lousy guitar skill~ Until recently I've decided to give my hand to God ~ I prayed that He will improve my guitar skill~ Which is my strumming which is having problem ~ Barre chords too~
Guess what ? I've been practicing ~ Not worship literally but ever since when I started on Guitar ~ I wanted to play this song called "YUI - Life" its from Bleach Ending~
Practicing so hard ! Finally I had a breakthrough !! FINALLY ! Worship strumming !! Oh my Gosh ! This song feature worship strumming pattern and barre chords !~ Guess what ? I can play the whole song now ! I really can't thank God enough
Realised something here ~ God is the "Potter's Hand"~ Let him shape us ! :)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Cheap Axes
Saw some really crazy Guitar going at cheap price !!
Hi people !! I was roaming around SOFT yesterday and I saw some really cheap Guitar and amp !! Really hope that I can get one soon !!
Epiphone Les Paul 100 - 120 SGD
Yamaha EG 112C Package - 250 SGD
VOX Pathfinder 10 - 75 SGD
VOX Pathfinder 15 - 120 SGD
Roland Cube 15 - 120 SGD
Orange Crush 10 - 100 SGD
Unknown 20watts - 80 SGD
The LP is pretty good for a deal like this ~ Saw reviews about it and its pretty Good ~ Especially when you wanna get a guitar for practice or for versitile of musics to play ~ And the body is mahogany too ! wow ! Just that its H/H for its config~ Prefer S/S/H or H/S/H
Now~ The Yamaha is different story ~ Its S/S/H configuration ! Oh Gosh ! But I don't really like the boring color~ Black and white is definitely not my type of strats i want to carry ~ But its Alder body I heard ! Alder and ash is my favourite :)
Gosh ! mad price ! Hopefully I can get one very soon ! Then I'll be starting on my passion for Guitar !!
But Seriously ~ If God has a plan for me in Guitar ministry ~ I will really take up the calling ! Pray hard that God will put me in the music ministry :)
Hi people !! I was roaming around SOFT yesterday and I saw some really cheap Guitar and amp !! Really hope that I can get one soon !!
Epiphone Les Paul 100 - 120 SGD
Yamaha EG 112C Package - 250 SGD
VOX Pathfinder 10 - 75 SGD
VOX Pathfinder 15 - 120 SGD
Roland Cube 15 - 120 SGD
Orange Crush 10 - 100 SGD
Unknown 20watts - 80 SGD
The LP is pretty good for a deal like this ~ Saw reviews about it and its pretty Good ~ Especially when you wanna get a guitar for practice or for versitile of musics to play ~ And the body is mahogany too ! wow ! Just that its H/H for its config~ Prefer S/S/H or H/S/H
Now~ The Yamaha is different story ~ Its S/S/H configuration ! Oh Gosh ! But I don't really like the boring color~ Black and white is definitely not my type of strats i want to carry ~ But its Alder body I heard ! Alder and ash is my favourite :)
Gosh ! mad price ! Hopefully I can get one very soon ! Then I'll be starting on my passion for Guitar !!
But Seriously ~ If God has a plan for me in Guitar ministry ~ I will really take up the calling ! Pray hard that God will put me in the music ministry :)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
World's End
Had an really scary dream !! I'm scared out of my wits ! Its not an horror dream but~ its something that really~ freaks me out
Hi people ! Just woke up! Any wonder why I~ Ben can wake up so early ? I had an really bad dream ! Share with you guys~
Begins in a way which there were disunity all over brothers and sister (Yeah~ I mean church settings) !! And we were all quite ~ disunited yup!
I can't seems to remember all of them but the really scary part is ~ Singapore is infected with a zombie virus ~ Which is causing everyone to become really zombie~ So guess what the brilliant GOV does ?
They seperated the infected people from the uninfected~ (Oh by the way ~ Those infected~ which is me~ don't even turn into zombie or became sick~ But we know we're infect ! Thats funny)
So what is so scary here ? I got seperated from my own brothers~ Its so scary that I was tearing literally !! I found myself to be on full of tears when I woke up anyway~ Lets continue on
Basically~ its not just Singapore but the whole world ~ So they're seperating everyone in the whole world which is infected~ and they'll put the whole bunch of infected people in a rocket and send them into outer space ~ After that it will explode ! How scary !
Well~ Not need to be scared cause I know I'm already saved~ Not waiting to be saved ! But what is so scary ?? Simply to put it - I'm seperated from my own beloved brothers ! But I know I'm really grateful for one thing~
David is infected with me :) And yes ~ I mean David Sentosa ! In the dream~ He is the one who got me infected by scratching me !! Argh David !! LOL~ But I guess David would be feeling the same as me - Which I can regrat this called "Loneliness"
Know whats the most memorable scene ?? All infected people are to go Jurong East and Uninfected to go marina Bay~ So basically ~ We're all to sit mrt~ I still can remember ~ Joshua & DK & some other misc Sisters~ Oh ! And Wan Ting ! Because I went to the gantry to fetch her up ! We were all waiting for the last train to go to the destination we're suppose to
So the scene is pretty sad ~ me and David went into the train and after that the Door close ~ After that the train went kind of~ Should I say matrix speed ? I was reaching out to them~ Tearing and shits ! The most sad was I'm seperated from my shepherd !! :(
Conclusion of the Day : God has already saved us from the greatest misery we can ever have ~ That is eternal Death~ All day long we've faced death~ But God has saved us and displayed his great love by sending Jesus down~
Althought Its just a dream~ Its etched painfully to my heart~ Sorry to those whose is not mention in this dream ! But I still loves you guys :) ! Don't worry ! We can always re-act this dream and include you guys :)
Hi people ! Just woke up! Any wonder why I~ Ben can wake up so early ? I had an really bad dream ! Share with you guys~
Begins in a way which there were disunity all over brothers and sister (Yeah~ I mean church settings) !! And we were all quite ~ disunited yup!
I can't seems to remember all of them but the really scary part is ~ Singapore is infected with a zombie virus ~ Which is causing everyone to become really zombie~ So guess what the brilliant GOV does ?
They seperated the infected people from the uninfected~ (Oh by the way ~ Those infected~ which is me~ don't even turn into zombie or became sick~ But we know we're infect ! Thats funny)
So what is so scary here ? I got seperated from my own brothers~ Its so scary that I was tearing literally !! I found myself to be on full of tears when I woke up anyway~ Lets continue on
Basically~ its not just Singapore but the whole world ~ So they're seperating everyone in the whole world which is infected~ and they'll put the whole bunch of infected people in a rocket and send them into outer space ~ After that it will explode ! How scary !
Well~ Not need to be scared cause I know I'm already saved~ Not waiting to be saved ! But what is so scary ?? Simply to put it - I'm seperated from my own beloved brothers ! But I know I'm really grateful for one thing~
David is infected with me :) And yes ~ I mean David Sentosa ! In the dream~ He is the one who got me infected by scratching me !! Argh David !! LOL~ But I guess David would be feeling the same as me - Which I can regrat this called "Loneliness"
Know whats the most memorable scene ?? All infected people are to go Jurong East and Uninfected to go marina Bay~ So basically ~ We're all to sit mrt~ I still can remember ~ Joshua & DK & some other misc Sisters~ Oh ! And Wan Ting ! Because I went to the gantry to fetch her up ! We were all waiting for the last train to go to the destination we're suppose to
So the scene is pretty sad ~ me and David went into the train and after that the Door close ~ After that the train went kind of~ Should I say matrix speed ? I was reaching out to them~ Tearing and shits ! The most sad was I'm seperated from my shepherd !! :(
Conclusion of the Day : God has already saved us from the greatest misery we can ever have ~ That is eternal Death~ All day long we've faced death~ But God has saved us and displayed his great love by sending Jesus down~
Althought Its just a dream~ Its etched painfully to my heart~ Sorry to those whose is not mention in this dream ! But I still loves you guys :) ! Don't worry ! We can always re-act this dream and include you guys :)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Argh !! I'm so pissed !!
Was on LFS~ 2 laps of Drifting and thats it~ Obviously I was the fastest~ But after some immature kid came in and thats it~ Super pissed !! LOL
Was drifting and this guy got first on the last round because some no-skill driver stop on the middle of the road and I was at 200km/h~ Can't maneuver that fast~
And then I was on my second corner and know what ? This guy deliberately stomp on the brake !! And guess what! my car flew to a corner !! Gosh! HE DID IT DELIBERATELY !! ARGH !!! SO UNFAIR! And that Server happened to have no Kick Voting! Or else he is out
I'm here to complain !! HAHAHAH! Stupid driver ! I should have go full on accerlation and kick him out of the drift line ! Then it will all be the end !! See La !! I'm so good! Argh!
I regret not doing that! Or else I could have got first !! ARGH ARGH ARGH !! I'm so stupid !! LOL !!
Alright! Stop complaining! This is quite funny actually~ No sportmanship at all ! LOL~ But anyway~ its just a game! Haha ! Okay thats it peeps! :)
Was on LFS~ 2 laps of Drifting and thats it~ Obviously I was the fastest~ But after some immature kid came in and thats it~ Super pissed !! LOL
Was drifting and this guy got first on the last round because some no-skill driver stop on the middle of the road and I was at 200km/h~ Can't maneuver that fast~
And then I was on my second corner and know what ? This guy deliberately stomp on the brake !! And guess what! my car flew to a corner !! Gosh! HE DID IT DELIBERATELY !! ARGH !!! SO UNFAIR! And that Server happened to have no Kick Voting! Or else he is out
I'm here to complain !! HAHAHAH! Stupid driver ! I should have go full on accerlation and kick him out of the drift line ! Then it will all be the end !! See La !! I'm so good! Argh!
