Sunday, July 05, 2009


Ahh ! How retro.. Look at this.

I feel like changing our band song (Cause the current slow is so slow and its not hype at all).. This songs is good !! Totally retro !

Its a total easy song !! Its like only 4 chords and a solo ! LOL..


Yup, tomorrow is jamming.. Im so darn excited.. I have never been this excited LOL.. Especilly since I get to sing and play.. o.o !

I can't wait to rule the world with my baby ! My imagination : As I enter the chorus with all hype up, I start strumming heavily on the power chords, stomp on my distortion pedal, the drum starts to go rampage, Everyones jumping and going crazy :D


This picture is rip from Leon's blog.. And yup, I didn't even know I was being snap, let alone bs is beside.. me ? LOL.

Alright, You guys didn't know I dye my hair right ! LOL.. Some i mean.. Yep, It was orange.. I tried to copy Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach.. But hmm, probably was an Epic fail..

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