Monday, July 13, 2009

Best of triple world

Yes ! One of my goal is achieve ! Owning 3 type of guitar ! (not really owning but having them)

1. - Own by ME ! 2. - Own by Marcus 3. - Own by XY

Muahaha, doing something like this at 2am. I'm just bored and there's N level oral tomorrow.. Can't believe it. Now, I can play any genre with these guitar ! :D

Wishlist now :

-Cautions Leather Strap
-Elixir Strings
-DR Color coated strings (Red !!)
-Dice Knobs for e.gig
-New whammy bar
-Modtone Speedbox/Boss MD-2
-New guitar cable (For GOD SAKE !!)
-Seymour Duncan Hot Rails (neck pickup)
-DI (For recording purpose)

Not bad, someone sponsor me, just one of these ? :D $500 should be enough :)

I'm having trouble finding a guitar.. But I'm not surprise.. Its like a combine or Stratocaster + Les Paul..

-SSH configuration
-Floating Bridge
-2 Tone control & 1 Volume control

Closest is Fernandes LA-115kk which cost around $1215.. HAHA ! Thats like Ken from L'arc En Ciel's guitar.. I should go sleep now.

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