I regret not doing that! Or else I could have got first !! ARGH ARGH ARGH !! I'm so stupid !! LOL !!
Alright! Stop complaining! This is quite funny actually~ No sportmanship at all ! LOL~ But anyway~ its just a game! Haha ! Okay thats it peeps! :)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Being really tired. Physically and spiritully..
Hi~ So long never blog le ! :P. Shall start off here..
As people know, this week is ESS~! Clique Here 2..Interested in coming please tag me or call me :D...
Been outreaching and stuff. Really sad there is no convert. Maybe i'm not working to my best. But although its just result, I am NOT satisfied. Grown but I want convert. argh. Whats wrong.
My goal for Clique Here 2 is to bring 6 visitor...If I brought 4 visitor last year, in a row. It shouldn't be a problem to bring 6. But how is it possible with myself other than depending on God ?
Pray for me, because I am really weary and tired. Especially spiritually...Needs lotsa breakthrough ! :D
-Quiet time
Yes. Basic stuff. Because it is never about the advances stuff that keeps you going in christian walk, isn't it ?
So yup. Guess thats all. Really kind of envy David. Cause He had 2 convert, haha ! Looks like the prophesy I saw that he is going to teach as a CL is coming true ! :D
Gotta work harder. CH2 is all I'm left with. 8 Convert. Hard to believe. Faith is all I need . Pray.
Hi~ So long never blog le ! :P. Shall start off here..
As people know, this week is ESS~! Clique Here 2..Interested in coming please tag me or call me :D...
Been outreaching and stuff. Really sad there is no convert. Maybe i'm not working to my best. But although its just result, I am NOT satisfied. Grown but I want convert. argh. Whats wrong.
My goal for Clique Here 2 is to bring 6 visitor...If I brought 4 visitor last year, in a row. It shouldn't be a problem to bring 6. But how is it possible with myself other than depending on God ?
Pray for me, because I am really weary and tired. Especially spiritually...Needs lotsa breakthrough ! :D
-Quiet time
Yes. Basic stuff. Because it is never about the advances stuff that keeps you going in christian walk, isn't it ?
So yup. Guess thats all. Really kind of envy David. Cause He had 2 convert, haha ! Looks like the prophesy I saw that he is going to teach as a CL is coming true ! :D
Gotta work harder. CH2 is all I'm left with. 8 Convert. Hard to believe. Faith is all I need . Pray.
Monday, July 14, 2008
God the Transformer
God is also specialize in Transforming people. Isn't it ?
I was literally having lotsa time, as I'm fasting from Games, so I had a little check on my life back in 1-2 year ago. And I found that, I've changed - By Jesus.
I'm a No-Confidence, Vulgar punctuation, Rude-ass & Lost guy in the past. Looking back, I could have gone no-where and Life could've been a misery for me now if Jesus have not found me. I just want to tell you guys, Jesus is real and He has transform me.
Looking at now, I really want to thank God with gratitude that He has called me to serve Him, that leads me to leading a Victorious life which God Himself is and has given to me.
I used to be loss ! But now I know why am I here in Earth for.
-To know God and let God be known.
I really want to tell you guys, Jesus loves you. Thats why He has called you ! And those who don't have Jesus in your life, come and Experience Jesus with me ! Because Jesus is here, knocking in your heart, He loves you too. He has a plan for you in your life ! Just like me.
I don't know why am I here posting this kind of thing, but I just felt to...Looking back, I'm totally 180o changed. I totally don't know how to thank God, but I think I'm here overflowing with Joy.
Not only my life, but so does Academically, Characteristically too. Looking back at how I post and type my english, its really shameful. My english totally suck-up ! Gosh ! Haha !
I have alot to share about what Jesus has changed me and done miracles in my life. But guess I gotta stop now. LOL. :P
I was literally having lotsa time, as I'm fasting from Games, so I had a little check on my life back in 1-2 year ago. And I found that, I've changed - By Jesus.
I'm a No-Confidence, Vulgar punctuation, Rude-ass & Lost guy in the past. Looking back, I could have gone no-where and Life could've been a misery for me now if Jesus have not found me. I just want to tell you guys, Jesus is real and He has transform me.
Looking at now, I really want to thank God with gratitude that He has called me to serve Him, that leads me to leading a Victorious life which God Himself is and has given to me.
I used to be loss ! But now I know why am I here in Earth for.
-To know God and let God be known.
I really want to tell you guys, Jesus loves you. Thats why He has called you ! And those who don't have Jesus in your life, come and Experience Jesus with me ! Because Jesus is here, knocking in your heart, He loves you too. He has a plan for you in your life ! Just like me.
I don't know why am I here posting this kind of thing, but I just felt to...Looking back, I'm totally 180o changed. I totally don't know how to thank God, but I think I'm here overflowing with Joy.
Not only my life, but so does Academically, Characteristically too. Looking back at how I post and type my english, its really shameful. My english totally suck-up ! Gosh ! Haha !
I have alot to share about what Jesus has changed me and done miracles in my life. But guess I gotta stop now. LOL. :P
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Wonderful Sky
Hey There ~ Once again i'm here to post about my testimony ! Its really wonderful to have God in your life~ right ?
Hi People ! Being so long since I updated again~ But God has never stop working miracle in my life~ And its so wonderful !
We're having an BBQ and a mega Event on monday which is 7th July~ But with all the games and bbq~ Really got to pray hard it will not rain~ And guess what ??

Yes man ! Look at the dark sky ! It was really dark and who can fathom that is wasn't going to rain ? Lord and behold ~ It did not ! It was really a tiring and great day for me~
God is really faithful~ I prayed throughout the day nearly five-ten time not to rain~ Some also did! And gosh~ It did not rain !
God really held the rain until around 7 or 8~ and after that had a light drizzle~ But that made the bbq even more fun ! Gotta post the pictures next time ! Really interesting !
Rebecca : Thanks for working so hard~ Especially when you also even had parental objection ~ And taking two gamestation cause I had to overlook the whole event~ haha ! Jiayou man ! Was your Birthday memorable ? :P
Chanel : Hey there my secretary ! LOL~ Joking ! Alright also have to affirm you ! Even though your first time leading welcome and stuff ~ There is sure to be screws up right ? But hey ! Don't lose heart ~ Its your first time ! Learn from it and continue !
Jialing & Jinlin : Hi my Eeyoh & Jinlin ! LOL ! You and your twin also handle alot right ?? Still have to manage gamestation somemore~ Ya did a Great job too ! Had alot of fun shopping for foods and stuff with ya guys LOL~ Really interesting ! Especially the length of the recipe :P
meow Wei : Heeey ! Garfield :P ! Thanks you too ! Did alot of running up and down ! Help me thanks your mum for the mEE Fenn ! LOL ~ Which is actually quite nice ! And also~ Although the welcome you did not really do well~ But don't worry ! Next time can do 100x better ! :D Jiayou !
David Sentosa : Heeey buddy ! :D ! Really interesting ! LOL ! Thanks for all the ideas and such~ Btw ~ Your station is pretty interesting I heard ! :D ! Jiayou for your Three School pioneering ! Had fun shopping with you also ! LOL~ Keep the recipe well okay ? Who knows thats a Guiness World Record recipe ! :D
Joseph : Heey ! my Sheep ! Thanks for your Bike and your presence there ~ You may not realize~ You really help me alot ! I think without you and your GORGEOUS (-_-") bike I wouldn't made the whole thing in time !! Haha~ maaaan ! Thanks yup ! Had alot of fun charcoal-ing with you LOL! Next time can ask you do bbq liao ! Because I'll never do bbq again! :P Just kidding !
Alvin : Thanks ! BBQ-Pro ! LOL~ Even though its not your job to handle the pit but you Did ! Cool man ! And also really appriciate your help for helping me bring the bundle of syrupt thing over to the pit~ Cause I really can't handle stuff :( Thanks ! :)
Everyone One Else who Think You Had help : A big thanks ! Why ? Have you heard of the Church is made up of many body part ? Just like this Event ! Because of you guys the Event has become a whole ! :D
Ben : heeey Ben ! You did well !
Okay I think I'm overthinking -_-" ~ Did I leave out anyone ? No ? Yes ? Tell me ! So that I can affirm you ! Time to sign off ! :D
Hi People ! Being so long since I updated again~ But God has never stop working miracle in my life~ And its so wonderful !
We're having an BBQ and a mega Event on monday which is 7th July~ But with all the games and bbq~ Really got to pray hard it will not rain~ And guess what ??
Yes man ! Look at the dark sky ! It was really dark and who can fathom that is wasn't going to rain ? Lord and behold ~ It did not ! It was really a tiring and great day for me~
God is really faithful~ I prayed throughout the day nearly five-ten time not to rain~ Some also did! And gosh~ It did not rain !
God really held the rain until around 7 or 8~ and after that had a light drizzle~ But that made the bbq even more fun ! Gotta post the pictures next time ! Really interesting !
