Woke up today with an very bad cough.. argh. Probably getting H1N1 soon.. lol.
As I said, went to pierce my ear lobe together with Wen Jun, Jospeh and XiaoPang.. Thank you for trying to scare me but also accompanying me xD
They scare me till I almost wanna turn back and go home.. After the gun pierce thru, I stunt down there.. Coz it was so fast and so little pain.. LOL
It was pretty painless.. probably just a short bruising pain.. Gotta say, its nothing compare to my fall from the 25 flights of stairs.. HAHA !
Yep ! Orange ear stick ! Is it me or what, the pain is not really here anymore.. As compare to few people I observe.. Even after piercing for 2nd day, they say its still pain...
While twidling with the ear stick just now, it came out !! gosh.. Didn't notice it till I went to the toilet.. manage to push it back in.. Luckily never bleed and it wasn't pain at all.. haha ! Not bad.
Tomorrow need to go PUB top up some keycard.. Totally.. Don't even know why my father change job despite some fortune-teller tells him its not good.. Nevertheless, tomorrow may be going yishun.. OUTRUN !! :D
I'm so excited to change my stud, probably 2 week later.. And hope teacher won't catch.. Haha ! But never la, with my all-innocent face, they probably won't know I pierced.. :P
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