Rebecca : Thanks for working so hard~ Especially when you also even had parental objection ~ And taking two gamestation cause I had to overlook the whole event~ haha ! Jiayou man ! Was your Birthday memorable ? :P
Chanel : Hey there my secretary ! LOL~ Joking ! Alright also have to affirm you ! Even though your first time leading welcome and stuff ~ There is sure to be screws up right ? But hey ! Don't lose heart ~ Its your first time ! Learn from it and continue !
Jialing & Jinlin : Hi my Eeyoh & Jinlin ! LOL ! You and your twin also handle alot right ?? Still have to manage gamestation somemore~ Ya did a Great job too ! Had alot of fun shopping for foods and stuff with ya guys LOL~ Really interesting ! Especially the length of the recipe :P
meow Wei : Heeey ! Garfield :P ! Thanks you too ! Did alot of running up and down ! Help me thanks your mum for the mEE Fenn ! LOL ~ Which is actually quite nice ! And also~ Although the welcome you did not really do well~ But don't worry ! Next time can do 100x better ! :D Jiayou !
David Sentosa : Heeey buddy ! :D ! Really interesting ! LOL ! Thanks for all the ideas and such~ Btw ~ Your station is pretty interesting I heard ! :D ! Jiayou for your Three School pioneering ! Had fun shopping with you also ! LOL~ Keep the recipe well okay ? Who knows thats a Guiness World Record recipe ! :D
Joseph : Heey ! my Sheep ! Thanks for your Bike and your presence there ~ You may not realize~ You really help me alot ! I think without you and your GORGEOUS (-_-") bike I wouldn't made the whole thing in time !! Haha~ maaaan ! Thanks yup ! Had alot of fun charcoal-ing with you LOL! Next time can ask you do bbq liao ! Because I'll never do bbq again! :P Just kidding !
Alvin : Thanks ! BBQ-Pro ! LOL~ Even though its not your job to handle the pit but you Did ! Cool man ! And also really appriciate your help for helping me bring the bundle of syrupt thing over to the pit~ Cause I really can't handle stuff :( Thanks ! :)
Everyone One Else who Think You Had help : A big thanks ! Why ? Have you heard of the Church is made up of many body part ? Just like this Event ! Because of you guys the Event has become a whole ! :D
Ben : heeey Ben ! You did well !
Okay I think I'm overthinking -_-" ~ Did I leave out anyone ? No ? Yes ? Tell me ! So that I can affirm you ! Time to sign off ! :D
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Guitar Nadness
Just a short update :)
Yes here is Ben !! haha~ anyway now that ny DOT key and ny the Key beside N spoilt~ I will have to use N to replace " " and "~" to replace ny Dot~~ So sorry :) [Oh~~I'n using laptop ya~~]
So Yes ! today has guitar lesson at school~~ so its pretty funny today~ See those people all trying to place Titanic~~ LOL~ Darn funny ! [They're playing note not chords]
Anyway~~ I will try to be hunble! Argh ! Okay anyway Guitar is quite easy~ So guys ! Jiayou ! Learn Hard Practice Hard ! So does that goes to those rich people who is able to buy the guitar that they actually sold to you guys~ haha ! [Find their guitar sucks~ Seriously~]
Its a trend and nadness in our class now for Guitar~ Its all about guitar ! Oh yeah ! Guitar is ny Passion for life ! :)
Today PE is actually quite boring~ Had to actually practice the NAPFA~ We tried Incline Pull-Up and Standing Board Junp~ (I'n not fiveteen yet so I'n doing incline ! Yay)
So I actually had done sixteen on incline (quite little uh~) and did an 190 CN on it~ Haha ! (I'n weak eh ?)
So yup~
Tine to sign off now~ :)
Yes here is Ben !! haha~ anyway now that ny DOT key and ny the Key beside N spoilt~ I will have to use N to replace " " and "~" to replace ny Dot~~ So sorry :) [Oh~~I'n using laptop ya~~]
So Yes ! today has guitar lesson at school~~ so its pretty funny today~ See those people all trying to place Titanic~~ LOL~ Darn funny ! [They're playing note not chords]
Anyway~~ I will try to be hunble! Argh ! Okay anyway Guitar is quite easy~ So guys ! Jiayou ! Learn Hard Practice Hard ! So does that goes to those rich people who is able to buy the guitar that they actually sold to you guys~ haha ! [Find their guitar sucks~ Seriously~]
Its a trend and nadness in our class now for Guitar~ Its all about guitar ! Oh yeah ! Guitar is ny Passion for life ! :)
Today PE is actually quite boring~ Had to actually practice the NAPFA~ We tried Incline Pull-Up and Standing Board Junp~ (I'n not fiveteen yet so I'n doing incline ! Yay)
So I actually had done sixteen on incline (quite little uh~) and did an 190 CN on it~ Haha ! (I'n weak eh ?)
So yup~
Tine to sign off now~ :)
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Shocking Rich
Hey there people ! Guess what comp am I using now ? haha...
Yesterday I went to meet Jeremy for shepherding, and then for some small reason I went to his house, because I wanted to teach him how to play guitar. And I found something so shocking, that I almost killed myself...
Jeremy HAS ACCESS TO FOUR LAPTOP which is still working TO HIMSELF. What~? Okay thats nothing new. But Maaaan ~! Can you believe it ? One of the Laptop is so..I love it. Let see you guys can guess what is it..
-Made for Work than Games
-Its a "Book"
-Simply attractive
So can you guys guess it ? Its an M---oo- (Oh ? What happen ?)
Maaan ! He was only using one of em' cause the other three had problem. And by the way, since I'm so good with comp, why don't I try to made them work ! So..Can see, I had an job here ! :)
I was only able to make the MacBook and the Dell 6000 work, because the Lenovo lappie is too secure ! I wasn't able to get pass the beginning because Jeremy totally forgotten his Macbook and his Lenovo password ! But luckily he remembered his Dell :)
So I took him his Macbook and his Dell to work on..Dell was simply filled up and laggy. Haha ! Time to clear it up ~!
The Macbook was restore to mint condition for the software side..But hardware (The appearance)..Well Not really.
To Jeremy
You got to repent !! LOL. The way you use your lappie is too aggresive ! :P. Okay thats not the point. Point here is not to waste anymore lappie ! Oh, why don't you gave me one of your lappie ! Since you have so many :)
Enough about the Lappie thing. Lets summerise Jeremy's lappie up.
-Toshiba (For School Work)
-MacBook 10.4 Tiger (Warcraft !)
-Lenovo R60 (Maple ! Gosh)
-Dell Insprion 6000 (Habbo & DJ)
Wow ! Okay thats it.
Yup. Now I'm the pioneerer of WRS. Its going to be quite stress, because as you can see..Its a new land and its not exactly very convenient. But know what ? For the Kingdom sake. Besides, This is nothing compared to Great Commision. So why not just finish it. -,-.
Coming to think, What is so hard about going out and evax. We're just lazy. Bluntly to say. Remembering how I became a shepherd, I really work very hard. Pray till I gone, SMS till my bill Explodes, Evax like crazy, Shared like mad, Testings and opposition.
[Just as God has gave the Lands to Abraham. God has hand Woodlands to all of us. A promise to claim. Will you claim IT ?]
Okay, the thing I'm going to be most excited for is the CG08 Finisher T-Shirt ! Oh my god ! That is so cool ~! :D.
Time to sign off ! This Macbook Here is not reliable at all. Going to DC anytime. :P
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Top Speed
Speed Racer rocks !
Gosh ! You guys know what ? I love Speed Racer ! The movie is simply intriguing and nice sia..Couldn't stop thinking of the speed and stuff..! So beautiful !
The Mach 5

Its a beauty man ! Although there is the Mach 6, but this look nicer. I love the headlamp ! Its so style ! And the rim too ! Simply so..Whoa ! Blows my mind off !

Now ! Here is the Mach 6 ! More of a Racing type vehicle ! Not really my Cup Of Tea, but I love the Engine ! It simply look so, whoa ! Super cool man ! And the impact that goes off when Speed step on the acceleration ! Haha !! I'm addicted !
So thats the Speed thing. By the way, I have 1 visitor ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes! God is definitely moving in North B1 ! Things is changing ! Everything's Change ! Wooo !
Gosh ! You guys know what ? I love Speed Racer ! The movie is simply intriguing and nice sia..Couldn't stop thinking of the speed and stuff..! So beautiful !
The Mach 5

Its a beauty man ! Although there is the Mach 6, but this look nicer. I love the headlamp ! Its so style ! And the rim too ! Simply so..Whoa ! Blows my mind off !

Now ! Here is the Mach 6 ! More of a Racing type vehicle ! Not really my Cup Of Tea, but I love the Engine ! It simply look so, whoa ! Super cool man ! And the impact that goes off when Speed step on the acceleration ! Haha !! I'm addicted !
So thats the Speed thing. By the way, I have 1 visitor ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes! God is definitely moving in North B1 ! Things is changing ! Everything's Change ! Wooo !
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Devil
Devils keeps on trying to prey on me.
Its been so long since I've blog ! Yay !
Its been tiring ya..I'm like sleeping at 8pm nowadays..maaaaan ~I've alot of thing to update !
3 Character Art class, because of admin error, we're all taking Guitar class ! Maaaan ! That has been what I've been waiting for ! To learn more about guitar ! (even though I know how to play and basics..) !
Its really cool yeah..Guitar is my Life Passions ya know ? I'm so excited..Though we're just really on the basic (=_-"). We're playing notes ! (I was expecting chords ya know ?)
Today is really max..I love my time-table..1 P.E on one whole week..2 period - 1hr 45min. My gosh. Totally crazy..
Played badminton like siao..I'm so addicted ! My trademark shot - Jet Shot. Its so fast that SOMEONE cannot catch. :D ! Who can come out and play with meeeeeee ?! ?! argh. I love Badminton !
More to come ! Even though what I've blog is so so so Normal. But God miracle will not stop even when schools start.
School is tiring. Temptation and vulgar everywhere. The Devil's Preying on me every minute. Pray for me please. Its really..whoa. Man.
Its been so long since I've blog ! Yay !
Its been tiring ya..I'm like sleeping at 8pm nowadays..maaaaan ~I've alot of thing to update !
3 Character Art class, because of admin error, we're all taking Guitar class ! Maaaan ! That has been what I've been waiting for ! To learn more about guitar ! (even though I know how to play and basics..) !
Its really cool yeah..Guitar is my Life Passions ya know ? I'm so excited..Though we're just really on the basic (=_-"). We're playing notes ! (I was expecting chords ya know ?)
Today is really max..I love my time-table..1 P.E on one whole week..2 period - 1hr 45min. My gosh. Totally crazy..
Played badminton like siao..I'm so addicted ! My trademark shot - Jet Shot. Its so fast that SOMEONE cannot catch. :D ! Who can come out and play with meeeeeee ?! ?! argh. I love Badminton !
More to come ! Even though what I've blog is so so so Normal. But God miracle will not stop even when schools start.
School is tiring. Temptation and vulgar everywhere. The Devil's Preying on me every minute. Pray for me please. Its really..whoa. Man.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The "School" feeling
Walaos ! Your know what !? 7 Hour more to School Re-open ! Lets talk about my feeling !
Happy - Because I get to evax people ! I'm out of contacts :( I really need to gather more contacts..And its also because I get to see classmates too !
Sian/Sad - Cause from now on, I must get up 6am everyday. Not something I really like :(. Everyone can identify right...?? Also sian cause going to face some "people". Those people with Authority over me. LOL
Tired - Cause I just workout and I feel like puking and shitting. Gosh.
Baoshuang says that if I go to school, I will surely skyrocket my subjects and get Top.
Joseph says that if I want CG08 to be completed, I must go school
Joshua says that if I don't go school I'll step down from Leadership
Leon says that he misses me and he wants to see me in school (LOL)
There is so much more people ! For the sake of Leadership, CG08, my Scholorship of $300 and that Leon loves me so much, I'll forces myself to go school. :D
Seriously, if you guys don't know, I'm not someone who always go school. Duh. Its a struggle for me. So, people who see this, pray for me ! Its a Hard Breakthrough ya know.
Happy - Because I get to evax people ! I'm out of contacts :( I really need to gather more contacts..And its also because I get to see classmates too !
Sian/Sad - Cause from now on, I must get up 6am everyday. Not something I really like :(. Everyone can identify right...?? Also sian cause going to face some "people". Those people with Authority over me. LOL
Tired - Cause I just workout and I feel like puking and shitting. Gosh.
Baoshuang says that if I go to school, I will surely skyrocket my subjects and get Top.
Joseph says that if I want CG08 to be completed, I must go school
Joshua says that if I don't go school I'll step down from Leadership
Leon says that he misses me and he wants to see me in school (LOL)
There is so much more people ! For the sake of Leadership, CG08, my Scholorship of $300 and that Leon loves me so much, I'll forces myself to go school. :D
Seriously, if you guys don't know, I'm not someone who always go school. Duh. Its a struggle for me. So, people who see this, pray for me ! Its a Hard Breakthrough ya know.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Car Theft
Hey Guys ! Check this out ! Its so cool !
A woman was at work when she received a phone call that her daughter was very sick with a fever. She left her work and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication. She got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys in the car.
She didn't know what to do, so she called home and told the baby sitter what had happened. The baby sitter told her that the fever was getting worse. She said, "You might find a coat hanger and use that to open the door."
The woman looked around and found an old rusty coat hanger that had been thrown down on the ground, possibly by someone else who at some time or other had locked their keys in their car. Then she looked at the hanger and said, "I don't know how to use this."
So she bowed her head and asked God to send her some help. Within five minutes an old rusty car pulled up, with a dirty, greasy, bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag on his head. The woman thought, "This is what you sent to help me?" But, she was desperate, so she was also very thankful.
The man got out of his car and asked her if he could help. She said, "Yes, my daughter is very sick. I stopped to get her some medication and I locked my keys in my car. I must get home to her. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?"
He said, "Sure." He walked over to the car, and in less than a minute the car door was opened. She hugged the man and through her tears she said, "Thank you so much! You are a very nice man."
The man replied, "Lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison today. I was in prison for car theft and have only been out for about an hour."
The woman hugged the man again and with sobbing tears cried out loud, "Oh, thank you God! You even sent me a Professional!"
God does the best for us !
A woman was at work when she received a phone call that her daughter was very sick with a fever. She left her work and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication. She got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys in the car.
She didn't know what to do, so she called home and told the baby sitter what had happened. The baby sitter told her that the fever was getting worse. She said, "You might find a coat hanger and use that to open the door."
The woman looked around and found an old rusty coat hanger that had been thrown down on the ground, possibly by someone else who at some time or other had locked their keys in their car. Then she looked at the hanger and said, "I don't know how to use this."
So she bowed her head and asked God to send her some help. Within five minutes an old rusty car pulled up, with a dirty, greasy, bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag on his head. The woman thought, "This is what you sent to help me?" But, she was desperate, so she was also very thankful.
The man got out of his car and asked her if he could help. She said, "Yes, my daughter is very sick. I stopped to get her some medication and I locked my keys in my car. I must get home to her. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?"
He said, "Sure." He walked over to the car, and in less than a minute the car door was opened. She hugged the man and through her tears she said, "Thank you so much! You are a very nice man."
The man replied, "Lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison today. I was in prison for car theft and have only been out for about an hour."
The woman hugged the man again and with sobbing tears cried out loud, "Oh, thank you God! You even sent me a Professional!"
God does the best for us !
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Ultimate Shiok-ness
Leg-Breaking Experience !
Today is District outing yup ! Location ? MacRitchie Reservoir (a.k.a HSBC Treetop Walk)!
You guys know what ? Every district outing of North, its very memorable ! Not excluding this one too !
Lets walk back on a Memory Lane........
The last District Outing I've had remembered is the one at Botanic Garden ! What is in similarity to Today's District Outing ? Lets see..
-Got chased by Authorities
-Last minute Error
-Some Close-call Scenarios
Man ! Its crazy ! Got caught by Authority because we tried to brought in some stuff which we shouldn't, got caught because we're making too much noise. Gosh ! Craziness!
Well, For this District Outing, I'm one of the Game-Master ! And my Station is...WORMS !!
Gosh ! Worms leh ! I myself also do not dare..But since it wasn't allowed, it has to be change. But you guys know what ? Its an blessing in disguise, because we can save an Siren from Ringing ! If you guys knows what I'm talking about :)
Really crazy, we walked like, 10 km? My leg was practically ache-ing and crap. I'm so glad that I've got through it ! And I'm very famished too ! Finally got to eat when we got to Thomson Plaza !
Noodles suddenly tasted like Abalone, Meat Ball suddenly tasted like Diamond Ball ! Gosh.
You guys know what when I was on my way home ? Zj practically tried to "Gay" me ! And guess what a Holy & Biblical man of God would do ?
Use the Bible ! Yes ! Not use the Bible to hit but the Words !! It was so so so so funny that I said some verse and Zj reacted like he got Struck by the Word of God and Look super guilty !
For you guys who were there with me, pardon me, because some verse I anyhow ! LOL ! But don't worry ! I'm still Biblical !
-Lesson to be learnt here : Read the Bible ! So that You can use the bible for...
-Self-defense (?)
-Talk-back to the BBQ Grilled Satan
-Correct People
-In times of Testing
-Against Zhe Jia !
You see the point ? Actually, reading the Bible is So sO So sO So sO much more important than all the thing I've listed about. I can't express it much out, but read and you'll know ! Its a lifestyle .
Read The Bible ! Argh !
Today is District outing yup ! Location ? MacRitchie Reservoir (a.k.a HSBC Treetop Walk)!
You guys know what ? Every district outing of North, its very memorable ! Not excluding this one too !
Lets walk back on a Memory Lane........
The last District Outing I've had remembered is the one at Botanic Garden ! What is in similarity to Today's District Outing ? Lets see..
-Got chased by Authorities
-Last minute Error
-Some Close-call Scenarios
Man ! Its crazy ! Got caught by Authority because we tried to brought in some stuff which we shouldn't, got caught because we're making too much noise. Gosh ! Craziness!
Well, For this District Outing, I'm one of the Game-Master ! And my Station is...WORMS !!
Gosh ! Worms leh ! I myself also do not dare..But since it wasn't allowed, it has to be change. But you guys know what ? Its an blessing in disguise, because we can save an Siren from Ringing ! If you guys knows what I'm talking about :)
Really crazy, we walked like, 10 km? My leg was practically ache-ing and crap. I'm so glad that I've got through it ! And I'm very famished too ! Finally got to eat when we got to Thomson Plaza !
Noodles suddenly tasted like Abalone, Meat Ball suddenly tasted like Diamond Ball ! Gosh.
You guys know what when I was on my way home ? Zj practically tried to "Gay" me ! And guess what a Holy & Biblical man of God would do ?
Use the Bible ! Yes ! Not use the Bible to hit but the Words !! It was so so so so funny that I said some verse and Zj reacted like he got Struck by the Word of God and Look super guilty !
For you guys who were there with me, pardon me, because some verse I anyhow ! LOL ! But don't worry ! I'm still Biblical !
-Lesson to be learnt here : Read the Bible ! So that You can use the bible for...
-Self-defense (?)
-Talk-back to the BBQ Grilled Satan
-Correct People
-In times of Testing
-Against Zhe Jia !
You see the point ? Actually, reading the Bible is So sO So sO So sO much more important than all the thing I've listed about. I can't express it much out, but read and you'll know ! Its a lifestyle .
Read The Bible ! Argh !
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The future. The Present. The Past
Yeah sure ! Today went cycling with Zj and Joseph ! Sure an tiring day again !
Was cycling altogether to Admiralty Jetty, Almost got bang by Proton Wira JB car. Darn. You don't need to horn at my all the way, by the way, that guy is speeding alright. LOL
Went to RP at night, you guys know there is a slope there ? The side have light one..Those RP people will know, like Jog and Joyce. When go up you will see a big "W1"

Yup ! This is the Slope ! May look easy, Going up is hard.
Guys, I want to tell you. This is what you've to go through if you want your school to be complete and be a C.L. And those who aiming to be Shepherd.
It is hard and tough. I heard people who says "You people, After camp only. 1 Month down ? 2 Month down ? You're a Goner."
Jesus' Wrath to those people. North, Can we show them ? Can we show them we're not going to be crushed and lost our conviction ? I'm really desperate, I'm really so angry that I really want to Teared and cry out.
This is what you exactly will and Must go through if you want to be a C.L. So does me. But are we just going to give up ? At the end ? or In the middle ? Or maybe Before it EVEN STARTS !
North ! Show to these I****s how God Big is. Not ourself. We can be powerful, We can be Big, We can be conqueror. Because our God is one like this. People !!!!!! God is not a timid small mouse.
You're going to be one if you think God is like this. No way. You do your job, God does his. You steady, God steady. People ! 1 Month down the road, are you guys gonna pant and give up ? Look at the picture ! You're on your way already ! Are you going to give up !? You came to far !
Suffered what camp God spoke to you, Suffered people who put you down, Suffered the sweat !
Those who will not give up after 1 Month, Those who will show to those that we are More than Conqueror, give a Amen. People ! I can't say and express this enough.
Do. Not. Give. Up.
Testing and Opposition will come. Just like the slope. Your going against it ! Its tiring ! Leaders and identify ! But are you going to give up ? Go so far and Suffered so much. You deserve to be at the top. You deserves your prize, but let Me tell you, Only those who completed the whole thing deserves it.
Man ! I can't Express it off anymore ! But people ! Simple. I want to see the same group of people, I want to see same face, more Conviction ! 1 Month down.
Remember my last post ? See Jesus at the finish Line !
Do not Pang seh Your Brothers and Sister. So does Jesus. This goes to me as well !
-This goes back to some anonymous people as well. I'll show you that i'll be a C.L. God is real. AS real as you are shitting on your pant right now.
Yeah sure ! Today went cycling with Zj and Joseph ! Sure an tiring day again !
Was cycling altogether to Admiralty Jetty, Almost got bang by Proton Wira JB car. Darn. You don't need to horn at my all the way, by the way, that guy is speeding alright. LOL
Went to RP at night, you guys know there is a slope there ? The side have light one..Those RP people will know, like Jog and Joyce. When go up you will see a big "W1"
Yup ! This is the Slope ! May look easy, Going up is hard.
Guys, I want to tell you. This is what you've to go through if you want your school to be complete and be a C.L. And those who aiming to be Shepherd.
It is hard and tough. I heard people who says "You people, After camp only. 1 Month down ? 2 Month down ? You're a Goner."
Jesus' Wrath to those people. North, Can we show them ? Can we show them we're not going to be crushed and lost our conviction ? I'm really desperate, I'm really so angry that I really want to Teared and cry out.
This is what you exactly will and Must go through if you want to be a C.L. So does me. But are we just going to give up ? At the end ? or In the middle ? Or maybe Before it EVEN STARTS !
North ! Show to these I****s how God Big is. Not ourself. We can be powerful, We can be Big, We can be conqueror. Because our God is one like this. People !!!!!! God is not a timid small mouse.
You're going to be one if you think God is like this. No way. You do your job, God does his. You steady, God steady. People ! 1 Month down the road, are you guys gonna pant and give up ? Look at the picture ! You're on your way already ! Are you going to give up !? You came to far !
Suffered what camp God spoke to you, Suffered people who put you down, Suffered the sweat !
Those who will not give up after 1 Month, Those who will show to those that we are More than Conqueror, give a Amen. People ! I can't say and express this enough.
Do. Not. Give. Up.
Testing and Opposition will come. Just like the slope. Your going against it ! Its tiring ! Leaders and identify ! But are you going to give up ? Go so far and Suffered so much. You deserve to be at the top. You deserves your prize, but let Me tell you, Only those who completed the whole thing deserves it.
Man ! I can't Express it off anymore ! But people ! Simple. I want to see the same group of people, I want to see same face, more Conviction ! 1 Month down.
Remember my last post ? See Jesus at the finish Line !
Do not Pang seh Your Brothers and Sister. So does Jesus. This goes to me as well !
-This goes back to some anonymous people as well. I'll show you that i'll be a C.L. God is real. AS real as you are shitting on your pant right now.
Camp is a Knock-Out ~!
Gosh ! Camp is really..LOL
Yesterday went cycling with Zj at night..Really cool sia..LOL..Air were cooling at really enjoyed..!
Total madness..To summery up the whole thing..We went.. Admiralty - Vista Point - Admiralty - Woodlands - Marsiling - Woodlands Centre (marsiling) - To Zj's Home
If you think its not challenging enough, go and try ! The uphills is a killer and the downhills is a blessing :D ! Anyway , Really had a fun time together...Just that I sweat like crazy -,-..
Well, sad thing was that..On the way, Zj dropped his handphone and He ran over the phone ! Gosh ! Not a laughing thing !...Lets all pray that Zj will soon have a new blessing from God ! (Actually, With God how can there be no blessing ? Fake me ah?)
So yup ! On the way home my leg cramped..Really badly ! But God is good ! Tell you why ah
I stopped at 888 Plaza area, so cramped that I can't cycle liao..Need to stop for awhile..So I took a 5 second prayer, Prayed that God will relief this cramp till I reaches home..
Lord and Behold, Till now the cramp isn't here anymore ! God is a Loving God, Right ? :D
Sometimes, its a funny thing ! Oasis Camp is a really Knock-Out, not to say about Meeting God, but the foods !
Its not totally that great or taste nice like You will faint, but it totally fats me out ! I'm sure you guys also gain like..LOL..!
I've become so fat that my abs are gonna be gone already ! Gosh ! How is that happening !! Abit of shockness to me~ Gotta sheds these off ! I'm gotta sheds !! >.<
Oh ! I'm quite excited to share my conviction ! But I want to share in a group setting or maybe, District setting ! Don't just wanna share in my Blog ! The Feeling cannot be express in words ! Therefore people ! Jiayou to Finish CG08 ! We shall have...Our Signature North...
-Dog tag (Necklace)
-So Much more !
Maaan ! I'm excited ! And my greatest Prayer I'm ever going to say! Are you GUTS enough to say this ?
"See you at the Finish Line, Jesus."
Yesterday went cycling with Zj at night..Really cool sia..LOL..Air were cooling at really enjoyed..!
Total madness..To summery up the whole thing..We went.. Admiralty - Vista Point - Admiralty - Woodlands - Marsiling - Woodlands Centre (marsiling) - To Zj's Home
If you think its not challenging enough, go and try ! The uphills is a killer and the downhills is a blessing :D ! Anyway , Really had a fun time together...Just that I sweat like crazy -,-..
Well, sad thing was that..On the way, Zj dropped his handphone and He ran over the phone ! Gosh ! Not a laughing thing !...Lets all pray that Zj will soon have a new blessing from God ! (Actually, With God how can there be no blessing ? Fake me ah?)
So yup ! On the way home my leg cramped..Really badly ! But God is good ! Tell you why ah
I stopped at 888 Plaza area, so cramped that I can't cycle liao..Need to stop for awhile..So I took a 5 second prayer, Prayed that God will relief this cramp till I reaches home..
Lord and Behold, Till now the cramp isn't here anymore ! God is a Loving God, Right ? :D
Sometimes, its a funny thing ! Oasis Camp is a really Knock-Out, not to say about Meeting God, but the foods !
Its not totally that great or taste nice like You will faint, but it totally fats me out ! I'm sure you guys also gain like..LOL..!
I've become so fat that my abs are gonna be gone already ! Gosh ! How is that happening !! Abit of shockness to me~ Gotta sheds these off ! I'm gotta sheds !! >.<
Oh ! I'm quite excited to share my conviction ! But I want to share in a group setting or maybe, District setting ! Don't just wanna share in my Blog ! The Feeling cannot be express in words ! Therefore people ! Jiayou to Finish CG08 ! We shall have...Our Signature North...
-Dog tag (Necklace)
-So Much more !
Maaan ! I'm excited ! And my greatest Prayer I'm ever going to say! Are you GUTS enough to say this ?
"See you at the Finish Line, Jesus."
Friday, June 13, 2008
God is a God
Friday the 13th ?
This morning, I've received a message from my Dad saying "Christians ! Beware ! Today is Friday the 13th !"
Seriously. I'm quite "amazed" and "Scare", but my Lord has comforted me and gave me this verse, therefore I forwarded this verse to my Dad ! (Fyi..My Dad is not an christian)
Romans 8:31 - What, then, Shall we say in RESPONSE to this ? If God is for US, WHO can be against US ?
And again, He replied saying "You are wrong, How can God protect so many people ?"
Again I shall say, Why are people rebelling the Word Of God and reasoning against it ? You can't. Why ?
-God is perfect
-You can't reason something that is PERFECT
-Word of God is God (John 1:1)
Therefore again, If God can't protect His own creation, why is He even called God ? Right ? A God is therefore Omni, if He can't manage and protect the Ones He has created, He is not a God. Like wise, One God is enough. Having 100 over God is just bullshit.
I have Full Trust in my Savior, Jesus and Father.
This morning, I've received a message from my Dad saying "Christians ! Beware ! Today is Friday the 13th !"
Seriously. I'm quite "amazed" and "Scare", but my Lord has comforted me and gave me this verse, therefore I forwarded this verse to my Dad ! (Fyi..My Dad is not an christian)
Romans 8:31 - What, then, Shall we say in RESPONSE to this ? If God is for US, WHO can be against US ?
And again, He replied saying "You are wrong, How can God protect so many people ?"
Again I shall say, Why are people rebelling the Word Of God and reasoning against it ? You can't. Why ?
-God is perfect
-You can't reason something that is PERFECT
-Word of God is God (John 1:1)
Therefore again, If God can't protect His own creation, why is He even called God ? Right ? A God is therefore Omni, if He can't manage and protect the Ones He has created, He is not a God. Like wise, One God is enough. Having 100 over God is just bullshit.
I have Full Trust in my Savior, Jesus and Father.
The most Powerful Camp So Far !
Oasis Camp !! Nuff Said !
Day 1
Quite a weird camp for me cause I'm in the Mega Event for this camp ! Yay ! Finally I got to do something here ! :D:D:D
One thing here is, the team is meeting 7am...O.o ? After having breakfast and all stuff, we set off to Costa Sand ! :D
The games were really weird ya know ? Its Oasis War ! Let me explain..
-Ya have life, its a newspaper on a Rafia string that you have to wear
-To kill, Ya have to tear that newspaper from the person !
-How to score point ? Its by district ! Take your own district and other district flag to Base !
-North win you know ? Smallest but Powerful !
Yes ! North did won ! It was great ya, tearing people and stuff..
Heard Joshua had a harsh fall from the game, so lets pray that he will get healed up quickly ! :D
At night is the Dinner, really Exaggerating ! Buffet ya know ! Eat till you vomit ah
Prayer meet is ministering ! Even though its the first day, really met God ! so Does the teaching...Not going to write my whole notes here, maybe I'll scan ! But I really learn a lot..Just so whole lot that I need to read through again !
Ya guys know where we gonna sleep at ? Its an Chalet Room ! Gosh. Got to turn in for now. Anyway there is still a lot more ! But I'll blog Day 1 for now :)
Day 1
Quite a weird camp for me cause I'm in the Mega Event for this camp ! Yay ! Finally I got to do something here ! :D:D:D
One thing here is, the team is meeting 7am...O.o ? After having breakfast and all stuff, we set off to Costa Sand ! :D
The games were really weird ya know ? Its Oasis War ! Let me explain..
-Ya have life, its a newspaper on a Rafia string that you have to wear
-To kill, Ya have to tear that newspaper from the person !
-How to score point ? Its by district ! Take your own district and other district flag to Base !
-North win you know ? Smallest but Powerful !
Yes ! North did won ! It was great ya, tearing people and stuff..
Heard Joshua had a harsh fall from the game, so lets pray that he will get healed up quickly ! :D
At night is the Dinner, really Exaggerating ! Buffet ya know ! Eat till you vomit ah
Prayer meet is ministering ! Even though its the first day, really met God ! so Does the teaching...Not going to write my whole notes here, maybe I'll scan ! But I really learn a lot..Just so whole lot that I need to read through again !
Ya guys know where we gonna sleep at ? Its an Chalet Room ! Gosh. Got to turn in for now. Anyway there is still a lot more ! But I'll blog Day 1 for now :)
Saturday, June 07, 2008
OH man ! You guys know what ?! OASIS CAMP IS COMING !!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Okay LOL. I just fell asleep, but its pretty funny ya know ! I fell asleep..Playing the GUITAR ! Whoa. I don't know how I did, and now I gotta tune my guitar too ! its out of tune, probably I push or wrestle it when i fall asleep ! LOL..
Yes guys, Oasis Camp is coming...Are You Excited..? Or Still Icy Cold ?
Dude ! People ! Those who is going for Oasis and is Reading ! Please be serious and get ready. Its like 1 day and less, getting closer ! Closer ! Closer !
Those who are still kidding around, please buck up and get serious. Those that are serious excited, put on extra heat ! Those that are gonna explode, go max then explode like a nuke in camp ! :)
Let me list a few thing Oasis has never had before in the previous, some will knock Joshua out !
-Buffet for Morning, Afternoon and Evening ! (Will Joshua grow out another set of chin ?)
-Air-con in room ! (Which is a Chalet ! Omg ! Will David have problem waking up ?)
-Ballroom with Carpeted floor ! (We probably 've to stop drooling or else its a problem for housekeeping!)
-We're going to the beach after the concert on the 3rd Day ! (Gosh..Will it be too dark till we got eaten by Crocodile ?)
-And yes, An concert on 3rd Day that is not experience before. (3D ah ? :D)
-Higher.Deeper.Wider ! :D
Yes man ! I'm excited for Jesus !
You can be excited about my Face too ! Cause I'm so handsome. But Joshua will be Jealous. But that is not the point. The point here is to..*Drum rolls*
Meet God, Learn His Word !
Okay LOL. I just fell asleep, but its pretty funny ya know ! I fell asleep..Playing the GUITAR ! Whoa. I don't know how I did, and now I gotta tune my guitar too ! its out of tune, probably I push or wrestle it when i fall asleep ! LOL..
Yes guys, Oasis Camp is coming...Are You Excited..? Or Still Icy Cold ?
Dude ! People ! Those who is going for Oasis and is Reading ! Please be serious and get ready. Its like 1 day and less, getting closer ! Closer ! Closer !
Those who are still kidding around, please buck up and get serious. Those that are serious excited, put on extra heat ! Those that are gonna explode, go max then explode like a nuke in camp ! :)
Let me list a few thing Oasis has never had before in the previous, some will knock Joshua out !
-Buffet for Morning, Afternoon and Evening ! (Will Joshua grow out another set of chin ?)
-Air-con in room ! (Which is a Chalet ! Omg ! Will David have problem waking up ?)
-Ballroom with Carpeted floor ! (We probably 've to stop drooling or else its a problem for housekeeping!)
-We're going to the beach after the concert on the 3rd Day ! (Gosh..Will it be too dark till we got eaten by Crocodile ?)
-And yes, An concert on 3rd Day that is not experience before. (3D ah ? :D)
-Higher.Deeper.Wider ! :D
Yes man ! I'm excited for Jesus !
You can be excited about my Face too ! Cause I'm so handsome. But Joshua will be Jealous. But that is not the point. The point here is to..*Drum rolls*
Meet God, Learn His Word !
Friday, May 30, 2008
God is soooo Good
God is so Good. Thats all I can say !
Today WFL, God is really good..As I'm talking Joshua, walking around..I'm really worried. How to pay off the additional $10 for my camp ?
We were talking and talking, and when I turned my head, I realise something...Why is there a blue note over at the ticketing machine ? it look like $50..I walked over, OH MY GOOD GOD YOU ARE SO GOOD THAT YOU ARE SO DAMN GOOD !
I've found $64. We were waiting for the owner, perhaps he had forgot to take it or something..But no one came back ! And we were going off because everyone had reached..
1x $10
1x $50
2x $2
Gosh ! God is good !
$10 - Me for camp
$50 - Joshua for camp
$4 - For Zhe Jia who don't have money for lunch
I can't thank God enough...Really..Now, I don't have to worry about camp le ! Left my consent form ! God is so so so so so so so so so so so Good !
Today WFL, God is really good..As I'm talking Joshua, walking around..I'm really worried. How to pay off the additional $10 for my camp ?
We were talking and talking, and when I turned my head, I realise something...Why is there a blue note over at the ticketing machine ? it look like $50..I walked over, OH MY GOOD GOD YOU ARE SO GOOD THAT YOU ARE SO DAMN GOOD !
I've found $64. We were waiting for the owner, perhaps he had forgot to take it or something..But no one came back ! And we were going off because everyone had reached..
1x $10
1x $50
2x $2
Gosh ! God is good !
$10 - Me for camp
$50 - Joshua for camp
$4 - For Zhe Jia who don't have money for lunch
I can't thank God enough...Really..Now, I don't have to worry about camp le ! Left my consent form ! God is so so so so so so so so so so so Good !
God is good, He bless me with a good brother like Yuen Han !
He paid $50 for my camp first ! Thanks man ! I couldn't have make it without you :)
God is good, He bless me with a good brother like Yuen Han !
He paid $50 for my camp first ! Thanks man ! I couldn't have make it without you :)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Hahahahaha..Hi ! :)
BBQ on Friday was really Good...But got some mistake and error, lead by me LOL! Of course, the main target and aim of the event has reach ! that is to FELLOWSHIP ! :D
Of course, really hope God will empower me to do more things like this ! Especially when it comes to leading stuff like this. Really takes lots of courage and firmness. But in all this, what can I say ? Its all about Faith ! Have Faith and everything is in control, on God's Hand. Isn't it ?
Today service was really killing, talks about responsibility.
I'm so going to say this to someone - I serve NOT for my leader, sheep, sheep mates, DK, Joshua, Sharlene, Pastor Shirls, HOPE INT' but Who do I serve ? I serve God. You better open up your darn eye and look. I DON'T SERVE PEOPLE NOR ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD BUT I SERVE THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Darn.
Of course they do mean loads to me, but they're not my God. They are just my brothers who do God's will and serving alongside with me, and I love them as myself.
Back to it, LOL! Pastor Jeff was practically rebuking and making people guilty, as well as, Growing ! :D..
Whether as you are just a member, Leader or just a shepherd, this thing is so powerful, GuyS! Ya gotta look at this. "You Jolly Well Serve and Be Responsible !"
So you jolly well serve and be responsible whether as musician, leader, shepherd, pastor or anything. :D
Just as this is it, its D.a.r.e meeting, its so..whoa.
Simple to say and Yes ! One thing that hit me real hard and kanna smack right on my head is, We need to listen to that Voices. That voices of Truth.
And one thing which I've never heard before and its truth is, which side do We feed ? Good or Bad ? Feeding leads to Manifest. Bad will leads to destruction. Where else, Good leads you to become more like Jesus !
Alot to say, but this is really what has Hits me real hard.
Affirming Dk's for that great teaching ! :D
Something which has been on my mind for this whole day is - "No one who put his hand on the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God" !
Although it keeps recurring, but I don't know why..And I also don't know the verse :P
Camp is coming ! I'm like $50 to my goal ! :D... Really excited ! I really need that touch, that touch which will really brings me up and...umm I forgot. LOL
Anyway, Camp is something that if I miss I will regret. Don't wanna miss the chance to be MAX getting shot by God.
Dk said that He is happy because he sees that everyone is growing ! And I'm happy too because I've seen people grow, like Joseph, Jeremy, Jervis and some misc people..
But i'm not exactly too happy for my Sheep, Because its I who with pain and sweats grow them...BUT ! the point here is, all is worthy. Why ? Because its for God. For I know when I'm dead, I'll see them in Heaven ! We're all Going Heaven! :)
Rejoice ! You guys grow. And keep it up ! For Jesus.
To summarise, I'm not exactly care fare or too stress, but ever since I've become a shepherd and takes up all this, I've become more stress. But in the same way, I've grown.
And to even summarise up, I give thanks to Jesus ! My result, my material needs, my times of negativeness and so much more. Glory and Credits goes to JESUS !
So, thats it. Going to sleep. Its pretty late ! Jesus You Must Praise !
BBQ on Friday was really Good...But got some mistake and error, lead by me LOL! Of course, the main target and aim of the event has reach ! that is to FELLOWSHIP ! :D
Of course, really hope God will empower me to do more things like this ! Especially when it comes to leading stuff like this. Really takes lots of courage and firmness. But in all this, what can I say ? Its all about Faith ! Have Faith and everything is in control, on God's Hand. Isn't it ?
Today service was really killing, talks about responsibility.
I'm so going to say this to someone - I serve NOT for my leader, sheep, sheep mates, DK, Joshua, Sharlene, Pastor Shirls, HOPE INT' but Who do I serve ? I serve God. You better open up your darn eye and look. I DON'T SERVE PEOPLE NOR ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD BUT I SERVE THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Darn.
Of course they do mean loads to me, but they're not my God. They are just my brothers who do God's will and serving alongside with me, and I love them as myself.
Back to it, LOL! Pastor Jeff was practically rebuking and making people guilty, as well as, Growing ! :D..
Whether as you are just a member, Leader or just a shepherd, this thing is so powerful, GuyS! Ya gotta look at this. "You Jolly Well Serve and Be Responsible !"
So you jolly well serve and be responsible whether as musician, leader, shepherd, pastor or anything. :D
Just as this is it, its D.a.r.e meeting, its so..whoa.
Simple to say and Yes ! One thing that hit me real hard and kanna smack right on my head is, We need to listen to that Voices. That voices of Truth.
And one thing which I've never heard before and its truth is, which side do We feed ? Good or Bad ? Feeding leads to Manifest. Bad will leads to destruction. Where else, Good leads you to become more like Jesus !
Alot to say, but this is really what has Hits me real hard.
Affirming Dk's for that great teaching ! :D
Something which has been on my mind for this whole day is - "No one who put his hand on the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God" !
Although it keeps recurring, but I don't know why..And I also don't know the verse :P
Camp is coming ! I'm like $50 to my goal ! :D... Really excited ! I really need that touch, that touch which will really brings me up and...umm I forgot. LOL
Anyway, Camp is something that if I miss I will regret. Don't wanna miss the chance to be MAX getting shot by God.
Dk said that He is happy because he sees that everyone is growing ! And I'm happy too because I've seen people grow, like Joseph, Jeremy, Jervis and some misc people..
But i'm not exactly too happy for my Sheep, Because its I who with pain and sweats grow them...BUT ! the point here is, all is worthy. Why ? Because its for God. For I know when I'm dead, I'll see them in Heaven ! We're all Going Heaven! :)
Rejoice ! You guys grow. And keep it up ! For Jesus.
To summarise, I'm not exactly care fare or too stress, but ever since I've become a shepherd and takes up all this, I've become more stress. But in the same way, I've grown.
And to even summarise up, I give thanks to Jesus ! My result, my material needs, my times of negativeness and so much more. Glory and Credits goes to JESUS !
So, thats it. Going to sleep. Its pretty late ! Jesus You Must Praise !
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Result !
Man ! I really have to thank God ! My result were really good..Just abit dissapointed thats all !
English - 53/60 [Second]
Math - ???
Element of Business Skill - 68/80 [First]
Chinese - 48/100 [What the !]
Computer App - 95/100 [First ! 100% for Practical man !]
Science - 0/100 [Absent -,-]
Wha..Really don't know what to say..altho math result haven't out yet..But I pray for A1 or at least A2 ! Really wanna have 4 A ! :D
English - 53/60 [Second]
Math - ???
Element of Business Skill - 68/80 [First]
Chinese - 48/100 [What the !]
Computer App - 95/100 [First ! 100% for Practical man !]
Science - 0/100 [Absent -,-]
Wha..Really don't know what to say..altho math result haven't out yet..But I pray for A1 or at least A2 ! Really wanna have 4 A ! :D
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I shall declare myself the "Most unfaithful blogger of the year" ! :)
Okay I just wanna blog from now on ! haha...
Really wanna affirm my two sheep...First is...
Joseph ! My nemesis sheep but also the sheep that forces me to grow..
Really wanna affirm you because you are so smiley and your so "WOW" that you made me grow!
Remember you came in with Marcus ? Yep, although he has left us to run the race, but wanna thank God that you've stayed on and run the race together with me !
God must have places you under me, God is great ! But after all, your a great sheep yup.
Just wanna pray that you will stop being so violent. Growth point is being sensitive. Think before you say, do things at the correct time. Play do play at the correct time. When it comes to God's stuff, be serious. BECAUSE YOU ARE DEALING WITH THE LORD YOUR GOD. And ! Find your lost sheep ! EVG is gonna be done in both of us. Amen
Now is..Jeremy !
Also wanna affirm you yup ! Remember that time I evaxed you in causeway point ? I remember Hayden says he wanna go Heaven but you Didn't. But the one who stayed on is you ! Therefore, Praise the Lord ! You also made me grow alot and your a obedience sheep ! I'll encourage you that, just because you might be on the wrong end of the weighting scale, YOU CAN STILL BE A POWERFUL MAN OF GOD ! don't give up ! find ur sheep! Amen
Love both of my sheep!
Now I wanna say is that..I HAVE A BREAKTHROUGH IN GUITAR SKILL ! Now I really can play some songs alright ! Don't look down on me ! (though I'm still a novice). Let the CG worship be done by me ! :D
Stormy ride in North B been over...Things is picking up again. No quantity but have Quality. When there is quality, quantity will come ! Amen.
Thank God for Yuan Han ! He gave me two of his shirt ! so nice sia..One is Ooorange ! My favourite color..and one is an Hawaii shirt ! its so freaking Kawaii ! LOL..
He also taught me how to wash hair and what should I use for my hair ! :D
Now, My Mid Year Plan
English - A1 (Full mark?)
Math - A2(Around 65-70?)
Science - A1(Distinction !)
Element of Business Skill - A1 (Around Dist ? )
Chinese - F9 (its okay !)
If you notice, I'm aiming most for high marks. Why is this so ? Why am I so confident ? Why am I so sure?
I'm not smart, nor clever, nor hardworking. But I have someone which people don't usually have. Jesus Christ my Lord God !
James 1:5a - "If any of you who lacks wisdom, Ask God."
Romans 8:37 - "No, in all these things, we are more than conqueror through Him who loved us"
I'll surely reach my goal, when I have such a powerful player in my team. People out there ! all the best for your exam too ! God bless you !
signing off, Ben aka Jesus Freak
Okay I just wanna blog from now on ! haha...
Really wanna affirm my two sheep...First is...
Joseph ! My nemesis sheep but also the sheep that forces me to grow..
Really wanna affirm you because you are so smiley and your so "WOW" that you made me grow!
Remember you came in with Marcus ? Yep, although he has left us to run the race, but wanna thank God that you've stayed on and run the race together with me !
God must have places you under me, God is great ! But after all, your a great sheep yup.
Just wanna pray that you will stop being so violent. Growth point is being sensitive. Think before you say, do things at the correct time. Play do play at the correct time. When it comes to God's stuff, be serious. BECAUSE YOU ARE DEALING WITH THE LORD YOUR GOD. And ! Find your lost sheep ! EVG is gonna be done in both of us. Amen
Now is..Jeremy !
Also wanna affirm you yup ! Remember that time I evaxed you in causeway point ? I remember Hayden says he wanna go Heaven but you Didn't. But the one who stayed on is you ! Therefore, Praise the Lord ! You also made me grow alot and your a obedience sheep ! I'll encourage you that, just because you might be on the wrong end of the weighting scale, YOU CAN STILL BE A POWERFUL MAN OF GOD ! don't give up ! find ur sheep! Amen
Love both of my sheep!
Now I wanna say is that..I HAVE A BREAKTHROUGH IN GUITAR SKILL ! Now I really can play some songs alright ! Don't look down on me ! (though I'm still a novice). Let the CG worship be done by me ! :D
Stormy ride in North B been over...Things is picking up again. No quantity but have Quality. When there is quality, quantity will come ! Amen.
Thank God for Yuan Han ! He gave me two of his shirt ! so nice sia..One is Ooorange ! My favourite color..and one is an Hawaii shirt ! its so freaking Kawaii ! LOL..
He also taught me how to wash hair and what should I use for my hair ! :D
Now, My Mid Year Plan
English - A1 (Full mark?)
Math - A2(Around 65-70?)
Science - A1(Distinction !)
Element of Business Skill - A1 (Around Dist ? )
Chinese - F9 (its okay !)
If you notice, I'm aiming most for high marks. Why is this so ? Why am I so confident ? Why am I so sure?
I'm not smart, nor clever, nor hardworking. But I have someone which people don't usually have. Jesus Christ my Lord God !
James 1:5a - "If any of you who lacks wisdom, Ask God."
Romans 8:37 - "No, in all these things, we are more than conqueror through Him who loved us"
I'll surely reach my goal, when I have such a powerful player in my team. People out there ! all the best for your exam too ! God bless you !
signing off, Ben aka Jesus Freak
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Memories to be treasured
From my free time, scrolling back to First Frontier camp and X29 camp..
Ever wondered, why are you on my blog ? I mean, why the f*ck are you on my blog ? LOL, cause I treasure our Godly relationship. Simple as that. You may think there is a problem with me or just because I serve your what you think as called "bloody ass Joshua", I don't give a damn. Either being a bridesmaid or dog to Joshua, not gonna care about what you say. I'm just gonna say I ain't looking at the dark side but the bright side. I treasure what we do and share during first frontier camp, X29 camp, and when I was still a new believer..You open me up to the church, but now your the one ending this ? How dissapointing. How I wish I can beg you to finish this all instead of leaving it un-finish. Can you ? Your a Good Brother, From the bottom of my heart.
Still remember during X29 camp you wrote me a card ? How about Hebrew 11 ? I really affirm you for what I've come to today. Your a part of growing Evergreen !
Forget all I said. I just wanna say I miss you. I really really really Miss you alot. I'm not afraid to say I love you, though I'm not a gay..Can you come back and serve God with me ?
Friction and quarrel bounds to happen. But isn't thats all about being together and living live ?
Anyone who read this post may feel its just an foolish writing or whatever shit, But this is just what I want to express..
Last but not least, I love to spend time having fun with you and disturbing you, making you unable to sleep at peace and burning your ass with lighter.
I miss you brother
Still remember during X29 camp you wrote me a card ? How about Hebrew 11 ? I really affirm you for what I've come to today. Your a part of growing Evergreen !
Forget all I said. I just wanna say I miss you. I really really really Miss you alot. I'm not afraid to say I love you, though I'm not a gay..Can you come back and serve God with me ?
Friction and quarrel bounds to happen. But isn't thats all about being together and living live ?
Anyone who read this post may feel its just an foolish writing or whatever shit, But this is just what I want to express..
Last but not least, I love to spend time having fun with you and disturbing you, making you unable to sleep at peace and burning your ass with lighter.
I miss you brother
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
The Miles of running
Look man, Whos blogging ? Its Ben, Yep ! Its me !
After not blogging for so long, and looking back deep into my blog posting, it really weird seeing how thing changes, especially after X29 camp, theres too much to say
During the last post, few thing I can say about me
-I don't account
-I don't speak in tongues
-I'm not understanding
-I don't love
-I don't have patience
-I don't see the value in serving God
-I don't read the bible much
-I'm not so siao for God
-Sole in EVG with no faith in it
-Sucks in praying
-Sermon sucks =X
-Refuse to listen
Now this is my latest post, few thing that I've already changed
-I accounts
-I'm holy spirit baptise
-I'm understanding
-I'm loving
-I'm trying to be patience with everything
-I saw the value and serve God with all my strength
-I adepted the habit of reading bible
-Frontline Killer
-Shepherd of 2 sheep from EVG (can you believe it ? )
-Pray like an champion
-Sermon is an God speaking session
-Mature than before
-Okay I don't know already there is still more klsjfklhdghdsiuaghiohsidoghiohs
So Yep ! Can you believe it ? I'm actually a shepherd of two sheep. Last time I used to say EVG can't make it, and my faith is not big enough. But if thats true, where did my sheep come from ? =O. You see people, God gives when your ready. The reason why I didn't cause my mindset wasn't right and I'm not faithful in doing it. God is so true to me
Okay to update recent activities, was having some very weird pain in my adomen area today. I totally can't drink or eat stuff. Its kind of killing me. Not sure if its gastric pain. Kept praying, Ate some gastric pills, play a little game and went to sleep. Feel so much better. Though the pain is still there, its kind of scary.
But you see, God is so true. He heals people without giving a dose of drug/medicine. Isn't He amazing ? God is so real and He isn't fake in my life. So does the person who is reading :)
Shepherd by end Dec. BANG! Done.
Care Group by end march. BANG! Halfway there =D
And after all this, Jesus shall be exalted higher than before. Watch me now, Your going to see an CG by march. Its nothing or a CG :)
After not blogging for so long, and looking back deep into my blog posting, it really weird seeing how thing changes, especially after X29 camp, theres too much to say
During the last post, few thing I can say about me
-I don't account
-I don't speak in tongues
-I'm not understanding
-I don't love
-I don't have patience
-I don't see the value in serving God
-I don't read the bible much
-I'm not so siao for God
-Sole in EVG with no faith in it
-Sucks in praying
-Sermon sucks =X
-Refuse to listen
Now this is my latest post, few thing that I've already changed
-I accounts
-I'm holy spirit baptise
-I'm understanding
-I'm loving
-I'm trying to be patience with everything
-I saw the value and serve God with all my strength
-I adepted the habit of reading bible
-Frontline Killer
-Shepherd of 2 sheep from EVG (can you believe it ? )
-Pray like an champion
-Sermon is an God speaking session
-Mature than before
-Okay I don't know already there is still more klsjfklhdghdsiuaghiohsidoghiohs
So Yep ! Can you believe it ? I'm actually a shepherd of two sheep. Last time I used to say EVG can't make it, and my faith is not big enough. But if thats true, where did my sheep come from ? =O. You see people, God gives when your ready. The reason why I didn't cause my mindset wasn't right and I'm not faithful in doing it. God is so true to me
Okay to update recent activities, was having some very weird pain in my adomen area today. I totally can't drink or eat stuff. Its kind of killing me. Not sure if its gastric pain. Kept praying, Ate some gastric pills, play a little game and went to sleep. Feel so much better. Though the pain is still there, its kind of scary.
But you see, God is so true. He heals people without giving a dose of drug/medicine. Isn't He amazing ? God is so real and He isn't fake in my life. So does the person who is reading :)
Shepherd by end Dec. BANG! Done.
Care Group by end march. BANG! Halfway there =D
And after all this, Jesus shall be exalted higher than before. Watch me now, Your going to see an CG by march. Its nothing or a CG :)
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